Not only is it the worst update in KHV history, it might possibly be the worst update in the history of the internet. Telsa would be rolling in his grave if he knew all his hard to work would be put to such awful use. It's a steaming pile of convoluted, nonsensical, obtuse, repulsive filth. It's worth of it's own Greek drama where the entire play is nothing but people trying to escape the agony of having to be reminded that such a horrible update was even considered implementing, let alone actually existing and being used. If there was someone in the world actually capable of using this website long enough to write a review on it, the score would be so low that it would go into metacritic and cause their entire site to implode and all of its database would be destroyed. If the owner of the KHV actually had to pay someone to design it, they should shut down their bank account immediately because they are clearly a victim of fraud. The massive robbery of Target customer data now looks like a mere blip on the radar compared to how hard the users of KHV just got screwed just for having to use this website in it's current state for longer than 3 seconds. If I got myself in a room alone with this update reincarnated as a human, a crowbar, a drill and other torturing equipment, I would strap jumper cables to my nipples and fry myself with a car battery for having to be so close to such a horrible reincarnation. It wouldn't be a bizarre assumption to say that the Mongolians invaded most of Eurasia in the 13th century because Genghis Khan saw a vision in his sleep that one day this update would exist, and that he would do everything he had to put a stop to it. Now excuse me while I dip my eyes into a chemical bath.
Genghis Khan never invaded a European country himself in his life time. The closest he got was Samarkand, in modern day Uzbekistan or Iran. His empire got as far as Georgia and the area round he Caspian Sea, but his general, Subodtai, who commanded those troops were called back before properly invading Europe, to finally conquer the rest of China.
He must be a real riot at parties then. Hi, I'm going to ignore the OP even exists. Because I am really not in the mood for that. Trying not to textually maim someone. lol
hey I mean selective as what I like. I now probably know a good deal of American history now on top of British and Asian.