Transformers: The Dark of the Moon

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by reptar, Oct 22, 2010.


    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    The last and final installment of Micheal Bays Transformers film series.

    I like the idea of going back to a Cold War kind of thing. But I hope they don't blow it out of proportion (which they probably will)

    lol power glove

    I am kind of upset that Unicron is not going to show up, although this could be a very loose description

    Again, its probably just me hoping.
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Shockwave = <3
    No Megan Fox = <33
    SILVERBOLT <3333
    But yeah, the lack of Unicron is kind of upsetting. We can hope, but...I doubt we'll see the badass in the movie, and unless the building that's tipped over is tipped over because of a massive foot crushing the surrounding area, it isn't Unicron.
    Then again, I'm not sure how I'd feel if Bay somehow screwed him up. >>
    Also kind of disappointed that there aren't any Dinobots, even if it would be a stretch they were a core part of the original series. :/

    But lol Optimus's father what. ._. That's not how that works. e_e
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Hot Rod better be in this movie. Bumblebee was never awesome. He never will be in my opinion. B|

    Like others, I find the lack of Unicron is disturbing. Where's are freaking planet-eating badass? Hell, where's Galvatron? Eh...I'm rather tired of the humans in the movie. Transformers would be much cooler if we saw giant robots duking it out every ten seconds.
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Thinking about it now, I'm kinda glad they aren't using Unicron and Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime, etc. We already have that movie and if he was going to make a remake of it, it would of been just one movie. It's better we have something different, but not too different (Friggin Animated). It is a shame the Dinobots are absent though. Either way, sounds like they've boosted the fan power bots and might actually give more than a handful of them dialogue. Though, still kinda annoyed that it'll most likely be another movie where we go to see the Transformers and get Shia playing the same character he's always been since the Even Steven's (that was him right?) while the army men of America somehow magically gain the technology to kill the robots. Michael Bay will do anything for explosions in a desert I guess.

    Also, I hope the fight scenes aren't all one-hit KOs again. I pretty much only watch these movies for the giant robots killing each other and the nostalgic awesome of the Transformers themselves.
  5. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    So long as it contains more robots fighting each other than squishy humans talking and trying to develop an uninteresting plot, I'll probably end up watching it.

    That, and Michael Bay really needs to sack whoever wrote the "Humour" in the second film... actaully, the whole film was pretty crap, so hopefully he's just gotten a new writer altogether.
  6. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    The plot involving the US vs. Russia "space race" makes me afraid of what they'll be fighting over... if they screw this up it'll be really bad. I'm just glad they got rid of Megan Fox, and wtf!? Patrick Dempsey's in it? My mom's gonna freak out and pre-order our tickets...

    Shockwave being in it was a given and OMFG Sentinel Prime!?


    I'm so seeing this one...
  7. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine

    Oh hey, I'll just leave this here then.

    This kinda reminds me of that Mars Transformers 1 teaser, which was pretty awesome.
    Hopefully, Dark of the Moon is more like the first movie, and not like Revenge of the Fallen.
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Saw the trailer yesterday. At first it looked boring but near the end I was amazed. I wasn't one of those kids who loved the cartoon series (and I never got into gundams in general) but it looks good. What Bay doesn't seem to understand is that no one gives a crap about the plot! Just show the audience giant robots fighting and you'll have the best summer movie of 2011.
  9. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I disagree with you on every possible existing level.
    That's what they did with Revenge of the Fallen, and it was probably one of the most painful things to watch, due to the horrible plot, comedy and extra characters.
    Heck, the great thing about the first one was the plot. And the way it was delivered. I don't go to see a movie just because of the action.
  10. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    What made the original series so great was the plot. The first movie was the only one that really had a plot, RotF was like a cluster**** of robot fights and borderline racism and ******ed humor, and I use that term lightly.
    If Bay somehow combined the plot composition of the first movie and some of the action of the second, I think it'd be a really great film.
    Imo since it's the last movie he should just pull out any stops and "potential confusion with fans" and make Megs Galvatron. It's happened in every series, it's as sure as happening in any Transformers title as Prime's death/resurrection. And the combination of Galvatron-Soundwave-Shockwave was a running threat throughout the original series, it'd be one hell of a movie if that was brought back.

    And I think at this point I'm okay with there being no Unicron, because even if it does happen and it is really well done, Orson Welles is the only person that will ever be Unicron.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The first movie was amusing but to me it was horrible compared to the second. I prefer giant robots fighting over so much focus on the know what, just take out Sam completely and the movie will be better. B|

    I like the plot. D: I rather hate it when it's pointless by the end of the movie. Although the second movie was much more "Transformers" than the first for the sheer fact that Optimus wasn't pathetic like in the first movie. Optimus is supposed to be awesome. First movie made him look like a little girl and the second movie made him look badass.

    Both movies had a little too much focus on the humans. << In the first movie I suppose it was a little more...withstandable than in the second but the Autobots in the first movie might as well have been fodder because they were basically useless. At least in the second movie they actually did something. It's Transformers, we're supposed to get lots of robot fighting action, with a good plot of course.

    Eh...the humor of the second movie was pretty bad. I think I should give up all hope of Hot Rod coming into the movies. I don't really like the fact that Bumblebee basically took Hot Rod's place. >> I was a big fan of the original Transformers movie. D:
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I am very happy this is the final movie. The first two were rather horrible. The VGcats comic really hit the nail on the head about this series.

    <3 RiD series and Amarda.
  13. Cryoshell Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2010
    Reading that statement about the giant robot has me thinking that instead of Unicron, they might use a Devastator reconstruct, a Devastator 2.0, if you will.
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    I'm hoping for more plot and fights to be in human speed, hopefully the movie will be a bit longer than the other two where since the first felt like it didn't explain some of the important parts well enough and the second just had too much time fighting in fast forward (if it was regular speed it would of been sweeter) and wasting time with the twins being goofs, another freaking desert, the army and Megan Fox's boobs (well, we know at least the last one is gone but probably replaced). Also, I can already tell this isn't going to happen from the trailer but hopefully Bay will lay off the whole "BAYMERICA IS THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE" thing, where only the army can do anything (with the remainder being handled by the robots), the bad type of sweaty women are made to be attractive and black guys die first.

    Also hoping that some of the army guys finally get stepped on. Seriously, no matter how many times they run to a few feet away from the robot and fire missiles rapidly from a single shot disposable rocket launcher like some sort of powerplaying Michael Bay army man in a game of D&D when everything else is robots, someone need to get smushed. A main character gets splatted plz.
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I would much rather see Trypticon, Overlord, Metrotitan, or Menosaur. Most everyone knows Devastator, it's about time some of the other giant bots got known.
    And didn't speak with a hideous Scottish accent.
    Goddamn you, Cybertron.
  16. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Look, Micheal Bay needs to just stick to what he's good at; having **** blow up. Have the Giant Robots smacking each other, downplay the human element, and just have a solid, good looking action movie. This is Transformers, we don't NEED a stellar plot-line to enjoy it, we just need one that pans out well, cuts out the crap, and allows the spotlight to focus on the giant robots instead of the squishy humans. The fight scenes in these films have always been good, but the films are made terrible by the 'comedy', the characters, and let's face it, Megan Fox. One of these problems has been fixed. Ok, I don't care if those two incredibly racist twin robots show up again, but have them ****ing do something this time. Have 'em double team Megatron or Soundwave or something.

    I am REALLY suprised Unicron isn't turning up here. I mean he is a character literally built for Micheal Bay, and seeing Unicron trying to eat the planet would have been awesome. I'm probably gonna end up seeing this anyhow, but I'm really not filling with hope on this one. The first film was passable, the second one was abyssmal, so while I do wish this movie can reclaim some lost glory, I know it's pretty damn unlikely.
  17. K u r o g a n e Traverse Town Homebody

    May 14, 2009
    Malfoy Manor
    The trailer was amazing, I am really looking forward to watch it. Perhaps it was the whole Space Race intro. .
    History nerd
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I don't usually do this, but QFT. You've hit all the points I would have covered.

    -More robots
    -More stuff blowing up
    -Less humans
    -Less comedy
    -No Megan Fox
    -No fanservice

    The only thing I disagree with is your misuse of the word 'literally'. (Unless Unicorn was built for Michael Bay, and I don't know about it.)
  19. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Well, yes, I didn't mean Unicron was literally created for Michael Bay, but he's a character that is perfect for what Bay usually does in his movies. Thank you for agreeing with me however.
  20. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    Megan Fox was the only reason I didn't like the earlier movies. And since she is not in this one, It's going to be a great movie.