It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning. Rain, rain go away, come again another day :'D. Remix: Rain, rain you've come to stay, please don't leave, let the sun come-out another day. Thread where you can post whatever want about the rain xD. If you're wondering why I made this thread, it's because we've just had a massive rain storm - and those are almost rare in aussieland [even when it's autumn/winter]. You can post thunder & lighting stuff aswell. I <3 the rain, thunder & lightning.
I love thunderstorms <3 I attempted to dance in one before, But then my dad walked out of the house, picked me up, and took me back in. D:
That's happened to me and Desi [friend] before, when we were little. We were dancing on the grass, then our dads came and dragged us inside. [they bribbed us with marshmellows and chocolate]
I like the rain, I've aways liked it when it's dark an cloudy outside. I've never really liked the sun that much.