Today some guy told me that might shock you: He said that I'm the only one who cares about Kh these days, and says it's old. But I wanna prove him wrong! So I'm creating this so others can reply! ] Then eventually I'll show him this thread. =) And this is NOT a free-mood-post thing. Please be positive.
KH is terrible and over done, the series needs to get punched in the face and move its ass along with its ridiculous plot or just end already, too many spin offs and too much waiting between main games, they really dont care about the fans of the series anymore and are just looking to make money.
KH hasn't been fun since 2, and that didn't hold up to its predecessors in terms of gameplay. When the Xehanort Saga ends, the series should. But you know, money.
Chain of Memories and all the DS entries should never have existed. goddamn card system and all those damn missions and sh*t Still, Birth By Sleep restored my faith, and I just hope 3D ends up being as amazing as I hope it'll be. Flowmotion is extremely entertaining on its own~
This won't go anywhere. Think what you will, but that was the one portable entry I actually found enjoyable.
God, I loved Chain of Memories. The card system was well designed. No matter your personal tastes, it's a technically solid game. And it's way better than the gimmick reliant and repetitive BBS.
358 was meh, haven't played coded but all the rest were epic, and I'm eagerly anticipating the new instalment :D
I loved KH, Chain of Memories, KH2 and BBS. I never played the other games and I don't really care to. I don't want a 3DS and I don't know anyone who has one, so I probably won't play Dream Drop Distance. I don't feel like I'm missing anything, I'm pretty fed up with the portable titles. I just want KH3, but they haven't even started working on it. One can only wait so long and put up with so much bullshit before giving up hope.
Chain of Memories will always be my favorite. The card system was definitely annoying but it worked well on the Game Boy (but was complete **** on PS2), and the plot was probably the most compelling/emotional of all twelve of the games released.