This Speech Simply Moves Me

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Rhiscx, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    For those who are curious, this is Charlie Chaplin in the Great Dictator.

    This speech was shown to me this morning in class, and my god was I moved. I sit here still almost in tears of how beautiful this speech is. This is what the world needs to hear time and time again.

    I fear that even as society moves forward we are still so behind. Peace can not be realized at the rate we are progressing. I have been told that progress is key, and I have been told that with progress comes sacrifice. So I wonder, what sacrifice is worthy enough to realize that peace?

    If you also believe the things in this speech, let your voice be heard! If you have your opinion I wish to hear it.
  2. Namin3 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 13, 2011
    Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
    Wow, that was.... something else. I must honestly say that this video really caught my attention, especially since i watched the whole thing. I was shaking my head throughout the entire speech, agreeing with this man who i have never herd about. And, although im not one for tears, i did clap at the end. It was, without a doubt a phenomenal speech. Why am i just hearing about it?
  3. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    It's just one those great works lost in history. The movie came out in 1940. Chaplin is ironically playing as Hitler in this scene known as "The final Speech" And yes, even for it to be written years ago and still work today, makes it indeed memorial.
  4. Namin3 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 13, 2011
    Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
    So out of all the ******ed, useless *in my opinion* history that they show us now, this piece was never shown. And, for what?! This piece was beautiful.
  5. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    It isn't as ironic as you may think. Hitler actually did make speeches that sounded similar to this. He just aslo happened to make speeches that had a very different subject matter.

    People generally have issues judging ideas seperate from people, which isn't always bad. It is far less work and usually leads to good results. The german people were very desperate. If someone who makes a speech like that says they have a solution to fix your nation's tanking economy you'll likely give a good listen. And it helps that antisemitism was already there, Hitler just took it farther. And it did bring results, it just so happens that the same results could have been acheived reguardless of what the target group is. If you start removing any group then your GDP per capita will go up because you are decreasing the capita side of it.
  6. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    That's true. But it is pretty scary that a speech from 1940 still works today. As someone quoted, "Change the word telephone to internet, and this speech could have been written yesterday."
    It astounds me and is quite scary the process Hitler made in his time. Before reaching power, he was arrested and put in jail. But once in power, and Germany being in the depression it was in, people as you said easily went his direction. The issue I find myself conflicting is, "Was he right"?
    Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that people should be killed off because of a different race, religion, or ethnicity. But People are saying that the world is becoming overpopulated, diseases are getting harder to cure/prevent. More people are being born with mental illnesses and lower immune systems. What if it is nature's way of trying to balance itself out?
  7. dengal118 Moogle Assistant

    Apr 18, 2011
    I have heard of Charlie Chaplin before but that speech was new to me and I'm glad I got to sit back and hear it
  8. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    While there is something to be said for over population, it isn't a problem of today. Today the only resource we are really in direct fear of losing is fossil fuels. Aside from that it is more about resource distribution.

    As for "is nature's way of trying to balance itself out?" There actually isn't any balancing happening in this way. Violence is actually in rapid decline. In the future though, it is logical that the population will plateau as we run out of resources to sustain us. But for the time being we continue to see a rapid increase in population with the current main worry being the distribution of resources rather than the preservation of them (though both do need improvements).

    This video does a nice job of proving the violence decline.