Blogs that promote anorexia and bulimia, and tell fat people(over 110lbs) how to vomit and/or starve properly. Pretty much the exact opposite as this.
Reminds me of this blog, which I know I have shown here before. The glorification of disorders is nothing new. Presenting, Ana's Psalm: "Strict is my diet I must nog want It maketh me lie down at night hungry It leadeth me past the confectioners It trieth my will power It leadeth me in the paths of alternation for my figure sake Yeah, though I walk trough the aisles of the pastry department, I will buy no sweet rolls for they are fattening The cakes and the pies, they tempt me Before me is a table set with green beans and lettuce I filleth my stomach with liquids My day's quota runneth over Surely calorie and weight charts will follow me, all days of my life And I will dwell in the fear of the scales forever"
I'm pretty sure that tumblr you linked to is just a joke(a bad joke) page. >> I don't believe someone can be that stupid.
I'm reading still. >> This person seems to think that all whites are inherently racists and deserve to be hated because of what whites have done to others in history. That's amusing because: 1. Nobody cares about that anymore. 2. Screw reasons, troll or not, I'm hoping this person gets run over by every nationality to ever exist. B| Yup. Troll blog. B|
Suspicions confirmed. I almost thought otherwise, though... Done well, I gotta say. It takes a creative mind to whip up such detailed narrations.
I think it's a either people who identify themselves as the sex they were born as, or white, heterosexual men. I forget which one...