Otherwise known as the exam universities look at to allow you into graduate school, aka SAT 2.0. So yes, it's just as useless and ten times as pretentious. Even the (easy) math problems must have been worded by ******y English majors who must have had sexual relations with a dictionary. If you're an English major, I don't mean any offense. I doubt anyone reading this is quite as...wordy. Oh and after looking up a few ways to measure my score, apparently I did great? I'm not sure what I accomplished other than losing 3 hours of my time. 4 hours if I decide to count the time I spent studying. ._. ...First world problems?
I'm gonna take the GMAT in 2 weeks, and from the sample questions I'm going through, they're no different than the GRE. Oh joy...
Had to look up who needed to take it...Management? Oh boy. Good luck. Sleep with a dictionary. Or just google common words that'd show up on the test. That's what I did for the GRE. ...Oh joy indeed...
That sounds intriguing, care to share a sample ? I googled it out of curiosity. Wait, a standardized test ? The one I found wasn' t wordy though (but then chances are most words you' d consider snotty are really French words xD). Never went beyond pre-graduate math level myself, but when they ask about stuff I did study/remember/understand it does look quite simple.
All I can say is that standardized testing sucks. :x If you did well on it, then that's great but ultimately, it doesn't really measure your true intelligence.
Laconic Iconoclast Ameliorate Obsequious Pellucid Mercurial Vociferous Obdurate Garrulous Prevaricate Chicanery Gainsay Diffidence Fractious Auspicious Loquacious Inimical Fastidious Recalcitrant Pusillanimous Vacillate Inchoate That's a short list of words that can and will show up on a GRE test. I only listed the ones I didn't already immediately recognize. I know a few more of these now but dammit the majority of these words look far too impractical to use. Maybe you're right and these are French-based(YOU GARRULOUS PEOPLE YOU) but I hate these words. B( Basically, yeah. There's nothing I saw on the test that'd measure my actual ability to be good at what I do. So I've proven I can do basic math and read context clues? So what? Subject GREs exist but they're not mandatory. What is mandatory (for most majors) is the general GRE. Which makes absolutely no sense.
Half of those are French alright, but not garrulous (wat ?). xD Never seen or heard the other half before.