I started to play Kingdom Hearts 2 again after several years of not having playing it. I started a new game on proud mode, and I'm going to see if I can go through the whole game in just one day.
At least you get to try. My copy of KHII freezes up whenever I try to go to Beast's Castle the first time. Also, Sephiroth is smirking~
I'm more afraid of kh1 sephy, than kh2. kh2 sephy was a pushover for me. and you should get a new copy.
Fair enough, but even KHII Sephy on Proud makes for plenty of death and rage... I should, along with a new copy of Days (lost mine a while back and I've been debating on it). Whenever I can drop by GameStop, I'll have to ask about it~
Yeah, I guess I will have to cross that bridge as well when the time comes. Side note: Sora needs new pants, he is kinda big for his now.
You said it. The first time I fought Sephiroth on Proud mode, we both had a little slimmer of health, and I was out of healing potions, and my MP was just about to recharge. Then he used those orbs on me, and my MP replenished, I used Reflect, and just barely managed to beat him. It was ridiculous how much trouble it took me to beat him. By the way Soap, there's no way you're beating it in one day on Proud Mode. It's just not going to happen. You'd have to play into the night as well
Then don't come on this forum, you've got a long way to go yet but good luck >:3 I hope you kick Mansex's arse!