Tides of war- Ch.1, States of confusion

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (Just so you all know, I accidently placed this in the wrong section, and I have requested that this thread be placed into the fantasy rpg section, so I am only warning everyone ahead of time, ok)

    (Now before you read, let me just say, that I am not exsactly making this intro very neet, so plz bear with me. Also, might want to make a sandwhich, because I mite right quite a bit. Bare with me here, because I am experimenting with a new form of roleplay, so before you decide not to join, just read the whole thing through, and once you have read the entire thing, then, decide whether you want to join it or not, ok. Also, just so you guys know, I will be treating this sort of story like. Once we are through with one section of the thread, then I will be creating a new thread, which will be ch.2 of the thread)

    Welcome to the world of Parona, a world where magics are measured by ones imagination, technology is as vast as ones creativity, and species are as different as the human genders.

    Parona is filled with many types of kingdoms, and the planet is almost the size of the sun, maybe even bigger. Many of these kingdoms are run by different races, though the most common kingdoms are run by the humans.

    Now most of them are at war, and many races have allied themselves with eachother. But these wars go beyond what one would wish to picture. They take place not only on the planet, but within the dimensions of hell and heaven themselves. THe world is corrupt, and filled with fools. THe heavens are filled with beings of light, and nobility. The race of angels watch over the world. THen, there is middle parona, which contains all of the races which carry both good and evil within their hearts. And of course, last, is the realm of hell, which lays within Parona, under its very crust, where demons watch over the world, causing it to slowly rot. IN this world, humanity has mastered both the art of magic, and technology.

    Now I know that this is a lot to take in, but bare with me here.

    At the moment, the world is in great trouble. Lately, a disease, ahs been going around. It is an unknown virus, unknown origin, and it travles through the air. Apparently, whenever a person catches it, they appear to go bolistic. At the moment, this entire epidemic is being blamed on a specific race. This race, is called the bloodlings. THey are rare to find, and they are unknown in every aspect. All that people know is that they appear to be human, but have red glowing eyes, as well as a strange tattoo like mark. All that is known is that they came from the hell dimension, and entered into the middle Parona. So now, what does that have to do with you? Well I'll tell you. Kingdoms from across all of earth will have set up large rewards. Kings and queens alike are creating high rewards for the capture of these bloodlings. THey are small, and hard to find, and if one, just one, is captured, then ones rewards can be some of the greatest riches in the lands. But be warned, for with so many different races, there are bound to be different dangers lurking at every corner, and one new adventure standing infront of anouthers end. BUt the question is, how will you become involved. How will you help to alter the destiny of the people of Parona.


    Alrite, you got the story down, so now I am just gonna tell you straight forward. Basicly, there are a lot of kingdoms, surrounding this giant world, and they are all in a panic, because there is this big disease going around, and causing citizens to go insane. Its bad for them, its bad for others, and the higher ups are doing the only thing that they can, and that's pointing the finger at the one race that they don't understand, which is the bloodlings. Now, the reason I am starting things out like this is because in all honosty, I don't have a very good idea of what the plot is going to be. Why? I am experimenting, and hoping to see how successful this thread will be, because when you guys make your bio's, then, instead of posting them, you are to pm your bio to me. I know it sounds odd, so here is the thing. If you think that you want to some how effect the events that are to come on this thread, then pm what you have to say, and then, whatever you wish to try to do, which will deeply involve your charecter, in some way. If you don't want to have some big role for your charecter, then you don't have to say anything.

    Now, here is anouther thing. Tommorow, I will be adding a list of races, as well as a charecter list. You are completely aloud, when you make your bio, to make up your own race. If you do make up your own race (at the moment, the main races are humans, angels, bloodlings, and demons), then, you will be able to control that kingdom, and you will decide what that kingdoms fait shall be. Since there are only 4 main races so far, then, if you want to, you can state that your race is elf, dwarf, or something like that. Now of course, if you don't want to be in charge of a new race's kingdom, then, you can give me control of it.

    So now, basicly, you are to create your charecter. It can be anything from someone stuck on the streets, to a low life theif, to a mercenary, to a princess. Right now though, their is one main event occuring in all of the kingdoms, and that event would be the signing up of the great bloodling hunt. Hunters are gathering, and preparing to hunt after these bloodlings. So at the moment, that is the one thing that most of you should be concerning yourselves with.


    Now I am sure that you are also wondering "THis seems like a really weird roleplay. THis guy doesn't exsactly know what he is doing, does he", so, allow me to explain. No, I do not know what I am doing completely, because I am experimenting with the idea of equality. I am trying to try a theory of mine, where it is not the creater of the thread who leads it, but instead, all of its members have equal power, though I will be the one who simply helps to orginize things.

    Now don't get me wrong, I do have a storyline planned, but when you join, then, once you have told me your ideals for the thread, and how you want to somehow have an effect on its story, then I will be able to edit the story line, specificly to fit it so that way, everyone on this thread will be able to play some special role, instead of being excluded from some special parts, as I have noticed in some threads.

    So now, let the thread finally begin. And remember, when playing this thread, expect this unexpected. I will do what I can to keep this thread as unpredictable as possible. This is an unknown world, where the impossible IS possible. Remember that.


    Kingdoms: (by the way, when you make your bio's, you are aloud to suggest a new type of kingdom, for any race, and the kingdom that you suggest, you will get control of, unless you wish for me to control it, ok. Also, when giving a name of a kingdom, you must put down a description of it, and what its technological status is)(Also, many towns do not have any special advancements in technology, nothing like flying objects or anything, though transportation and guns are, in fact, available. As time goes on, new pieces of technology will be added onto the mechanics list)

    Interracial kingdoms (kingdoms that are not run by a specific king, but are more of like area's where different races meet for trade and such).

    Flounder: One of the central kingdoms, where many of the hunters have been gathering. It is a hot spot for hunters since that is where pubs seems to floarish. It is also believed that since so many races go there, it is easy for bloodlings to hide amongst them.technological status: normal

    Human Kingdoms:

    Valgonia: A wealthy kingdom, where there are only 2 social classes. There is the rich, and the poor. THe poor live on the streets, while the rich live in fancy homes. This kingdom floarishes purely from trade, since their vast amounts of rescources are cherished by most kingdoms, and is needed. Technological status: normal

    Angel kingdoms:

    Paradise: THe city of angels. No man has ever ventured here, but it is legen that when you die, then, your soul is sent here, to some form of a "garden", where souls flourish, and ones wildest dreams can come true, putting one in complete harmony and relaxation. technological status: slightly advanced

    Demon kingdoms:

    Satan: A dark kingdom within the depths of hell. During the day, it appears as if it is a ghost town, but at night, it comes alive. Crime flourishes, and humans down there are tortured, and treated as slaves. Many demon kingdoms capture lost humans, through unknown methods, and enslave them, to everlasting torment. Besides that, nothing is known about this city. No one even knows of its location. Technological status: Poor



    Humans: The most basic race. Humans are creatures which are both masters in magic and technology. THey don't need to much of an explanation

    Angels: Beings that live in the heavens. THey weild the gifts of light, and they have a grand duty to watch over the earth, and help to guide the souls of the dead. It is very rare to see these beings actually on earth.

    Demons: Dark creatures, which live in the demensions of hell. They capture humans, and enslave them, making them serve and do drueling tasks. Demons are known for starting wars, and using the dark arts, constantly plotting for a way to cause termoil on Parona.

    Bloodlings: An unknown race. Nothing is known about them, except for the fact that they have the appearance of a human, except for the fact that they have red eyes. If one is caught, then the catcher could gain great riches, whether the bloodling be dead or alive. It is believed that they are terrible creatures, which care only for themselves, and live for the thirst of blood.
    Now there is more to be known about these people. In order for them to stay strong, they must drink the blood of humans, or else they will slowly begin to weaken. They can stay at full strength without drinking human blood for 3 days maximum. Now also, a bloodling, whenever their nails grow into claws, will be able to get a trait from anything that they attack, as long as that things blood touches the bloodlings hand, and the hand is able to absorb it, of course, they can only learn one thing though. There are 4 catagories in which they can gain. 1. They can gain a skill, such as "the ability to sing really good". 2.They can gain a trait of knowledge, which can be of importance in a persons mind, or they can gain one of that persons bad habits. This can also help a person to learn something such as a martial arts style. 3. They can gain a physical feature, though this one is only temporary, for about 3 days straight. For instance, if they gained the trait of large physical strength, then for 3 days, they would be super strong. 4. They will gain a power, something completely unique. Such as if a single person had the ability to transform into a shadow creature, then that bloodling has a chance to gain that ability, though once they get a new ability, then they will lose the other one.

    Mimics: The name given to a believed to be extinct race. Of course, their true name is not known, so others simply became careless and gave a name to them. Nothing is known about them. They were given the name since it is legend that they can turn into any being or beast

    soul collectors:An ancient race which practice necromancy, its a big part of their culture. they look like most humans except the symbol on their forehead that they have been gifted with the power of necromancy

    technology: (this is a list of all of the known bits of technology, so that way you will understand what kinds of items people use amongst themselves. It will slowly be updated over time.)

    Guns: yes, there are guns, though nothing fancy like bazooka's and stuff. The best you are going to get will be from a hand gun, to a shot gun, machine gun, or sniper rifle. That is it though

    (By the way, in the bio, there is a skills section. There is one thing that I want to make clear here. For normal magic, such as a fire ball or something like that, it will not cost anything, but for powerful magic to be used, there must be some sort of an equal cost. For instance. If you were to have the power to bring someone back to life, then you would have to die (this does not count for someone with the gift of necromancy), got it. AND DO NOT FORGET TO PM ME YOUR BIO'S. IT IS BECOMING ANNOYING ABOUT HOW PEOPLE JUST POST THEIR BIO ON THE THREAD. IT IS BECOMING A CONSTANT PROBLEM AND I WOULD PREFER FOR SUCH A THING NOT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!)

    race description: (only if it is a new type of race that is not on the list)
    skills: (the skills that your charecter posseses, that sets him or her apart from other charecters and people, plus, how these skills are used)

    Charecter list: (even though I told you guys to pm your bio's to me, I will be putting down the charecters name, user, age, and appearance, as well as their weapons. People can learn of eachothers charecters history over time. Also, I am going to be putting a special status informer at the end of their bio's, so that way others can get a sense of what that person basicly is. You will get what I mean when you see it)

    user: deathsight44
    name: Zane
    age: 17
    race: Bloodling
    weapon(s): claw shaped gauntlets, sort of like cat claws.
    appearance: [​IMG]
    skills: His skills are unknown. Since he is a bloodling, his skills cannot be put into complete detail for awhile. All that is said is that some people believe that he has the ability to steal a persons very soul (don't worry, that's not his power)
    status: Bloodling on the run

    user: xendane
    Name: Chronix Gear
    Age: 17 1/2
    Weapon: a big, BIG sword with two gears on the blade that spin around when activated. Uses of this blade are Magi-Tech Buster Techniques, such as Tech Flare.
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Has white hir that goes down to shoulders that parts off and covers left eye, wears nothing but blue clothes, has green eyes, black dress shoes and a real bad attitude at times.
    status: A reject experiment from Paradise

    user: hitna3510
    name: Lynn
    age: looks 16
    race: Unknown (for now, we will call them mimics, since that is the false name society has given to them)
    weapon(s): (can create weapons by her own will)
    appearance: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u...he_cat/463.jpg
    beast forms appearance: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ckDemonCat.jpg (imagine it with red eyes and that it has wings as well)
    status: the murderer with no memory

    user: twilightblade
    name: Blade
    age: 18
    race: human
    weapon(s): Mostly Huge swords and other blades like kunais
    appearance: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l3..._sword-1-1.jpg
    status: an unknown travling swordsmen

    user: kairigirl22
    name: Diana ( Princess Diana)
    age: 17
    race: Human
    weapon(s): None
    appearance: [​IMG]
    skills (these skills are only listed because this fact is known to many people): Diana has a family secret. The women of the family have the ability to speak any language including the language of animals.
    status: the princess with the gift to talk the universal language

    name:Cid Fulon
    race: SoulCollector
    race description: An ancient race which practice necromancy, its a big part of their culture. they look like most humans except the symbol on their forehead that they have been gifted with the power of necromancy .


    weapon(s):Book of souls (contains tons of necromancy) and a dagger, you know just in case


    status: traveller with a dream

    name: Aya
    age: 18
    race: Blooding
    gender: Female
    weapon(s): Bow
    appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x...10/vampkat.jpg
    status: the cold hearted bloodling

    Name: Xidar
    Age: 22
    Weapon: A long sword
    appearance: White hair neatly tied in a small ponytail, bangs held back by a red headband, red cape over red plate armor over chain mail over leather armor, black boots, purple piercing eyes, and a smug grin that he wears ALL THE TIME.
    status: mr.happy

    Name: Ora
    Age: 19
    Race: Angelman.
    Weapon: Broadsword Scimitar. That's like a scimitar fused with a broadsword.
    Appearance: Short, neck length spiky black hair, green eyes from exposure to extreme magics, black sleeveless zip up sweater, black fingerless gloves, black wings with red tips, and the kind of guy who looks like he doesn't care, but turns out to really care a lot.
    status: the master infiltrator

    Name: Theo Thenero
    Age: 17 or 18
    Weapon: Cobalt, his zigzagged wood and copper sword. It looks flimsy, but it is a strong weapon.
    Appearance: Where a black shirt under a white tuxedo with golden buttons, black slacks and white boots, black fingerless gloves, and he has a black tattoo of a half moon next to his left eye, and shoulder length Moby-style white hair. Theo is very black and white. Calm and laid back type.(OOC: (Moby style hair looks like a lower case M from my perspective.)
    status: Mystery


    RULES: THese are very important, and they must be read. So listen up, and listen good.

    1. I have a 3 strike rule. If these rules are broken 3 times by a person, then I will have to insist that they leave the thread.

    2. Every charecter you make must have a bio for it. If you do not make a bio for it, then you will not be aloud to use it, unless it is a minor charecter which will plan on killing off quickly, for example, an evil minion, or something like that.

    3. No god modding. You may not control anouther persons charecter without there permission. You may not say something like "the fireball hit, and knocked the man out", unless the charecter is one of your own. Otherwise, the person who controls that charecter will be the one to say whether they are knocked out or not. ALso, that means that you cannot control the people within a persons kingdom. Say in the kingdom of flounder, which I control. You will not be aloud to control the gaurds actions without my permission. If you want to control someone within this kingdom, then you will have to make your own charecter for it.

    4. No power playing. Do not make your charecter all powerful. You must follow exsactly what your bio says, and if your charecter is some how going to become stronger then he is, then I must be informed about it. If they have something that makes them tough, such as their race, then you must describe in the race description what that is. For instance, bloodlings are known to be able to take stab wounds (though since they are revolving around the main section of the story line right now, that cannot be revealed), but that does in fact indicate that they will be able to withstand most wounds, depending on their current condition.

    5. Teleportation is something that may only be done with special machines, known as zigarians. One must pay to use one, and they will only teleport you to places that have a zigarian there. If you do in fact use a teleportation spell, then your charecter will be completely wiped out, since using the laws of physics, one would have to be close to fainting after using magic to deconstruct millions of human cells and atoms, along with that persons own magic abilities, then transport them through the air, and then perfectly re-construct them in anouther area, which you would have to think about. Teleporting about 10 people will also bring upon a persons death, ok.

    6. You must use detail. Sure, you can use one line posts, but you cannot say something like "Annoymanus walked around in the castle and said "I wonder what is going on?" ", unless you already said how you got into the castle itself. Such things do not bring upon common sense, since if a person was to enter into a castle, then they would have to walk through gaurds, gain permission, and all of that.

    7. Remember, you are aloud to create a kingdom, but if you wish to create a kingdom, then you must first post the kingdoms name, and write down a description of it, so that way I may add it to the list. You are not aloud to just suddenly say that there is a kingdom without giving me the name, or else I will have to take control of this kingdom myself, and you will not gain the right to control it.

    I know that the rules seem a little strict, but they are, in fact, reasonable, and simply so that way whenever we roleplay, things will make sense. If there is anything that you wish to suggest to me about the thread or the rules or any section what-so-ever, then please pm me.
  2. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Mind if I join in? I think this looks cool.

    Okay, let's try this guy:

    Name: Chronix Gear
    Age: 17 1/2
    Date of birth: Private Information, Parona Secret Files Only.
    Weapon: a big, BIG sword with two gears on the blade that spin around when activated. Uses of this blade are Magi-Tech Buster Techniques, such as Tech Flare.

    Race: Human
    Race Description: Quite Obvious, I'm not going to say it.
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Has white hir that goes down to shoulders that parts off and covers left eye, wears nothing but blue clothes, has green eyes, black dress shoes and a real bad attitude at times.

    Personality: The strong, quiet type who wants nothing more than a peaceful life. This is why he's so pissed off at times because that wish never come true.

    History: Chronix was a creation in a secret lab in the Angel world Paradise, but the experiment on him failed and he was sent to earth as a human with a super computer chip in his left eye. Chronix became a very skilled sword fighter and made himself a mercenary for hire, as he did not want to be around big shot business people all the time. Chronix also moves very fast for his age. Eventually, a new experiment was taken upon him in the human world of Valgonia, where they made Chronix into a semi super human, so that often times when he fought something or someone, he sprouted a wing made purely out of Tech-Magi energy. Chronix spends his time training or doing a secret thing that he calls "mercenary work", but it's really trying to research information about his past, as he lost his memory.

    Skills: Currently unknown, but we can say for sure that when he gets ready to land a blow he gets a very sudden green aura around him. Other skills such as super speed and flight are the only other well known abilities of this character.

    That's what I've got for my character. Please excuse me for not PMing this to you, as I did not see the part about PMing bios to you. Well, I definatelly haven't used THIS guy before! By the way, the history IS NOT COMPLETE. That is still being found out, along with another character of mine named Sin Haxen.

    By the way, I can get really chatty as well, so I know how to bare it. I think the story you've got so far is good, but you might want to tweak some places where your sentences look like THis. It happens to me a lot too. Plus, could you add at least one more thing to the bio? I'm thinking something along the lines of a group of rebels who are hunting the bloodlings for themselves, but they are simply called rebels. How about it?
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: well, I mean, there are bound to be groups like that already, so it is ok to make it without me haven to edit the bio or anythen like that. But alrite, I think that I will add that anyways, ok. Also, we will be begining once we get one more person to join. You are the second person who wants to join, just so ya know. And also, I will be adden bio's as soon as we get one more to join
  4. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    ooc: Cool! Thanx.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    name: Lynn
    age: looks 16
    race: Unknown
    race description: They may look like normal humans or a beast. There are stories about them from the past long ago having the power to mimic anything they wish which is the case why they lived for such a long time and they are known to have been wiped out for an unknown reason so little is known about them but one shows up...
    gender: Female
    appearance: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/Emberstar_the_cat/463.jpg
    personality: Cold, Crule, Killer personality
    history: she waked up in a city and cant remember anything but lets the bloodlust in her take over and starts to kill and cant stop herself, she soon have dreams about her past
    skills: She may mimic alomst anything that she wish to like wepons, magic, and tech but it is eaiser said then done and she may transform into a beast that looks like this but with wings and yellow or red eyes: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s24/death_is_sweet_2007/Anime/BlackDemonCat.jpg
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: interesting bio. I would have prefered that you pmed it to me, but still, either way, it is good enough. accepted. Ok, godda gimme a little while before I can start, k
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc opps sorry and ok I can wait
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: I wanna wait for kairigirl22 to be on since it was her that I discussed this thread with, and also, her charecter is sort of needed.
    I'll post when she is on, ok. Then we can start
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc ok just pm me when this starts if I am on or not
  10. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    ooc: I just got back from a movie I was watching. I'm writing a funny thing about it. Now, who are we waiting for again? I forgot. Ah well, I'll know when it starts.
  11. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: Hey hey I'm here. sorry I had to keep you all waiting I had a very busy weekend.
  12. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    It's okay, I was asleep for half the day anyhow. :D
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: ok, sorry for not bein on. I see that none of you guys are on, so, I think that I will just start the thread now. We will be begining in flounder, ok. You guys can start however you want as soon as you get on. I am afraid that I will only be adding more of my own charecters as the thread moves on, and until the time is right, I cannot rp as my own, so until then, I will sort of just be controlling the vast crowds of people, k
  14. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: kk :)
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: ummm, alrite then, you can start rping.

    Also at first, I thought that you werent on, but now that you are on, that means that I gets the chance to rp as my charecter :D
  16. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    ooc: Oh! Hi! I didn't realize you guys were on. The last I checked, everyone but me was logged off.
  17. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: Ok but how should I start?
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: hmmmm. Idk. Your charecter is basicly a princess, right? So since in your history it said that she was temporarily staying in the kingdom of Flounder, I guess that you just start off there, or you start off with your charecter still being transported to flounder.
  19. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: kk

    BIC: Diana rode on her horse until she saw the kingdom of flounder. " There it is." She said and continued to ride.
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Zane sighed, as he sat in the ally way. He was silent, and he was wearing a cloak, with a hood over his head. He simply waited silently, not making one sound.
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