Except that's incredibly generalized because we don't turn a hypercritical eye to Dora the Explorer or Beastie Boyz Not every video game is its medium's equivalent to Good Will Hunting or the Mona Lisa and some people across all forms of art have ample and understandable reason to want to avoid the transient socio-political considerations of their time and just chill w/ something they enjoy, not to mention the staggering amount of non-constructive negative criticism already entrenched in the mediu- Oh wait this is Spamzone
I wonder if other hobbies go through this stuff. Like if stamp collectors ever have twitter campaigns and #controversies. I wonder if stamp collectors get worked up and go on forums, putting down other stamp collectors for not collecting stamps the right way. I wonder if there's a stamp collector out there with a thick British accent called CompleteCrumpet that makes a ton of youtube videos about how much stamps suck. I wonder if stamp collectors feel superior to people that only use stamps to mail letters. I wonder if stamp collectors send death threats to people.