I was walking back home after getting off the train and I heard these girls start shouting "emo" I carried on walking and thought nothing of it, excet they carried on shouting and I turned around and it turned out they were shouting at me, so I replied, "how the hell am I an emo?" their response was to firstly **** bricks that I had even replied, their second was to stammer, "You're wearing a band shirt and black trousers" ...I was wearing my work pants because they were going to call me in today, the band shirt was Coheed and Cambria. When the **** did Coheed become emo? Have I missed something? People are stupid B|
Allow me to fill you in on the idiot system, basically because so many people have been throwing stereotypes around they have forgotten what those stereotypes are. For example, a tango (a girl who tends to do Hair and Beauty courses and wears so much foundation her skin turns bright orange) thinks anything black, rock (and all those other types of rock, metal, etc), odd coloured hair and people who would most likely think they're ****ed up call people emo because they don't understand what an emo is because from what I have heard litterly from one myself "Anyone who wears black and listens to Kerrang are emo". I get it all the time, if I had a penny for everytime I was called emo or mosher i'd be richer than all the Dragons from Dragons Den combined.
There was a good 6-month period when my brother called me emo every single day because of the 'emo' music I listen to. After a while, I think I got him to shut his damn mouth.