This video makes me sick

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Cody, May 27, 2008.

  1. Vex123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2006
    I agree with you very much. Thank you for posting that. Though this is off-topic, I"m glad someone has said that it's the media making other people look bad.

    This is sick. I can't believe that anyone would do this for any religion. Scaring people into converts. I bet they would even just practice the religion half-heartedly, still always thinking about the fear of the video. Not that the video would even make people convert. Just sick. My religion teaches me to treat everyone with equal respect, no matter what religion they are, but it's becoming hard for me to do that to the makers of that video. This video would make other non-Christians hate Christianity. Even though the "wish you were here" part cracked me up, the video can scare little children. It is absolutley sickening.
  2. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I don't believe this! I'm christian, and, first of all, at the church I go to, nobody is like that. Second, I can't believe they'd be brainwashing kids to join Christianity, of all religions! You won't go to Hell for not spreading the word about Jesus. Also, Angels don't act like that, that evil and facist like "Josh" described. If they show this at camping trips, it's just wrong.

    I follow different beliefs than the normal Christian, for personal reasons. You are supposed to believe anything you want to believe, not be scared into believeing exactly what someone tells you to believe in otherwise you will burn in Hell for all eternity.

    This is just sick and wrong on so many levels, I just can't even describe it!
  3. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    why do people do that? now pesonally im a very superstious person and even i dont believe that. ill tell you right here. Im not a christian. and im proud of it. im proud that i dont have to listen to someone else. im proud i dont have to listen to other people preaching out to people. im proud that when people at those fairs with the signs asking you to preach about jesus that i can say no. im proud that if someone calls me a worshipper of satin that i dont care. I dont believe in any one god. if your so called jesus is real then why cant Appolo be real? Why cant Zeus be real? Why cant the Mayan gods be real? Why cant the Aztec gods be real? ask yourselves these questions before telling someone to become a christian.

    ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
  4. GenesisRebirth Merlin's Housekeeper

    wow... and I thought the priest at my school was extreme... Now i practically regret seeing this for many reasons... my parents never brought me up in that horrid way that the video is portraying. now i really wonder how they came to do something as ridiculous as this... now my night vision is screwed...they've also given us a new low into how extreme in all the wrong ways... i don't know about you, but would you see your parents do this to you? As if.
  5. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    The most interesting thing I look at, from reading a philosophy book today...

    Is that 2000 give or take years ago, no one believed in God, no one believed in Christianity, or any other type of religion except Judaism.

    Back then the majority didn't say: "Believe in this, go to heaven, don't believe in it and go to hell." There was belief in afterlife, but for the most part it wasn't thought that way.

    It went by your moral beliefs and values. Not religion, not believing in god, but what you did as right and wrong. Plato said during your lifetime that if you did something wrong, it corrupted your soul. It ate away at your physical being. A lot of people believed in the afterlife, not just the Egyptians, and they never put their own beliefs down. Just the simple concept of being good or evil.

    How being good or evil can be debated in another topic, but now everyone seems to need a definition of it. Not all churches are evil, not all people who go to church are evil. I grew up with a dad who believes that if he doesn't go to church every day and pray for everything, he'll go to hell.

    But I met and got helped by a lot of other good people who maybe are Christian, or Catholic, or whatever. It's not about religion, it's not about beliefs, it's not about being a victim.

    It's about how you use it.

    And whether you go to hell or not, that's your own moral values. Always has been since the birth of man.

    And a note on the video, absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's my only comment.
  6. awsomonium Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 8, 2008
    Those are my fellings exactly, i find this repulsive, it is so manipulative, its just attempting to scare people into a religion, I recomend that everybody flags this video where ever they see it
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I sleep with Satin, so it's not so bad. It's very comfortable.

    Back on topic since I can't just leave that or it's spam. >.> This is scare tactics purely and passive aggressive bullying people to not only believe in a religion but to make them talk about it and convert others or they are sinning. It's just very disappointing but so old fashioned human of some people.
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    This is not Christian. This is blasphemous heresy. I have never, in my entire life, watched a more insulting video. If you live a virtuous life without knowing Jesus, you are not going to hell. I want all the non-Christians-atheists too-to know that, whether you do or don't believe in the afterlife, it won't suck as long as you try to be good to others.
  9. Sorafan60 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Wow, scaring people into Christianity. O.O That's just wrong on all levels. I'm Christian, but I would never do this, I would never force somebody into my religion. I really can't believe that somebody would do this. T.T
  10. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone

    as for me and my religion we know that this video is false. because he showed a desire to learn the gospel he whould have been sorted into one of the kingdoms of god not simply throne into hell which is not a place of pain and suffaring in a lake of fire but a state of mind. an agony worse then pain its the feeling of regret. to all who have learned from this video i am sorry that some branches of the christain religion are so cruel but you may continue to unless you didnt already have faith in the mormon church though in any case if you disprove of my religion i promiss you that people ov my religion would make great freinds if you just be freindly enough to say hi i know we dont like to be treeted differently from personal expeirience. thank you and dont forget to be kind regardlus of the conditions your living under.

    your freind tough you dont now me micketymike
  11. Marluxia13579 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 13, 2008
    Wow... That's just sick. I couldn't finish watching it.
  12. Pistol Schoolboy Gummi Ship Junkie


    Sick, twisted, scary, sad, it freaked the livin' day lights out of me. I expected just one those pop up videos, but in return I get this testimonial letter.
    I have to admit, my stomach began to churn.
  13. Demyx111 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 19, 2008
    UK - England
    Horrible, horrible video! I don't know why I sat though it all. I'm an Agnostic myself, I don't really know what to believe. Religion is such a big subject and often WAY too big for me. If there is a Heaven and Hell you won't automatically go to Hell just for not being a Christian, it's not who you are or what you believe, it's what you do in life that matters.
  14. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    I feel like theres a rock in my throat O.o That was horrible. Horrible. Horrible.
    UGH! That video is horrible, just because your not Christian doesnt mean you go there. Its just so stupied...I cant even believe someone would make that. I couldnt even watch all of it
  15. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    i saw an opratunity so i wrote this. heven and hell/what happens after death is a big and very popular topic for the missionarys of my im only 13 not 19 so i couldnt explain it as well and on top of that im typing the whole thing but here go's.

    when we die there is more then just what most people believe and thats the idea that bad people go to hell and good heven. in fact the is a process before the judgment even comes into play. now after life we go tho a sort of place of holding/waiting. this place is divided into two parts paradise and prison. now dont over react at the name prison its not like what you whould at first think. the prison is where thoughs who have lived sinful lives and did not learn the gospel go and is more or less a hotel per say that you are givin the chance to leaarn in if you were deprived of or chose not to listen to the word of the savior. also dont think the paradise is to far superior. it is say a resting place for people who worked hard all their life to not just know but live the gospel still they are not done yet for those in the "prison" need teachers and that is what all in the paradise are expected to do unless their pupils refuse to listen to them.

    now after this place of waiting comes judgement day where we will be presented before the lord and jesus aand tried for all sin in our lives. when sorted through this system we are seperated into our next hoes which are 1 of the three kingdoms of god or satins land which ill catch you now and say is not hell but as good as nothingness. hell, im sure your now wondering what is if you are ging to believe me and i recomend you do is not a place but a feeling. a feeling that compared to hell we have all had a microscopic dose of, regret. reget at what we became or what we did. we whould see what we could have been what we have done what choises we coulde have made as a feeling that lasts all eternity.
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I know I already said something on this, but I just wanted everyone to know that not all Christians-myself included-are like this. I would never, ever force my faith on someone else if they choose not to believe. This video gives good Christians a bad name.
  17. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    They're trying to make pepole change their religion. Thats not good. I just want to vomit at this video.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    You are right. Not all Christians are like this. Sadly though, there are quite a few groups popping up that are and it is causing a lot of trouble because no one who is Christian will speak out against this and try to make people see that tolerance is necessary. Acceptance of other people's beliefs doesn't mean you have to believe in them yourself. It simply means you come to terms that everyone doesn't feel the same way you do when it comes to having a personal deity/deities/or none. These religious beliefs should not be so dominant and influential when it comes to government or other things because it's a personal choice.

    I suppose that is what can be the most agitating thing out of all of this. Children should not be taught a religion or -anything- really through fear of eternal damnation etc. We can say that people grow up in violence and can get threatened with their lives, and that is really bad enough. What rights do adults have to bring fear to a child that their very soul and eternal afterlife, if it even exists, should also be threatened? Whether religious or not, this just isn't the right thing to do and spreading religion through fear has always been just plain stupid and a means of controlling a population. These people that do these things are making many children biased, ignorant and refusing to receive even proper educations. It teaches prejudice and holds people back. I remember the fight it was for me to decide I just didn't believe in Christianity because of fear tactics like this that were employed on me and I had a lot of nightmares but in the end, evidence won it out for me to triumph over these sorts of stories. Whether religious or not, people must realize that a 'personal' God means that you have the choice to have it in your life or to not have it there. Children's rights are literally raped from them when people teach kids through these methods.

    Not all Christians are like this and I thank each one that posted here to say they aren't and that their churches aren't so much this way. However, if the problem keeps growing and no one deals with it because they are afraid to defy the zealots who make these things, it's just going to keep happening. Christians themselves need to learn to be more vocal against the teachings like this to kids. If adults want to believe in the fear and hatred tactics, that's one thing but kids just don't deserve the trauma.
  19. Da Freak Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 5, 2006
    up your blarg
    This kind of stuff makes me want to be an atheist.
  20. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    This video should be taken down from Youtube. You can't force religion on people.