This has to be one of my favorite animes ever, although there were only twelve episodes, it's a very good show. Has anyone else seen it?
This is really weird to be brought up, because my friend was talking about this the other day. She insists that it's really good, but I have yet to watch it. I'd like to soon, but I'm busy lately because of Christmas and all that. I hope to watch it on YouTube soon. =)
Well, it's got quite a complex story line, and I don't want to spoil anything! ;D But, hmm mainly, well, I can't really explain it. XD You should! It's really good! XD
You can look at Wikipedia for information. That's what I'm doing. 8D I'm really curious about this anime.
It's like a love story wait hold on, I have the description from OnDemand memorized and I just realized this. Hakari and Takeru are natural enemies, but not knowing this about themselves they fall in love. Sounds great, eh? Thought I'd post the opening:'s a girly anime kind of love story then? Does it have any action in it? Sword fights? Guns fired? Anything?
Oh no. These types of stories always wind up sad. I hope I don't cry if there's a sad ending. But if there is, don't tell me. I want to find out for myself.