Todays younger kids

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by *Hippie Jesus*, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    also the attitude that parents think their child can do no wrong is VERY annoying. sometimes when their kid does something bad they would cover up or make excuses for it
  2. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Ha ha. Kids today. xD What are you gonna do?

    Well, what can you do? Sure there are actions parents can take to make there kids less rude, but let's face it. There's always gonna be one child who swears without caring or knowing what it really means, but is just repeating what he heard. And we can complain to the parent, but if the child had said this before, then telling the parent probably won't make much of a difference. We probably won't ever be able to change the way some children are. So we might as well stop complaining about it. The most we can do is try not to worsten it by using foul language around small children or correct the child when they swear.
  3. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Eh...freedom of speech dude. First amendment to the Constitution. Let kids say what they want...they're five year olds like you said, half the time they dont even know what they're saying themselves...I'd laugh at them if they cursed me out not get angry. Besides, the way I see it, if they can curse so freely, they'd better be ready to be cursed out themselves.

    Secondly, its the parents' fault. If they feel that speaking vulgar words infront of their kid is okay, or permitting them to speak vulgar language is okay, then thats their problem.

    Third, government? Are you serious??? What can government do? After all they have freedom of speech (aformentioned above) and I dont think they give if some 5 year olds have cell phones...
  4. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    When I say government I don't mean get S.W.A.T. and bash into houses and kidnap every kid no, what I mean is change some stuff around like T.V. programming, radio, and possibly make a law for having a cell phone becuase i'm sure a 6 year old kid is gonna call some wrong numbers.
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I really don't understand but that is scary to tink if your kids learn those words at such an early age. If they do then yes it will get bad in the future. Fightings, gangs, drug uses and more. If this is what they are like, you're gonna have a hard life cause your own kid could turn on you and cuss at you.

    Btw, that was a nice peom hellkitten.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    It's not like the government hasn't done -more- than enough already. Music, video games, television shows etc have been canceled or banned because of safety for kids. I really disagree they should do more.

    The music, video games etc that is distributed now, and TV shows now have ratings. There are also parental blocks for TV stations that parents can do to prevent their kids from getting some HBO exclusives, if you get what I mean. Shows and violent or sexual material is often forced to be shown at hours when kids are not around to see it on regular TV stations. Also, words are bleeped out, even on adult night time entertainment. Also, we can't go about telling people that kids can't have cell phones. That's too invasive as well. If a parent wants to set up a kid for failure, that's on them. I think it's dumb, but ah well.

    So really, the power already is in parents' hands to control what their child hears and sees if they aren't selfish and actually care. Kids are more likely to hear things now from older kids and adults around them than they are just from the media. No, a parent can't stop interactions such as the one Anniexio described happen often. Some teens and adults in the family think it's fun to get a little kid to cuss. The parent may be well unaware of it for a while till it is pointed out to them. However, when it is, that parent should sit and talk with the kid.

    I don't see how the government is going to do anything more without being totally invasive on the rights of many people because some people want to raise their kids to have fresh mouths even as they have no idea what the heck they are saying. There is more than enough ways for the caring parent to be explaining inflammatory words are inappropriate with all the regulations there are. It's truly up to them to decide and those kids that do the cussing etc, they aren't going to have that bright of a future. I've had kids cuss me out too and it is frustrating but it really -is- on the parents to do something and stop thinking their kids are little angels and can't do wrong too. No, a parent is not always responsible if a kid picks up the words, but they sure are responsible if they don't have their eyes on a 5 year old or just let some kid call someone names and they are in ear shot.
  7. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    Bajebes now it makes sense so yeah I guess it's up to parents now.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    It pretty much is. Of course, some parents may need to get acclimated to the fact some of these options exist for them, like how to set your TV so the youngin can't watch certain channels. Even DVD/BluRay players have parental controls now so that a kid can't pop in a movie if the parent has it set to not allow a movie to be watched that is above a certain rating. There's a lot of power in the hands of parents now. Just the sad thing is we can't stop interactions with those around so I'd place the blame more on that anymore than media if a parent is actually doing what he/she should be.
  9. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    'em damn kids stop skatin' on the damn sidewalk!
  10. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Ya, I know what you mean. And I don't believe that it's all this "OMG! IT'S THE TV AND INTERNET CORRUPTING OUR KIDS!" bs. I just think that the parents are being bums and not telling their kids that it's bad and giving into all the child's wishes. I mean, at 5-10 years old, the kids will actually listen to their parents. Plus when a kid has a computer in their room and a iPhone at 8 years old, there is something wrong. Yeah, I have a comp in my room, but I'm 15 for god's sake! And all I have is a basic flip phone. It's like they are trying to make their kid a brat. WTF? ...Okay, I should shut up before I go out and punch someone.
  11. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    I find it incredible that parents go around and say; we haven't done anything wrong. It's the television, I tell you, THE TELEVISION!

    The problem is; too many parents let their children do what they want, whatever they want. They are not pulling them by the ear and saying; What you are doing is wrong. Too many parents think that their child is so perfect, and maybe they are when they're outside adult supervision, and that's where the problem lies. For example, I had a teacher at school who left because he was just fed up with all the negative feedback that he got from some parents who argued that their son/daughter was an 'angel' and wouldnt hurt a fly.

    Stop blaming the media and other people because you fail at parenting, adults.
  12. Sorafan60 Gummi Ship Junkie

    I was standing in line for something and I heard this 9 year old ask her dad for a cell phone. I was all like "WTH? I'm 15 and I don't have a cell phone yet. DX" I really want one, but I don't have one.

    Kids today are very rude. I think that family structure has a lot to play in this. Many families don't sit around at the dinner table like they used to, parents are afraid to spank their kids, parents are afraid to just say "no" (well my parents aren't but that's not the case...). I haven't had a little kid cuss me out yet, but I'm pretty sure I will soon. Kids shouldn't even know about "sex" yet, especially when they're 5 years old. I'm pretty sure I didn't know about it when I was their age. I didn't even know any cuss words then. Kids today need to be taught discipline, or else society is going to be going down the tubes, if it already hasn't.
  13. Chelsla xD Moogle Assistant

    Jun 12, 2008
    it honestly hurts my feelings to be reading this, because I'm part of the group that you are criticizing (i.e., Young people), and I know for a fact that many young children aren't like this. I'm not like this, and none of my friends are. I just recently got a cell phone because I needed to call my parents to come get me after extracurriculars. So please, don't criticize an entire group of people from a few experiences.
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I know exactly what you mean. The freshmen at my high school act like they own the place for the most part. It's certainly not all of them, but a lot of younger kids nowadays are really snotty.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Chelsla, I don't know exactly how old you are (no need to tell, internet after all), but no one is attacking you.

    I watched a TV show called "Child of our time" yesterday. It was comparing girls to boys. Honestly, I did not indentify with any of the boys there. It was honestly unfair. They had a black, dyslexia child, and a cream-of-the-crop white girl who went to a school with an electric whiteboard, and compared them. This was hardly a fair comparison. So I know what you mean when you say you are part of that group, but are not like that.

    Personally, I do have a grudge on new-age disney. It is teaching children idiotic behaviour. Worse than cartoons, because cartoons have not got real people in them. But with Hannah, it is a real person, doing foolish (Tempted to bypass the filter there) things.

    I find the television shows on now silly. They cannot compare to the glory of Pokemon, transformers or even winnie the pooh. (Sure they still exist, but in a charred, 3d/2d life.)

    Is is normal to feel like this? That the generation of shows I had when I was 4-8 was better than this one?
  16. Chelsla xD Moogle Assistant

    Jun 12, 2008
    Thanks for clearing that one up. It wasn't a fair comparison, and I felt I needed to at least explain how much they were stereotyping. And it's absolutely normal to feel like the shows were better when you were younger. almost all of the shows that are on Disney/Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network now SUCK. I still remember the good stuff, on Nick, like Clarissa explains it all, Doug, Recess, Rocko's modern life, All That, the good stuff. Now it's all cheesy and overhyped. So don't feel like the bad guy for thinking your generation's TV was better. It was. :)

    By the way, I'm 15. I just felt they were generalizing with it.
  17. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3

    For one thing, just because a group of little kids have Iphones and cuss and junk, doesn't mean ALL the young kids do that.
    Maybe a lot of them though.
    The kids' parents need to be more protective about what their child does or watches.
    BTW, I didn't get a cell phone until I was like 12 D: and I don't even know how to work one of those Ipods without breaking it.
    Little kids shouldn't be having cell phones and Ipods at their age.
    The media is getting crazier and crazier as the times are changing.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ........i never got one until i graduated from high school last year agreed, they really don't need it this is gonna sound exaggerated but i really do think it's partly the media's fault for the bad language, because all it really takes is exposure to bad language to learn it. its' also parent's faults for not correcting their children even tho their children would (understandably) be on their best behavior around their parents
  19. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Exactly. I think thats where Chelsla was getting the sterotyping. And its true. Some of the little kids that have them aren't that bad.

    I say if the parents are going to be protective, they at least shouldn't smother them so that they've no idea as to how the world works. True showing some little kid something violent with a lot of language is a little extreme, but thats how the world works nowadays. The parents won't be able to block out their kids ears when they walk down the street and make them not hear anything.

    I don't think that there is anything wrong with a little kid listening to an Ipod. Its only music after all. Sure, there is vulgar music, but they're going to hear it sooner or later anyway. Cellphones, I don't know, its the parent's fault for buying them one if they don't really need it.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I agree with the above poster. I do think parents owe it to a child to protect him/her but also to let them experience the world. Smothering or having the child shielded from the world only makes them foolish when they grow up and they make a lot of childish mistakes most get over with in their early years or teen years in their 20s or 30s. That's just not cool.

    However, the point is it's the parent's job to communicate with the child and if a bad word is heard, explain that it is not appropriate to use in certain audiences and if they do decide to do it any way, discipline the kids. They need to learn some order in their lives so that later on in their teen years they aren't so lost and struggling or aren't just spoiled to death and have no real experiences with what life means at all.

    I do agree that some kids getting cell phones and ipods etc when they are too young. I'd probably though give an ipod before I would a cell phone to a kid because it is just a device that holds music and well, I didn't go nuts owning a walkman or whatever. There are exceptions and no, it's not just because I think it would spoil a kid. Usually when parents give things like that to kids it's a distraction so that parents can do other things while the kid occupies his/her time with the gadget. I also think it can encourage kids to not have speaking time with parents and also proper interaction with other kids which can cause some to become spoiled and mean, valuing items and not talking to others who aren't like them...or it can make a child too introverted and shy, having trouble relating to others and being able to speak out because social time was taken by a device. Of course, this isn't 'always' true, but it just is something to think about. I just cannot blame the media etc for the fault of parents not raising kids by actually paying attention to them and helping give them a structured life where they learn the 'facts' of life as well.