So doped on cough medicine right now, I wouldn't mind so much but it tastes like crap. It is meant to taste like Lime and Honey, yeah, maybe if Lime and Honey tasted like crap .-. Have a very pretty piece of music that I doubt the majority of you will appreciate
Dude I am an admin on a Kingdom Hearts forum, I kinda think my status as a loser was well established before now no? Also, I am not allowed skittles or energy drinks because they send me hyper, what can I say I have low tolerance .-. on the plus side it means when I go drinking it always costs me less :D
I remember when you used to have the most rep, and you would go around de-repping everyone so you could stay in front.
It's true the forum has seen far better days, I kind if miss the old days, but moping over the fact times have changed won't bring them back you know?
It's true, I can't even have slushies and I ****ing love those things oh man slushies are ****ing delicious ._.
i've never gotten brain freeze from slushies... what's it feel like? XDD i think i have no brain for it to freeze or something.. >.> <,<