I want it to end but I don't want it to end either because I don't want my exam next week. D: I have two math tests tomorrow that I just want to do so I can study for my math exam next week. And I've been waiting for my new xbox for like 2 weeks and I think it's here but the security guard downstairs called and asked for my mom BUT didn't tell me what it was about? Soooo I hope it's here because I've been Halo Reach deprived. D: GIMME MY HALO REACH!!!! Another note, I'm not here on Saturday... so if any of you... tries something that disrupts the balance of KHV I will come online and personally eat you... I'll start with your arms and then legs.. =) My belly will be hungry for some naughty members ;D wooooo... seriously if you think I'm weird today.. should have seen the convo between me and Chev. haha he was so confused. LOVE YOU ALL <3 -mwah-
Why does Maths consume our lives? T_T Anyway, good luck, I'd come back here though with an empty stomach :3
My ebay stuff is apparently being shipped at the end of the week so I can't wait. Good luck with Maths. I failed, and now have a horrible job, so do well.
Math is my kryptonite. Like, an elemental weakness. And, lol, Sabby I <3 you and the confusing convos. Show those test that you're the pimp. Don't show fear, they can smell it! If they go naughty, a whip should do the trick.
Played that stuff today. D: Math Is Evil D: <3 Hey.. it's probably better than my last job XD I made sammiches for the hungry people -hip thrusts- LOLL It was soo amusing Get me Blops and we'll have sexy fun tiems Awww baby <3 love you LOL did my tests today. God.... stupid questions are stupid D: good thing is... I got my sex bawx wooooooo but now I'm like super sad because my brother in law called me spoiled so now I have like anger in my veins that I need to take out on my tumblr. Hope your day was good.