Time to Rise Again

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ShibuyaGato, Oct 20, 2010.

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  1. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    The worlds have enjoyed the longest period of uninterrupted peace ever thanks to the Keyblade masters. With no more need for protection they lived on in peace, having families, and moving on to whatever lies beyond this life. It's been fifty years since the last Keyblade master moved on and now a grave threat arises. The things of the past were forgotten, they faded into the shadows. What should've been easily prevented came to fruition. What should not have happened again did. What can you do? You are simply a citizen of your world... or so you thought. Now that a greater threat than Xehanort has come to power, the Keyblades have chosen new wielders to protect the world order. Your journey has just begun. Use your power well, and may your abilities-whether they are of the light or of the darkness-spare you in the midst of this harsh battle.

    Now you must fight... and walk down your own path. You will not always be alone but you must rely on your own strength... if you are to survive.

    This RP takes place fifty years after the passing of the last of the Keyblade masters. Now a grave threat arises and threatens the worlds once again. It seems that another mysterious group is after the power of Kingdom Hearts. You've recieved word that they're hidden on a world far beyond the reaches of this universe. They, however, use secret passages in each world to come and go as they please. Find all of these passages and the final doorway shall be revealed to you. There you must confront this group with the help of whoever is left in your army of Keyblade wielders.

    • We will choose one world for every person who joins this RP but you must specify what (game, movie, etc.) it's from.
    • Worlds must be approved by me before use.
    • Maximum we will only have up to seven worlds (Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands do not count towards this total).
    • We will have a three character limit.
    • These worlds can be based on FF games as well.
    • You will become a Keyblade wielder-you may join the army or the mysterious group.
    • You will wield a specific Keyblade(s) and you must specify which one you're using (there's a two Keyblade limit).
    • You will control either Light or Darkness regardless of which side you're on.
    • You can't double post, flashbacks are allowed to tell your character's story or show important events that have occured.
    • No god-modding-though you can kill off another person (they won't truly die though). They can decide to merge with someone else giving them an additional keyblade, they can also summon you into battle for backup if they have two keys already, or you can join the evil group and be spared.
    • These characters are ORIGINAL characters. They can be related to original wielders like Riku and Sora (or regular people like Leon and Cloud) but they can't BE them.
    • If you want to ask any questions feel free to PM or VM me.

    Format for Custom Character
    Relation to previous wielders:
    Home World:
    Good or Evil:
    Light or Darkness:
    Other Information:

    Accepted Characters
    Cat<3 Sora

    Name: Cat
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Relation to previous wielders: She is Sora and Kairi's great-granddaughter.
    Home World: Destiny Islands
    Keyblade(s): Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Both are equally balanced
    Other Information: Her grandfather used to tell her stories about the Heartless and Kingdom Hearts. Her grandma would always tell her to never give up hope and that no matter what happened that they were always with her. Anyone she cared about would always be with her in her heart. When she was thrust to a far away world she realized that these stories were real all along and that she had to be the one to take a stand this time around...


    Name: Asuka Strife
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Relation to previous wielders: Great-granddaughter of Cloud and Tifa Strife
    Home World: Midgar
    Keyblade(s): Fenrir, One-Winged Angel
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Darkness, almost borders Light
    Other Information: Asuka is a young woman haunted by similar ghosts like that of her ancestors. Her father was killed before she was born, and her mother died in childbirth. She was raised by her grandparents, who told her stories of their family's past and part in the legends around Kingdom Hearts. She grew up a warrior, just as every child in the Strife family had, and as a result can hold her own against anything she has met so far, in both hand to hand combat and with weapons. Asuka seems to have inherited her great-grandmother's eyes and hair, but her great-grandfather's attitude. She uses only one Keyblade at a time, with Fenrir being her main, but when her emotions reach a certain high point One-Winged Angel appears. Because of this her heart is in darkness, but strives for the light.


    Name: Sithos Darkra
    Age: 120
    Gender: Male
    Relation to previous wielders: none
    Home World: The Darkest Castle
    Weapon: A single black sword
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Light or Darkness: Darkness
    Other Information: he rules over the Darkest Castle and most of the Realm of Darkness. He is the keeper of the Corner Stone of Darkness and has been using it's power to keep himself young and alive. He created the Heartless as scouts and to test ennemy miltary strength. Sithos leads the Darkran Empire into new opertunites for expansion.


    Name: Crimson Sky
    Age: 18 years old
    Gender: Male
    Relation to previous wielders: Great-great grandson of Riku
    Home World: Destiny Island
    Keyblade(s): Decisive Pumpkin and Oblivion
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Undecided
    Other Information: A young man with short red hair and blue eyes. Throughout his life, he was pushed around by those who loved him. Because of this, he develops trust issues. His family had recently passed away in a house fire. Crimsion allowes his emotions on his sholders, his face constantly brooding.

    Name: Luna Mari
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Relation to previous wielders: No relation
    Home World: Traverse Town
    Keyblade(s): Oathkeeper
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Good
    Other Information: A woman with long blue hair and ivory eyes. She is a beautiful young woman who just wants to be accepted by anybody. Her emotional exterior is strong while she is weak on the inside.

    Accepted Worlds
    Radiant Garden-Kingdom Hearts
    Destiny Islands-Kingdom Hearts
    Midgar-Final Fantasy VII
    Traverse Town-Kingdom Hearts
    Twilight Town-Kingdom Hearts II
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Do the characters have to be from either Destiny Islands or Radiant Garden to begin with, or can they be from other worlds?
    Edit: Eh, if not Midgar then Radiant Garden.

    Name: Asuka Strife
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Relation to previous wielders: Great-granddaughter of Cloud and Tifa Strife
    Home World: Midgar
    Keyblade(s): Fenrir, One-Winged Angel
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Darkness, almost borders Light
    Other Information: Asuka is a young woman haunted by similar ghosts like that of her ancestors. Her father was killed before she was born, and her mother died in childbirth. She was raised by her grandparents, who told her stories of their family's past and part in the legends around Kingdom Hearts. She grew up a warrior, just as every child in the Strife family had, and as a result can hold her own against anything she has met so far, in both hand to hand combat and with weapons. Asuka seems to have inherited her great-grandmother's eyes and hair, but her great-grandfather's attitude. She uses only one Keyblade at a time, with Fenrir being her main, but when her emotions reach a certain high point One-Winged Angel appears. Because of this her heart is in darkness, but strives for the light.
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    User Name: Xert
    Name: Sithos Darkra
    Age: 120
    Gender: Male
    Relation to previous wielders: none
    Home World: The Darkest Castle
    Weapon: A single black sword
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Light or Darkness: Darkness
    Other Information: he rules over the Darkest Castle and most of the Realm of Darkness. He is the keeper of the Corner Stone of Darkness and has been using it's power to keep himself young and alive. He created the Heartless as scouts and to test ennemy miltary strength. Sithos leads the Darkran Empire into new opertunites for expansion.

    I can give a discirtion of the castle if nessary
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    No, they can be from other worlds as well (so long as I approve). And tbh I was thinking of suggesting Midgar if nobody else did (which I figured wouldn't be likely anyway XD). Also great job with your character, Wolfie!

    Please give a better description. Also ruling over most of the realm of darkness and making the heartless seems a little over the top to me (almost godmodding but not quite there yet). Can you please tell me why he's so powerful (not because of the Cornerstone of Darkness because that thing isn't nearly as powerful as KH)?
  5. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    you want a big bad I give you a big bad. And we never see the cornerstone do anything I've always belived it has lots of power
  6. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can pretty much make yourself invincible. You also can't make yourself the reason for the heartless' existence. Also you have to wirld a Keyblade. Didn't you read that part?

  7. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    This seems like fun!

    Name: Crimson Sky
    Age: 18 years old
    Gender: Male
    Relation to previous wielders: Great-great grandson of Riku
    Home World: Destiny Island
    Keyblade(s): Decisive Pumpkin and Oblivion
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Undecided
    Other Information: A young man with short red hair and blue eyes. Throughout his life, he was pushed around by those who loved him. Because of this, he develops trust issues. His family had recently passed away in a house fire. Crimsion allowes his emotions on his sholders, his face constantly brooding.

    Question! How many characters are we allowed to control? If were' allowed two, can you include this character too? If not, then you can just ignore it.

    Name: Luna Mari
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Relation to previous wielders: No relation
    Home World: Traverse Town
    Keyblade(s): Oathkeeper
    Good or Evil: Good
    Light or Darkness: Good
    Other Information: A woman with long blue hair and ivory eyes. She is a beautiful young woman who just wants to be accepted by anybody. Her emotional exterior is strong while she is weak on the inside.
  8. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Doesn't the keyblade lose it's specialness if everyone had one. Whats the point to have a chooson weilder if everyone is a weilder
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Dude...you're really gonna argue the logic of an RP?
    You can be a bad guy I'm sure, but uh...for example, all the main characters in BBS have Keyblades. Does that make it any less entertaining? No, just more challenging because it's equally matched. I'm not trying to step in and speak for Cat, but...it is her RP.
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I'll let you control two but let's just have a three character limit for now.

    You took the words right out of my mouth Wolfie...

    Anyway we'll be starting now. Should anyone new join we'll say that we've "found" a new world and they can join in from the get-go.

    Cat stared around at the empty place. She saw old buildings crumpling and neon lights that were about to go out. The whole world seemed broken... almost on the verge of death. She could feel that the darkness was beginning to spread and comsume the world, as it did so many ages ago. A group of Neoshadows circled around her and she summoned her Keyblades. The fight of her life was about to begin...
  11. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    OOC: I guess I'll start. For character differences, red is for Crimson while Blue is for Luna.



    When Crimson woke up, he was shaken by how cold it was. He lived on a desolate world known as Destiny Isand, but he had recently been on his own. Ever since the death of his family, he hid out on the island that he use to play at when he was little. He didn't know how to react to the world around him. He sat on a slanted Paopu Tree, breathing in the brsk air.
    "Crap; looks like a storms coming," He groaned. "Looks like it's time to head into The Cave."
    The Cave was the only place he could keep dry on the island. He heard legends about how ghosts haunted the caves and that beyond the door at the end was a portal to Hell itself. He didn't believe the stories, but they were always fun to tell. He moved towards The Cave, unaware of what would happen next.

    "Thank you very much," Luna called as she ran out of the store. "Man, I got myself some good stuff today."
    It was the end of her work week, and as her tradition dictated, she bought a week's worth of groceries and supplies. Luna was trained in the art of Jiu-Jitsu, so she had no worries about living alone. Luna did a lot of oddball jobs that were given to her by her boss. Because of it, she got to explore differnet parts of Traverse Town. She lived in a small apartment building in the 2ed District. While cooking up some food, she heard a ruckus come from the middle area of the District. In her mind, she imagined kids at play, but when she opened the window to see who it was, she didn't know what to say.
  12. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat could see a girl in the distance staring at her. "Hey, get away! It's not safe!"
    Just then a heartless jumped on her, knocking her Keyblades out of her hands. She felt defeated. All she could do was think of her home world, of the place where she never had to worry about saving her life, because life there was as peaceful as could be.
  13. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    "Dang it!" Crimson cried out. The storm had been going on for a while now and the wind was picking up. The entrance to The Cave had been sealed off by his boat, which had blown all the way from the port and became a vacuum sealed door. He couldn't move it to get in, so he tried staying close to the wall. All he wished was to see his family again, to see his friends one last time. This wasn't a normal storm. Crimson was hit on the head with a coconut; not hard enough to kill him, but hard enough to knock him unconscious. His body was motionless as it carried him way from the home he once loved.

    What, Luna wodered. She saw this strange, dark being ontop of this odd looking girl. She jumped from her balcony and ran to the girl, ignoring the warnings. "You wanna piece of me?"
    She attacked the strange creature with no positive results. Whatever that thing was, Luna wouldn't be able to injure it at all. However, the creature knocked her way, causing scraps all over her body. Before the pain settle in, a strange looking weapon apeared in her hand. She was never raised knowing the story of the Keyblade, so she was confused. What she had in her hand, she didn't know how to control.
  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "What? Y... you have a k-keyblade?"
    As Luna stared oddly at her keyblade the monsters ignored Cat, giving her the perfect opportunity to strike back. She summoned her keys once more and in one fatal swoop the heartless were sent to their oblivion.
    "Hey, are you okay kid? That Heartless scratched you up pretty badly..."
    Cat saw the gashes on her arm and used magic to heal the strange girl. If she hadn't shown her Keyblade at that moment... Cat didn't even want to think about it...
  15. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    "Yeah, urg, I'm...fine." Luna said, feeling drained. She was surprised to see the wounds that she just gained dissappeared like magic. She infered this woman to be some kind of mage, although she honestly couldn't believe it. Then she remembered the words of the strange woman. Keyblade. What did that mean; was that the name of the mysterious weapon that just appeared. Luna turned her hair, still finding the Keyblade in her hand. It looked as white as snow, with velvet colors throughout its design. "Excuse me, but what's a Keyblade, and what are you doing in Traverse Town?"

    Crimson's body is currently flying though the air. He doesn't know of the fate that has befallen Destiny Island. The world is falling into darkness for a second time. He knew the story of what happened to the old islands more than 50 years ago; how his ancstor fought against the forces of the Dark. Knowing that story, Crimson still didn't know who to allign with. His heart was confused, broken. He remebered how he was used by his family, grew a hatred for them, but that all dissappeared when he came home and found his house in ashes a week ago.
  16. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Oh, don't tell me you don't even know what a Keyblade is... Man i've got some serious work to do. Look, you see that giant key in your hand? THAT'S a Keyblade. You've got a gift. It doesn't just pick anyone you know. You've gotta have an incredibly strong heart... or so the stories say."
    Cat looked up at the night sky only to see that the brightest star was flickering out. She knew which world had the strongest light... and she knew that there was really no going back now.
    "Do you... wanna learn how to use the Keyblade? Because I can teach you..."
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    OOC: I might make another character then, if I do I'll post it sometime tonight.

    Asuka walked around the unfamiliar town she was in. She had no idea where she was, as she had awoken in an alley with no recollection of what happened between running a delivery from her home to then, and decided to explore the new town.
    "Waking up in an unknown place...no one familiar's around...sure sounds like old man Cloud's stories," she thought to herself as she rounded a corner onto a main street. Asuka saw what she assumed to be the end of a fight, as two girls were standing with weapons drawn. Behind the two of them she saw a shadowy monster, and recognizing it from her grandparents stories, she shouted, "You two! Get down!"
    Without waiting to see if either of them would dodge, Asuka summoned and threw Fenrir at the Neoshadow, destroying it.
  18. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Whoa! Thanks... I must've missed that one."
    Cat saw her Keyblade and she couldn't believe it. She didn't think there could be so many wielders gathered at one time. Heck, she didn't even know that there were so many other wielders!
    "Um... you wanna come with us? It probably isn't safe to stay here much longer anyway. Besides, since we're all Keyblade Wielders we stand a better chance against this threat together, right?"
  19. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Asuka glanced around, making sure there were no more threats before answering the younger girl. She was tempted to tell the girl she wasn't interested, but this was the first time she had seen anyone else with a Keyblade. She grunted then said, "Whatever. Seems like you need protection anyway."
  20. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Crimson was laying unconsciously in a room that he wasn't familar with. The atmosphere around him was something different, like something dark was just next to him. He didn't recongnize this feeling, for a moment, he believed he was actually dead. He was lost in his mind, but he wasn't awake, not yet. He heard a voice come from the abyss. Remeber your true power, the one that has been passed onto you. In the dark room in his mind, he sommoned his Oblivion Keyblade.

    Luna was shocked to say the least. She never heard of Keyblades, but she figured they were a type of weapon given to a myster who had a gift. Although she was an excellent fighter, she was more prone in using her mind, that is, when she isn't acting out of pure emotion. "I'll come along with you guys. My names's Luna; how about we go to my place to brainstomr". As she said that, she heard a noise come from her Keyblade. Oathkeeper, Oathkeeper. "Oathkeeper; what does that mean?"

    Crimson appears in Luna's room by the way. It's rather odd to play a girl, but it's kind of cool.
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