too... much... lol...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by SnoofyXChristhor, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. what to do when encountered a grammar nazi's
    • Grammar nazi's weekness's is seeing a lot of grammar errors. If you encounter a grammar nazis make lots of grammar errors.
    • Remind them that your having a significant other and have had more sex more times then they have read: struck & whites style guide. Try to keep a straight face when your do this! [citation needed]
    • Attack them with insane amounts of 1337-5p34k. No grammar nazi can stand a 1337-barrage for very long, unless said nazi is '1337' himself. [citation needed]
    • in da rar case dat da gramer nazi r 1337 run like hel thers no stoping him [citation needed]
    • Screw with them by using obscure interpretations of effect. for example, say "George Bush effects the constitution." when they get all ******baggy and tell you it is affect, find a dictionary and show them that they are wrong.

    apostrophe's are evil. if' your usin'g apostrophe's writ'e, your contribute to evil. dont be contribute's to evil. because ev'il is bad. bad evil bad. span'k, span'k, span'k.
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    I n0t sure so ur wut tlkin uv hre. Rul 2 cunvus m3h.
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