I dont know if its just because Johnny Depp always stars in his movies or the meaning. I mean my personal favorites are Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dark Shadows, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Carolyn. I started loving the movies once the movie ended. They were always good and Edward Scissorhands made me cry a bit. :') What about you? Why do you like Tim Burton movies? Why dont you like the movies? What are your favorites?
The Nightmare Before Christmas wasn't directed by him; I think Burton was only a producer or something. He at least makes things look interesting with the art style he is know for. Dark Shadows wasn't his best film (it's good) but it at least looked interesting. His best done work is definitely Edward Sissoehands. It's creative, a bit haunting, and just tells a great story. My favorite film of his is probably Sweeney Todd though, partially out of my love for the musical.
Yea, he produced it and the story was by him. I thought it was the same. .-. I have never seen Sweeney Todd. Maybe I could find it on Netflix or something. . .
No, they're different things. Usually, the director or lead actor get their name before the tittle, so having the writer's name first is a bit special. Sweeney Todd is good, it's unbievably bloody after the second act, but that's a part of its charm. It's not on the instant stream, and not in many stores. You can find some other digital rental services though (iTunes, amazon). It's worth a chance.
I find Tim Burton to be an amazing director. My two favorite films of his are Alice in Wonderland and Edward Scissorhands. AiW because of how well he recreated the cheery place in the original, and gave it a more serious twist. ESH is probably the best of the two, just because of how developed the character of Edward was in the beginning. It got the intros done early, and left plenty of room for the other stuff.
I only like Alice in Wonderland because its more evil and more action packed and violenced. The original was kind of blah and I never sat through the whole movie. All-in-all, I thinj a majority of people would agree that Tim Burton does have great movies and story lines, no?
His movies have really suffered over the past few years. His last good one was Sweeny Todd, and that was back in 2007. Hopefully, this will turn around with Frankenweenie, though. Also, Alice in Wonderland was a terrible, terrible adaptation. I don't honestly think there's been a successful film of it yet, outside of the bizarre Czech one from 1988.
Yeah Tim Burtons movies are just getting really bad, his new movies just feel like extended Hot Topic advertisement. Alice in Wonderland was the worst movies of his I have seen so far, it was an eyesore to look at, the story was stupid, the cgi was terrible (You know if you are gonna basically do the whole atmosphere in CG do it good like Avatar), the character designs were horrendous, the casting was terrible too (Besides Mia) .The movie was just obnoxious. Although if I have to say a good thing about his one of his adaptionx is that I think he actually captured the essence of Willy Wonkas Factory better than the Gene Wilder version, that version is just so dull and white, and it was actually updated pretty nicely. Its just kind of frusterating, he is REALLY good, I love Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd and Ed Wood. I hope Frankenweenie is good. but jfc just... break up with johnny dude, just split up for a bit we all know youre friends but you are weighing each other down.
Wait what? All I said was that I-- Nevermind. I see your guys points on that some of his movies did suffer, I totally get that. I think that some of his older movies were better than the newer ones. I think that is what everyone is truing to get at?
i agree. it's like they're just pleasuring themselves at this point. they aren't making quality movies together anymore.