Tokyo Game Show: 3D Opened for 80 Members

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, as many of you know - we are approaching the Tokyo Game Show. The event kicks off between September 15-18th.

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be presented at the event with a new trailer and a playable demo. Square-Enix has announced that the Kingdom Hearts 3D display will be opened to 80 members from the event that applied in the Japanese Square Enix members group.

    Do you think we have the chance to see some leaked footage? For more information, check out

    Source: FF-Reunion and thanks to our members "P" & "Ⓐⓝⓣⓘ ☢ Ⓢⓞⓡⓐ" for letting me know.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 26, 2011.

    1. Llave
      Sounds promising, hopefully we will learn about some new stuff... Well keep us posted Mike, and thanks P and Ⓐⓝⓣⓘ ☢ Ⓢⓞⓡⓐ!

      It'll be great to see some game play and a new trailer! It slowly gets nearer to release... (hopefully)
    2. Iskandar
      well at least some people get to try out the new game. And it's good that we get to get a little demo to try, considering what happened with E3, although we can blame Mother Earth for that one. Gaia, you need to keep youself from causing such problems....sorry, got The Lost Heros in my head.
      In any case, why only 80 people? Why is it the Final Fantasy games get more to try?
    3. Plums

      I'm glad we're getting a new trailer (and playable demo). It shows that Nomura and the rest of Square are actually possibly putting the finishing touches on it. And I do hope we get some leaked footage, hopefully showing the new battle system in more depth. That would be great. ;~;

      Thanks for the update, Mike. =]
    4. Amaury
      Seeing gameplay of this will definitely be worthwhile. However, since it will be in Japanese (at least I think it will be), I don't think I'll understand a lot of it, but I'm pretty sure I'll get the general concept.

      Thanks for the update, Mike.
    5. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      * reads title*

      reaction: WHOO!!

      awesome news though, hope we can see some gameplay
    6. Mixt
      Hopefully we get a more definite release time-frame with the trailer. Probably what season.

      Like everyone else I'm hoping for some demo footage here, though with an 80 person restriction it seems less likely. But there are still things I want to know here. What makes Sora and Riku switch? What does the switch feel like? Are the moves comfortably controllable? etc.
    7. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      new trailer(s) and demo(s),this is nice,i just hope those 80 people leak some good info
    8. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I am more interested in the trailer rather than gameplay footage to be honest. It's not like i am gonna get a 3DS any time soon so i care more about the plot although i guess maybe we'll get to see the new enemies in possible leaked gameplay videos.
    9. awesomeperson
      awesome news but yeah i think we can get some left over footage
    10. Day~Dream
      I'm dying to see the trailer ^_^
      and very curious about that demo ;D
      can't wait!
    11. Iskandar
      I need the trailer and demo right now. I've waited so long, I can't wait anymore. I need a trailer with more than what we get with the one already out
    12. Day~Dream
      I hope the demo is satisfying for the time being. XD
      if not then... Mr. Nomura has quite the work to do.

      what do you guys think will be featured in the demo?
    13. Llave
      KH3D obviously Prolly just some new moves to satisfy our passion to kick butt in a matrix kinda way, and "maybe almost spoilers, but not really gonna show you" spoilers.

      They may even leak the new partners and or enemies. Well when you got 80 people actually PLAYING a demo of it, you really can't keep that a secret for long.
    14. Mixt
      I'm not sure if we'll get leaked video, but I have to imagine that those 80 will be talking about it and describing what was in there.
    15. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      really? i think the odds are that at least 1 person out OF 80 people will have a camera with them
    16. Mixt
      yes, but with it be private there may have been some form of a non-discloser agreement. Now I would suspect that they are welcome to discuss what they saw, (why have the demo if it will only act as advertising for 80 people?) but if square doesn't want them recording then odds are that with a small group they would stop anyone trying.

      I just don't know what the terms are. If they are allowed to record, I can almost guarantee we'll get a video. If recording isn't allowed then it becomes much less likely.