I think i did a good job with this one. Its made out of the starting scene of the Transformers game, so its a bit repetitive. I only had six clips to work with, but the timing came out okay.
That was okay. The repitition ruined it a bit, but that's because you had little to work with. Pretty simple still though, no effects at all. Depending on what your using, there's a limit of what you can do. Experiment with what different options do, you will have a greater outcome. But you pulled it off even though you repeated things.
Ah, that was awsome! I'm glad you ain't asking for any type of CnC, cause i'm not good at advice for vids really. BTW, what was the song?
SONG: NJ falls into the atlantic ARTIST: senses fail @ Meh: It was just something simple that I decided to do to cure bordem... and I only had 1:39 to stretch out over 4 minutes lmao I bet neither of you noticed i remixed the song either lol