I finally got a 0:00 time on that damn chocobo race. I don't care if you can do it with your feet and blindfolded, something I could never pull off. Next up is 200 lightning dodges.
Good God that game had me kicking and screaming at the game and wanting to break the TV. When I beat it on my first playthrough I was like "Holy crap this is heaven!!", and on the second playthrough when I tried, I gave up way earlier. I didn't want to go through that Hell again. And the 200 Lightning dodges can be done quickly if you use that little trick with the ditch, but if you mess up even once, or lose count, you're going to hate yourself and give up. And I never bothered at all with the butterflies, that was a pain.
It's not that bad. Maybe a pillow to get comfy from the neck cramps, but punching might be overdoing it
I don' t remember my chocobo race score but it usually takes me an hour to get the prize. It' s annoyingly luck-based. I always got the lightning thing on first or second try though. Well anyway, if you are playing the international version for the first time, know that you can now farm Dark Yojimbo. He drops 4 slots weapons with extra damage (for every character) quite regularly. They don' t have all the hidden abilities of the mini games ultimate weapons, but that doesn' t necessarily mean they' re less useful mind you. Either way they' re a good alternative if some mini games are just too annoying for you.