...I've recently seen this while surfing the net. Has anyone ever seen this before? One of my greatest fantasies has come true!!!! XD
Haha, yeah, I saw this. It's great, isn't it? I love this mini-episode. IT was actually written by Steven Moffat, or so I heard. For some sort of children's benefit or something.
It's called Children in Need. There's an event for it every year, and the Doctor Who people always do a skit or something for it. The first one was a prequel to The Christmas Invasion.
Well.... I'm not from America, and there are no TV channels here that show Doctor Who... So... Cable sucks here...
No, I'll jump in a conversation when I don't know anything about it. But I cook a free meal once a week for kids (and teens) in my town who don't get dinner otherwise. And I play with the kids and listen to them when they want to sing a song or talk about their problems, and I taught this one seven year-old how to tie his shoes. Does that count for something?
Britain do these large charity events twice a year- Children in need in november, comic/sport relief in march time to raise money for different things and doctor who normally do something to celebrate. I absolutely love this eapecially because I love the fifh doctor. Yesterday I found a 1993 children in need skit that was celebrating 30 years as well as it multi doctor. I'll find the link and then post it later.
That was alright, but my fantasy came true when I stumbled upon this . . . Spoiler: Unnecessary Spoiler Just sad that it wasn't David or Matt voicing it -_-
The part about Pete being David's Doctor makes me cry. He grew up watching Pete be the Doctor. Pete wasn't just the Doctor's Doctor. He was David's Childhood hero, who he wanted to be just like.
Children in need special 1993 with Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy with assorted companions. Also, for those who don't know who the guy at the start is- yes was still doing TV in 2010 (Jon Pertwee is obviously a time traveller O.o) and the place they go to is Albert Square which is the setting of a soup in England... but that's not important if you don't know what it is.
I'm actually really disappointed in Dimensions in Time. It could've been so much better, but it ended up being... a bit of a mess imo.
I was going to say that no one ever needs to see Dimensions in Time so you shouldn't post it (especially considering what it could have been), but too late now I guess.