Does the free running control well? I've seen some streams and it looks quite smooth, but obviously you can't speak for the controls unless you've actually played it. From what I've seen though that's definitely the most impressive part of the game.
it is very smooth and it's easy to get a hang of it. most people should be able to get it down by the end of their first or second match. i haven't had this much fun with a competitive multiplayer game in a long time, and i cannot wait for the full release. i really hope they packed it full of content, because i just want mooore.
Good to know! I won't be playing it b/c I don't have an XB1 (lol) or a gaming PC, but it sounds like it'll be big so it's good that it's a game that actually deserves it. Does the six on six wear thin? I think there are also AIs running around but that seems very few people running about, especially if the maps are large.
I have checked out the required specs for it, and they aren't THAT demanding. You could always check out and see if your PC can handle it. And not really. Before I had played it, I was skeptical about the 6v6 but it really works. If the game had anymore players it would just be way too chaotic with all the Titans running around at once. You get Titans relatively quickly (like 3 minute intervals I think? plus there are 'burn cards' that shorten the time). The minions seemed like a solution to keep things busy and exciting without having to add more players. Also, the maps aren't super big and you traverse them rather quickly because they're designed so well and the free running can just get you places so easily. So yeah, it feels like a lot care and detail went into this game. It's designed so well and I'm having such a blast with it.
I don't understand why they can't release the beta to the public on PC too, and not "maybe we'll release it". le Ea sux.
Yeah I'm actually really annoyed about that. I want to play the game with my girlfriend but she just can't get a code anywhere. Maybe they'll make it public today. If not, well, EA are lame as per usual.
Titanfall looks soooo good. Hopefully its coming out on PS4/3. That's just too good to pass up. Also, is it possible for you to steal the enemy's titans or your teammates titans?
I don't think so, no. You can hitch a ride on the back of a teammate's titan (or your own) and shoot people/other titans while on it. You can also jump on the back of an enemy's titan and shoot its main battery or whatever, which bypasses the titan's shields and does direct damage to its health.
From what i've watched, it seemss fun, but it looks like i'd get bored of it eventually. Not its problems per se, more the issues i've had with CoD for years. So fast and seems too chaotic, however it seems much fairer than CoD.
Sweet. Now see? This almost makes me want to get an XB1 instead of a PS4. Emphasis on the word "almost."
Just managed to get a key. This game is insanely good. I might actually buy it for $50 and I had zero interest in this before.
My boyfriend has been playing the beta and says it's a great game, everything seems quite positive with it but I doubt I'll get it because it's moneyful. Perhaps in a few years... Also, I literally just brought Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and am still poor from christmas xD