This video makes me sick

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Cody, May 27, 2008.

  1. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    This is bull. I don't believe a letter can come from hell unless someone meant to do it as a prank. This is not real I'd say.
  2. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    God. I couldn't watch that after it started talking all that crap about Jesus and EVERYONE is gonna go to hell that isn't Chirstan. I hate people who try to scare people into religion like that and try to say all others are "bad" and should go to hell.
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I thought the majority of American Christians considered themselves to be Evangelical Christians. Evangelical meaning spreading the word of God to all non-believers.

    I take that as a invasion of my rights as an individual who has the right to make choices. I can make my own damn mind up about what belief system to choose or not choose thank you very much.

    Also, anyone who cannot be deemed to choose right from wrong cannot be expected to make decisions about their own religious beliefs. In America the age is 8. This means that children under the age of 8 in America should not be taken to church, or be told anything about religion. They are too young to make up their own mind, and far too susceptible to the brain-washing from their parents and other people in positions of authority. This is how it is child abuse.
  4. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Their intentions..were good, but they touched on the subject in a 'harsh' way.
  5. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    ohh that is just sick they are going to give those poor children nightmares

    this is the second most sickest thing i've ever watched ,scaring people to believe in chirstainaty

    ohh and they think jesus is god but he is not he's just a messenger

    they made me feel so angry when i watched it

    i showed it to my big sisr and all she could say is that whoever thought of making this vid should burn in hell

    for scarring little kids who watched this video in camp or at school or in youtube

    (i wish i never showed it to her she made me right that part and she was so scary :3 )
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    now, i have to disagree with you there Bunterx

    in my church we teach children values, we show them things that will help, them be better adults

    we dont go telling children or adults "youre going to hell" or "youre a sinner"like in this video

    and we show children bible stories, that will help their values grow, we dont "brainwash"them

    that is in no way child abuse, we dont exactly teach children religion, why?, because its best to show them the values,through a way they understand it , and once they are adults, they can choose, but with a better understanding of how their moral values, can help them be better people
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That was a weird ending. Out of nowhere I see a bible with a "free" sign over it. I agree that this is a bit disturbing...just watch Jesus Camp and you'll see how stupid some christians can get. At least I don't act like those people...that's just scary.
  8. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    This is disgusting. How can any Christian church believe that this was a good idea. It's making all Christians look like they just want you to accept Jesus or else. That's why I hate these people; they make my religion look bad.

    What's worse is that it's not even intelligent. This could be for any religion if you just change a few words.

    What if? What if you had a friend who died without knowing Allah as their personal savior?

    What if? What if you had a friend who died without knowing Buddha as their personal savior?

    Seriously, its so vague and stupid it could apply to any religion. I hate these kinds of Christians.
  9. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    Hate is a very..strong word. =/

    Listen, overall, their intentions were good, but they tried to witness in a VERY bad way. Christians aren't like this. This is what you would call crazy Christians. Just like there are crazy athiests, crazy buddhists, and crazy people.
  10. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I realize this. I'm a Christian myself and before you tell me that it's wrong to hate according to my religion, I already know that. They just piss me off so much. They make the regular Christians look bad, giving us the bad political reputation we've attained today.
  11. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    No, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you. I just thought it was a little 'harsh'. Sorry. =/

    And I agree with everything you said. But, there are always guanna be idiots like that.
  12. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Oh no no, you didn't insult me :), I was just reinforcing my point and annoyance at the people who made this video. Sorry if I came off as a little harsh, but people who force their beliefs on others or in anyway try to change people's beliefs without the people being influenced wanting the influence really annoy me.
  13. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You're funny.

    No, it's not real. But...that's not the issue. lol
  14. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I couldn't watch it...won't load on my computer right now, but from what I read here it must be bad. But remember the crusades.
  15. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Sorry, but bad political reputation does not exist for Christians. Christians rule most of the western world. According to a few members of the US government, Atheists shouldn't even be considered citizens of America. I'm sorry to be an ass but christians should never act like victims, or like they're the minority, they're not. If there's any Martyrs out there, it's the Jews, the Atheists, and more recently the Muslims, who have gained an extremely bad reputation recently due to the media coverage and biggot statements made by government officials and newscasters. I'm sorry, but just don't act like a victim, because you as a Christian never will be.
  16. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart

    I mean in the eyes of the general public, but you're entirely right.
  17. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    What were there intentions? Forcing their belief system on other people in an over-bearing and downright back-handed way? Telling people that having sex for anything but making babies is wrong? That women, homosexuals and those from other religions are lesser than you? That they are all going to burn in hell for being born the way they are or making a different decision to you?

    I'd rather that the "Good Word" wasn't spread anywhere near me or my loved ones thanks. Actually, make that anyone I consider to be a decent person.

    The entire point is, children are children. They are still growing and maturing, and are very impressionable. No-one has the right to decide for them that they are to be Christian/Jewish/Muslim etc. Doing that is changing the very course of their life against their will. Without their consent. This is because they are too young to give consent. This is why it is child abuse.

    Also, religion is not needed for morals or so-called "values". They are already in-built to humanity, through evolution. Try reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. It is very enlightening, as (to be honest) I had thought that the only things religion was good for were consoling and teaching people right and wrong etc. He showed me how religion really isn't needed, and in fact can do the opposite. A quote he used went something like "A bad man can be good on his own, but it takes religion to make a good man do bad things".

    What parents (well, good parents anyway) can do is teach their children how not what to think. Teaching them to take in what everyone says and then, based on what they know and feel, make a decision. This can be done when they are old enough and mature enough to make these decisions.

    However, I can see from what you are saying that your church is a mild one. But don't be complacent, both mild and moderate religious environments are breeding grounds for extremism (like was seen in the video).
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    i disagree with you again...sorry XD

    but, never, in my life have i been forced and obligated into religion, and no ,my church is NOT ground for extremism,besides, i think im the one who goes to it, and well, possibly your expirience with church's has been the "BAD" one

    you see, the catholic church, impossed their belief on anyone and hunted down christians(obiously bad)

    people like that are bad,lets give the example

    its like saying

    "because youre blond, youre stupid and brainless"

    no, not all blondes are stupid or braindead. (this is just an example, not to offend anyone)

    you are using stereotypes, just because in one church they are "evil" and brainwashers

    doesnt mean all are, and those kinds of churches that do that kind of stuff, should be destroyed,disbanded

    because they are, bending, warping, and destroying, the way a real church should be.

    you cant brand ALL churches, just because you had a bad expirience with one of them.

    and of course moral values can be teached anywhere, not just a church.

    i just say we Can act like victims, why? , because those so called "christians" who made the video, have given a bad name and destroyed, something, and transformed it , into some rigid dictation.

    that is definately not, what a church is for.

    just because we are majority in america....well what good is it being majority, when most majority, you are in, and think is right, is teaching right the wrong way......
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    A group is defined by the actions of the worst part of it. If you think it is such a bad thing, why do so many of the Christian mainstream think like this? Get it sorted and I might change my mind.

    The thought that some Christians require the fear of Hell to make them good sickens me. Admittedly, there are probably very few of these people lol
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I will have to now disagree with you. Children are forced to go to Church. If parents go, they want their kids to go. They may dress it up and make it look enticing, and really, I have no problems with kids -going to church-. There is a problem though when people try to say a kid is a Christian or of another religion because in seriousness, what real issues of religion are even touched on besides the cutesy stories of Noah, Moses, Jesus etc until the kid is old enough to actually -read- the Bible semi-decently? The kid isn't getting the point of what the Bible really is so why is it a Christian and not 'a child being raised by Christians'? I do feel that is wrong and harmful and it has led -many- children to have to face abuse, neglect, mistreatment etc. Also, parents that marry and are of two different Christian faiths...oh that's even better for kids. I should know.

    One last thing...Catholics aren't the -bad- ones. The church did its crimes, sure, but let's also not forget the founder of Protestant religion, Martin Luther, he was anti-semitic and -hated- Jews. He was not such a great man as he is painted out to be historically by Protestants who want to go on about how they won their freedom from the Catholic Church.
    Here's one site but there are many places with the truth about his views. He wasn't a -great man-. He was every bit as dogmatic as the Catholics.

    Not all Churches do this. You are right. However, a majority do. I sat in a nice church one time with a bunch of locals of the area and the pastor decided to ask us each (since I wouldn't go to the lame teenage group and went to the adult group with my mom instead) what would we do if our children weren't Chiristian and denied God and Jesus. Some people said they'd disown the kid, a couple said they'd -kill- the kid. I think I was the ONLY one (and boy did it humiliate my mother who hates my guts for it still) to say that if I had a kid that wasn't religious, I wouldn't give a crap and that kid is more important to me than some stupid book. These are regular people that believe in this crap. I've been to quite a few churches because my mom was insistent I be a good lil Christian. And I tried for her, but in the end, I could not cave in for reasons like this and the fact I felt I did not need some deity telling me to feel and do what I knew I should any way.

    I am up to allowing people to believe whatever, so long as I am entitled to that same right. However, local people who say 'you are going to hell', videos like this one and of people like Ted Haggard and his Jesus Camp, really have to understand there are thousands of people like this that are evangelical harms to society. They bully and harm many people's rights to believe what they want and threaten constantly against constraints to teach children proper science even. The -word- science to some of these people is blasphemy. There are great Christian people out there but I am sure it is because they are GREAT PEOPLE and not because they are great Christians. I think good people deserve more credit and there are some Christians out there I have a great admiration for. However, there are many others that are bad examples. Think of it this way...on this site here, there are some nice people of varying religions here. Then we get a nut like KHSuperfan. Now, we are a small percentage here. Multiply this by thousands and we see how bad it is in America right now. If even 1 out of 20 religious people is harming others who don't believe as they do, or doesn't have a faith at all, that's a pretty large number when they get gathered. The worst thing is most feel they are martyrs and victims, even though they are the ones attacking.

    I do know there are a great deal of good people out there who follow Christian faith. However, the point is this. How come Christians won't take care of this rabble instead of tossing out a martyr card? If the 'regular' Christians actually stopped this abuse, neglect, mistreatment etc and punished the nut cases as they would with any other person that was abusing or harming for any other reason than religion...well things would be different, wouldn't they? If people would stop getting 'get out of jail free cards' for believing in Christian ways, well, walla, that would be a change too. You guys have the -power- which is why a lot of us who do not believe in Christianity do not understand why you tolerate such things and just complain. We are doing your fight for you by complaining about it and all it ever amounts to is regular Christians like yourself saying we are too extreme because all of Christianity suffers for it. You guys have more than half of the majority. More than 3/4ths the majority of followers.

    I hope you get what I mean here, because it is a serious thing when people -of- the religion won't stop their zealots or fanatics and then get mad because others must. I know it's upsetting but think how others feel that have no connections to it and have to step up. We should be tossing the victim card instead but we won't because we will actually try and fight it. If others who don't act are going to get hurt in the crossfire, well, what are we supposed to do, because you won't? There's a point to say that madness is just that, whether you share the same faith or not.