According to Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today show. Don't ask why I was watching; I'm stalling between classes and had nothing better to do. I never new such a holiday existed. Why was I not informed of this before?
I never knew of it before at all! I think it was when people stopped putting this stuff in men's top hats. What happened was, they'd put a chemical on the rim of a man's top hat and after an hour, they'd of gone mad. Thats what it means by being "As mad as a hatter" or "Mad hatter"
I never knew of it before at all! I think it was when people stopped putting this stuff in men's top hats. What happened was, they'd put a chemical on the rim of a man's top hat and after an hour, they'd of gone mad. Thats what it means by being "As mad as a hatter" or "Mad hatter"
I never knew of it before at all! I think it was when people stopped putting this stuff in men's top hats. What happened was, they'd put a chemical on the rim of a man's top hat and after an hour, they'd of gone mad. Thats what it means by being "As mad as a hatter" or "Mad hatter"
Ah. Makes sense to me. I guess I'll celebrate by pulling out my oversized striped hat and wearing it all day.
Okay so I'm one for obscure holidays and I didn't know about this. On that note, I forgot when is Pretend You're a Time Traveler Day.