Since I was a kid, my hairline's always been kinda...wonky. It's been kinda far back and I've had a noticeable Widow's Peak since as long as I can remember (not as noticeable now as when I was younger). Over the past three or so years I've noticed it has gone farther back than before, but I wasn't really concerned until now. It came to my attention a few days ago and I started doing some googling (never really the best thing to do in these kinds of situations, but whatever). I've come across people whose hairlines aren't even as far back as mine but are getting really worried, people telling them they're screwed and are gonna go bald etc. It's kinda been freaking me out since I wasn't expecting hair loss to be something I'd be worrying about this early, especially since it hasn't been a problem for my grandparents/uncles, whose hairlines are similar to mine but haven't experienced any significant balding or hair loss. I know it's super common for dudes to lose a decent amount of their hair by their mid 30s to early 40s, but I'm not even 18 it seems like it may be happening to me. What do you think? Is it as bad as I'm making it out to be? Is hair loss something I should be worried about or should I just relax about i? Spoiler: Pictures
Dude, I wouldn't even worry about it. That amount of hair looks pretty normal. If you'd like some relief, though, just to make sure, see a doctor. It may seem silly seeing a doctor for something like this, but they'll understand. They know many teenagers have a lot of "weird" they worry about.
I'm 20 and my hairline has already receded a little bit. I seem to have gotten it from my dad. It's more noticeable when I have longer hair, but when it's cut it's not that big of a deal. Don't worry about it too much though, I'm sure you've got time. If nothing else, there's plenty of ways to get your hair back, given how many commercials you see on TV about this kind of stuff
I had a similar experience I have a receding hairline that never looks that bad live, but in pictures, its extremely noticeable. It makes my forehead freaking huge. After some research, I found out that males in my family do suffer from a receding hairline and balding, in some cases, very early. It's why all of my uncles keep their hair very short or shaved (which I never noticed was a trend). Late last year, I was letting my hair grow out and started balding in two spots with the hair thinning in other spots. I mean, to tell you, our bathub's drain would get filled with hair and I assumed it was my two female roommates and then I realized it was my hair coming out in the shower. It was really worrisome. I had to wear a hat at my old job and, due to certain...situations there, was extremely stressed. I thought that was the cause: wearing a hat for 9-11 hours a day, six days in a row, plus the stress. I went to see a dermatologist and the dude seriously just walked in, looked at my head, and said it's just hair loss; apolexia or whatever the actual term for it is. There were no tests or anything, just glanced at it. He said everyone loses hair eventually and mine just chose a weird pattern. Though the hat and stress was probably contributing to the severe amount and the pattern of it, with my family's history, I was expected to losing a bit of hair right now (I had just turned 23 when the balding was noticeable, but I had no idea how long it was happening since my longer hair hid it from me). He prescribed some cream to put on 2-3 times a day, every day, and said my next choice was a series of shot into my bald spots, but nothing is perfectly guaranteed when it comes to hair loss. I can't remember what the cream was called, Flouro-something, but I had a bad habit of only putting it on once or twice a day, or miss a day, and not using it evenly by focusing on the worst spot (the top of my head, had another on the back, and a growing one behind one ear). But after a couple of months, my hair had filled back in. Anyway, point of this being: hairloss is normal, especially for males, but it's different for everyone. If you're really worried, check out a dermatologist (without health insurance, mine cost 80$. The cream was 27. Your costs may vary obviously). I will say this, your situation may cause a change in hairstyle. I have to keep my hair pretty short now and have started thinking about either keeping it faded or even shaving it, when I'm older anyway, but that's because of the bald spots and the hairline, not just one.
Well considering how your family doesn't really have a problem with it, I wouldn't be too worried. Balding is hereditary, so if there's no history of it in your family, then there's a good chance it won't be a problem for you. If there's doubt you could always get it checked. As far as I can tell though, your hair's fine.
It's actually very common. I know many people who have receding hairlines that are visible by the time they turn twenty one. Some people just have that gene in their DNA. It doesn't stop them from getting laid or getting a girlfriend, regardless. You can always look at getting hair treatments like Bose or, as suggested, going to a doctor if you're truly worried. The Internet can be a great source of information, but in terms of medical matters, it might not be the best source of material.