Time And Love: An Action/Love/Adventure Story

Discussion in 'Archives' started by OblivionRoxas, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Well I am now starting my new story that I did on another forum and well this is based on the Prince Of Persia Games and there is a lot of things from it so I do not claim to owning Prince Of Persia. None of it except the main characters name and kinda his teachers name is based on real life.

    Chapter 1: Leading To A Special Day
    Jet Sigo woke up one day it seemed like any ordinary day for an 16 year old boy but it wasn't this would lead to another day that would be absoloutely magical. Jet had a kind of dark brown surfer do hair, blue eyes, and peach soft skin. When Jet woke up he was in a hurry he didn't want to miss the very first class which would be Mr.Snay there history teacher telling them who there field trip partners where going to be. They where going to Egypt. Jet had been looking forward to this for ages, They where going to examine the tombs. When Jet got to school the first person he saw was his crush it was a girl named Lisa she was perfect for him, she had wavy long hair, deep brown eyes, and a personality which was great. But the only problem was Lisa was Jet's best friend. He didn't have the guts to tell her. When she was walking by all the boy's were staring at her, transfixed. Then she went up to Jet and said " Hi Jet, I've noticed these boy's seem different to me because their staring at me." And then Jet replied while looking sideways towards them and shaking his head, " Well they don't seem any different to me." When they got into class Jet sat down and next to him was one of the jocks, Chad, he had short blond hair and green eyes. Mr.Snay came into the room and said " Alright I expect your all pumped up for this field trip tommorow." Then Chad said " Who would want to go on a lame field trip like that!" Then Jet quickly glared at him. Then Mr.Snay replied " Believe me you have no idea what's going to happen!" As if he knew what was going to happen.

  2. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    wow that was a great first chapter ^.^ i can't wait for the next one, i better get on with my story now then :)
  3. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Well here it is the new chapter :D:D

    Chapter 2: In The Air
    The next day Jet woke up. Screaming "Its the day Woohoo!!" He ran onto the stairs slid down the banister, screaming the same line again and again, he went downstairs grabbed a piece of toast and waved his mum and dad goodbye and then said "See ya'll on the flip flop!!" he raced to the bus were everyone was on it, he saw Lisa with no one sitting next to her, he quickly hurried to the seat and they both shouted at eachother "Are you ready to rock, cause I'm ready to rock!!" Then it all passed very quickly before they knew it they were at the airport awaiting there flight and there was lots of noise in the airport and then suddenly Jet had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. Jet had just remembered he had got Lisa a present, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crystal , " I want you to have this, for uh... being my best friend ever." and then she said, "Awww Jet, I dont know what to say, your so sweet." Then she hugged him and Jet had a huge grin on his face. Then before they knew it they were on the airplane but it wasn't a good thing, because the pilots were telling everyone to evacuate, Jet looked out the window, they were going to crash land on a deserted island......
  4. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    I can't believe she made me do this but *bump*

    Alright on with the story :D:D
    Chapter 3: Sand Is Unpredictable
    When Jet woke up he was astonished to find that he was the first to wake up, and there laying on the ground was 29 other bodies. Jet looked around for Lisa, there was no sign of her, he called out "Lisa, were are you!?" Then suddenly he saw a hand coming out of the sand. He started to dig and when he got far enough, it was Lisa, he thought she was dead, and then he started crying, but then something inside told him to stop, so he did. He stood up with the bravery inside of him. He walked away, but little did he notice that when he walked away Lisa's hand started to move. As he walked on he found a sign that said 'Island of Time Beware: Strange Things' then he walked on unaware of the dangers that he would come across. Eventually he found himself standing in front of a steel door. He saw that there was a switch at the very top of the door and so he said, " How the heck am i going to get up there!?" Then he heard some footsteps behind him, he was so scared that he tried to escape so he put his foot on the wall and started running up it. When he did he ran up to the door he got the switch and turned it on and did a backflip off the door and landed safely on his feet. He found himself in front of a sword which said on it 'Twilight Sword' so he picked it up and started whirling it around. But then suddenly he saw some kind of zombie like creature come down from the ceiling at the speed of light, then there came more. Then he decided to fight them he double spin kicked one of them on the ground stabbed him, then another one he kicked them against the wall and through his sword at them. But then suddenly from behind him one of them kicked him and he ran and there was a ledge and he almost fell down into a dark deep pit, but he managed to grab hold of the ledge. This might be the end....
  5. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    i have trained you well young bumble bee (grasshoppers r so outrated these days)
    anyway the bit where the hand comes would have scared me :L
    great chapter :)
  6. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Alas the time has come my fellows.

    Chapter 4: The Final Hour
    Jet was hanging there almost about to let go. But then suddenly something grabbed him and he screamed " No please I don't want to die!!" And when they pulled him up he found it to be Lisa, He said, " Lisa I'm so glad to see you!" Then before she could, there was stomping, Then came a beast so enormous that other people were petrified. The beast had shadows all around its feet and it had black armor on and black horns and grey eyes. And when it came in everything seemed to turn grey. Then Jet said "What the heck is that!" Then one of the zombie-alien like things walked along and said, "This is the guardian of the timeline, The Dahaka!" Then The Dahaka groaned and said unclearly "
    !eid lliw dneirf ruoY" Then Jet screamed "No!!!" The Dahaka had a tentacle fly out of it and it stabbed Lisa, she spoke her final words "I have a secret, I love you." Then Jet shut his eyes tightly and found himself back in time when and saw when the Dahaka said backwards, "Your friend will die!" Jet ran in front of Lisa and said "I won't let you!" Then suddenly a figure of someone ran up through the doors where everybody was watching while the Dahaka had a tentacle flying towards Jet to stab him and the fighure pushed Jet out the way and said "You have to make sacrifices.....to save the world" Then they watched in shock as the figure that turned out to be Chad got stabbed by The Dahaka, Jet tried to turn back in time again but it didn't work, The Dahaka said "You can't change your destiny again!" Jet understood him now, he could hear what he was saying but it was as if the Dahaka knew that he tried to turn back in time, then The Dahaka told him "Don't try it!" But he was still in shock because of what he did to Chad. Then something amazing happened, Jet began to glow blue. He ran up to The Dahaka span his sword rapidly at the speed of light then kicked The Dahaka off the edge and there seemed to be water there. And The Dahaka started dying in it, it was like it couldn't go in water. So after that Jet held Lisa's hand and said, "Lisa I know your secret, don't worry I feel the same way about you, but I also feel that we have to do one more thing, so come with me to the past, So we can tell our past selves not to come here." So Lisa nodded and they set off to the past and then it was like it never happened.
  7. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    awesome n did u know Eid is arabic :L
    anyway great chapter x