I found my PSP !! well i didn't know i had it, not seen it in about 10 years, moved house and moved into my own place since the last time it was in my palms. the R button was jammed up so i took it apart cleaned it up and it works like a charm :) Now i have no excuse to not play Birth By Sleep.
Its an old 1000 version and i never really played it. i only had vice city stories and that was it. and they're not exactly big lol
I lost my first PSP, too. Many years ago. I was at a mall with some friends, and I brought my PSP with me under the impression that I'd need it later that day, and we stepped into a store and I set it down for one second since I ran into someone else that I knew and hadn't seen in a while, and I set it down hardly a meter away from me and there's no way I had my eyes off of it for more than a minute, but when I looked back, it was gone.
I'm pissed because I just found out that my sister broke my charger for the psp and now I can't play it. Plus since Im moving out, all my games/consoles are packed except for the psp so I have nothing to do.
I had to borrow a friends charger. and today i found the only Birth By Sleep for sale in the entire city. today is an even glorious..er day
I still have my game boy color working to this day, you guys need to treat your things better. I must admit if I had a PSP today, I would probably put a homebrew in it so I can play all those wonderfull games, since they don't have trophy support and all those games that never came to US.