As some of you may know, I've been having problems with my heart. Last week I went up for consultation and a transplant evaluation. I got word yesturday that the hospital has accepted me into their program. In a couple of days, I'll be moving to a new town since I will be put on their heart transplant list. The hospital has a 92% success rate (which is better than the overall United States) and it should be fast because I'm A positive (A positive hearts seem to come by often they say). I would just to thank all of my friends on KHV for helping me make it this far. This place has helped me keep my hope and spirit alive. I know God is watching over me, but it's good to have people to talk to when I'm going crazy. This place has been a blessing for me (even when it has it's "crazy" moments).
Great news that you made it on the list tummer, I hope everything goes smoothly for you with the transplant and new town and all. Keep us updated if you can <:.
Tummer! This is wonderful news, I wish you the best and i want you to be well and happy. <3 Again I'm so proud of you, and I'm always here whenever you need it :3
I... I... I didn't know you have heart problems! I... just hope everything goes well in that transplant, and that from then on, God will ALWAYS be by your side (he was there already, but now he'll be A LOT closer). Good luck on that :<3: transplant.