[video=youtube;GOxJpGI8SWc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOxJpGI8SWc[/video] Wow. Woody would not have been one of my childhood heroes if they made that.
I can't believe they fathomed that once...If he was this bad here, think about how the rest of the movie could have been...scary. The soldiers are still funny though.
And this is what would of happened if Woody was a total jerk before Pixar gave him a makeover. Then again, how the Army soliders did anything useful in carrying Woody off, I never know, oh.... god if it were Sid's dog, Woody will replace the alien. ....THE CLAW! The claw is our master, he chooses who goes and who stays...
I'm so glad they didn't animate this. The way it happened in the movie is so much better as it makes Woody more innocent as well as giving Buzz and Woody a rivalry. Although, I am glad they presented this just to show other ideas that were rejected- it gives a better insight to the development of the film. So thanks for this, it makes me happier about the way the film is.
I prefer what happened in the movie. This just shows that jealousy is never a good thing and can make people go overboard or push others overboard. Woody had a much better relationship with the soldiers and Slinky in the movie.
Same here. Like I said Woody would not have been my one of my childhood heroes if that happened. And I would not have cried at the end of Toy Story 3.
I couldn't even finish watching it. I would have...I would have not liked Woody very much if that made it to the cut.
Well that was unsettling ._. I am extremely glad that it was never included. Evil Woody is disturbing
*scratches head* Wasn't Woody a completely dick (lol woody dick) at that point in the movie? At least when interacting with Buzz? For some reason I don't see it as that much of a difference <.> Actually wasn't he more manipulative in the version they actually used? He drove the car into Buzz or whatever it was, pretended it was an accident. I always thought part of Woody's charm was that he was a complete dick D: