Through the Eye's of Darkness

Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by Light-Rune Maven, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    April 22, 2014
    So, just to make sure we are all aware, I shall restate my purposes.
    This is, in essence, Steel's journal.
    This is for fun mainly. It is to show the story from Steel's point of view from when he appears in the story, onward. As this is just for kicks and has no effect on the story of SOS, I'm letting up on his power limitations a little. Which is to say that things he never specifically does in the rp are revealed here, and you get a bit more behind his logic. How this will all be organized is something I'll go into later, but it will basically be a table of contents in this first post, so feel free to leave your comments if you want.

    I'm going to base most of what happens on the entries on what happens around Steel at the time, and thus number them based on which of my post they are in the thread. For other worlds, I might make entirely separate entries, and label them by RP page numbers or actual in thread post numbers. I will put all entries in Spoiler tags. I'm not going to make the transition from one entry to another noticeable, as there is not exactly an easy way to tell day to day in SOS, so mostly the events of each entry will just be separated by the time it's actually posted, and they'll all run into each other as though I never stopped writing in the first place. Lastly, I am not sure how often I will get around to this, as I'm nearing the end of my school year, and wasn't exactly keeping up with my other writing thing. (It's seriously almost done, I just have yet to actually FINISH the chapter.)

    Anyway, here is entry 1:

    I left the castle early this morning.

    As I had originally planned, I put Tyson and Aura in charge; despite the events of yesterday. Aura still seemed mad at me, but she at least held out her hand for me to shake. I tried not to reveal the hope in my eyes as I accepted, but it didn't seem like it mattered; she was distracted. I have no doubt that she will soon leave. I will be sad, but it's for the best; she deserves to live a life safe from all this nonsense. It saddens me really; the fact that they all do. Unfortunately, she is the only one who can leave it all behind.

    Putting those gloomy thoughts behind me, I slipped on the mask I had prepared, and departed through a dark corridor. As I stalked through the darkness around me, I reflected. I reflected on the mysterious letter, on my new weapon and it's powers, on the turn recent events had taken, and on the foreign presence within the darkness. This last one was a new addition, as I could sense that amongst the usual creatures stalking about within, there was a new one that didn't belong. Upon reaching the end of the tunnel, I quickly decided that this was tied to the crisis of time described in the letter, and that the mask didn't have enough light for me to take the time to investigate.

    So with one last look at my surroundings, I delved into the new world that lay beyond the exit.

    Upon my arrival, I was quite surprised to find that the world was in perfect balance. There was no more light than darkness and vice-versa. To find such a land is rare. Upon my arrival to this "Land of Departure" I ran into two beings that I later learned were some of my companions. One was a young girl, crying over events that transpired before I had become involved. The other, a young man who attempted to comfort her. He arrived after I did, and I decided it may be best to hide and observe the two.

    It's relatively short, but I just wanted to kick it off.

    May 7, 2014
    TIME. TIME IS THE KEY. TIME IS the reason this came out somewhat half-baked.
    Anyway, I did the best I could to get this done without taking too long. But I also think I might not have put in as the first one. Oh well. Again I would like to say that you should all feel free to post your thoughts, It'll keep the thread nice and recent or whatever. I... yeah okay.

    As I was observing the girl- Luna- brushed off the boy's -Kel's- help, and proceeded to call me out. She apparently felt my position based on my Aura. The power to sense my Aura... I analyzed her own Aura just to be sure, and sure enough found that she held the power of the moon within. Luna said that I should introduce myself to the others in the castle before walking off, leaving me and Kel behind. I appeared out of the darkness next to Kel. I wasn't really sure whether or not he was surprised, though it would be a common reaction to be startled for at least a brief moment. I was still wearing my mask, so that probably didn't help anything. I promptly removed it, introducing myself and trying to be as polite as possible.

    However, my attempts meant little, as Kel was more concerned with Luna. He greeted me politely before heading off towards the castle. He was focused; good. He would likely need to be. Especially considering my track record. Of course, it could aslo just be that my natural existential make-up repelled him, as it no dobt will at least some people. Deciding to focus on that later, I made sure to split off and sneak a bit of myself into his shadow; I would need to analyze the members of this little masquerade a bit more if I wanted to get anywhere, and heaven knows they would tell me anything about their

    personal lives. I would get Luna later. It seemed the two of them were awfully focused on that castle, and Luna had said that the other were there.

    I figured it must be their headquarters, so I tucked the mask away; as I was certain I would need it again later, and with a strangely maniacal smile on my face, proceeded to walk towards the castle. As I arrived, quietly behind the other two, I became witness to a young soul making a rather idiotic statement, in which there was little purpose. I promptly told him that his logic was completely illogical, and he apologized with a greatly embarrassed look on his face.

    The boy -Etrius as he introduced himself, seemed to be of the darkness; like myself, and I could tell and innate understanding instantly passed between the two of us. We started our introduction over on a somewhat better foot, and It was revealed to me that my castle was at least somewhat known to him. This shocked me greatly, though I hid the severity of it. . My castle was very different from other worlds, and to know that it had appeared to others at some point in time gave me something to think about.

    Bask in it's insufficient glory!

    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  2. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    AHA! I bet you all thought I forgot about this didn't you? Well, I didn't. Nevertheless, I am not overly confident about this next entry because I rushed the ending a bit. Oh well. I would like to say AGAIN that some comments would be nice. Just so I don't double post, Y'know? Lastly, I am going to do my best to make each entry cover roughly five of my post. Okay, now here's the entry:

    After greeting Etrius I quickly introduced myself to Mater Yen Sid and excused myself to observe the rest of the group. I found myself leaning on the wall next to a stoic young woman who appeared as though she would rather be oblivious to the rest of the world; though Etrius earlier comment had quite clearly been noticed, as she was glaring at him. I filed that away for later and watched as Etrius and Luna made friends with each other; earlier hostilities forgotten. As the two left the building, the girl next to me seemed to try and push herself into the wall, an attempt to increase the distance between herself and the reality around her. I couldn’t keep myself from glaring a bit; of course there would be an aggressive insecure person on this team. What story lacked one of those? I just hoped there weren’t too many around, or it would make my job more difficult than it needed to be.

    Rather than stand there and judge her too harshly, I let the sounds of training lead me outside. Etrius and Luna were practicing on dummies, whilst Kel and another boy were observing. As the other two wielders continued to practice, Etrius was overtaken by a deep seated rage and cut one of the dummies clean in half. No one seemed to really notice though; Kel and the other boy decided to get in on the training. I considered seeing if the girl wanted to come and train, but my thoughts were interrupted as Etrius grew even angrier. He seems a bit impulsive. I’ll have to eventually take to time to see if I can teach him a thing or two. This brought my thoughts once more to the subject of my world appearing to his people at some point; was such an event in my past? Or is it in my future? He shook his head as he turned to walk inside, having been set on seeing if the silent girl inside wanted to train.