come, hearken then, ere voice of dread, with bitter tidings laden, shall summon a melancholy maiden! we are but older children dear who fret to find our bedtime near. without, the frost, the blinding snow, the storm-wind's moody madness -- within, the firelight's ruddy glow and childhood's nest of gladness, the magix words shall hold thee fast: thou shalt not heed the raving blast. and though the shadow of a sigh may tremble through the story for "happy summer days" gone by, and vanish'd summer glory -- it shall not touch with breath of bale the pleasance of our fairy-tale. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I made 10 Alice in Wonderland icons from the new trailers. c: free for use on Vids, PM/VM me if you're using somewhere else. Most of them are of the Cheshire Cat because he is adorable and gives me hope for this movie.
Oh wow, I like these. I havn't seen the new trailer, because when I looked, it was all down. D: But I like the Alice Icon, but the Chessire Cat ones were a bit over used in my opinion. the black and white one I didn't like, but the one with just the glowing eyes and mouth is great. Nice Job, Misty. ;D
cheshire cat freaks me out for some reason lol, that damn smile. not your best work, some of them could use some small lighting imo. love the mad hatter icon though.
6, 8, & 10 are my favorites. I love the rabbit. :3 The filter on the 3rd Cheshire cat looks a bit overdone and the black & white on looks a bit plain. Other than that, very good job. I <3 these.
I agree with Virtuoso, they seem a little dark. The very first one is my favorite, his smile is so epic. The last one seems a little washed out, but the rest are fine.