Two siggies I made from another tut, I like these alot better than my previous BS one ^-^ I think I like the second better....mostly because of the awful lighting I put on the first >.< CnC? Toxin v1 Toxin v2
hmm...i like them.though the lighting in both are too large.on the first one you should have erased the flow going over spiderman.but these are prob your best so far.keep at it and good job.
Wow, major improvement... o.o And the lighting should be coming from the right side of the sig xD. See the light on the right side? Well, the bg is awesome, but you have 0 fg effects, which makes it feel kinda empty. Good job :) Oh yeah, v2 ftw.
You know... The lightening of the stock itself is obviously on the right. It's just kinda weird how you add one of your and place it on the left, on his shadowed side. I dunno, maybe this is a sort of detail that shouldn't be paid attention to when it comes up to sig - just thought I should note it. :3 The teeeext whut da fook?! DIES* Otherwise I'm loving the focus effect here. It's really cool~ EDIT: Guys, stop beating me in posting. ><
I redid both of them ^-^ Is v2 still the favorite? Hopefully SA will be pleased with the text this time >_> Toxin v1 Toxin v2
Wow that is much better I think these look much better the light is not overwelming, I think the second one is much better personally. It flows better to me, and the text is also well done. Good Job.
Thanks for the comments guys and gal ^-^ btw Eclipse, it's Toxin...not Spider-man. Just wanted to let ya know, it's an easy mistake xD
I like the v2 of the new version, since it has a little foreground effect. you should build upon that, so you could kill two birds with two stones: Flow and some effect =D Major improvement, good job.
Ouais I'm a typography nazi c:< In terms of esthetic, I can honestly say the text is near perfect. It's just the positioning of it which still throws me off. (Why did you dump it at the far right side...?!) I'm even thinking that maybe, the sig would be much better without it. :/ I guess I'd be willing to waste a moment of my life to type up a critic/suggestions of what you could do with the text. Just let me know if you think it's worth it or not. EDIT: Lol btw kickarse job on everything else! >_>