"This is why I'm Hot"

Discussion in 'Music' started by March of the Dogs, May 27, 2007.

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  1. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Lol what's the song called? I wanna have a listen.

    While you're kinda right, I have to disagree with your defination of rap.

    I will fully admit with the way our top rappers are going, they're not giving an entirely good image on the domain. It used to be about good poetry and reflections/views from the rapper - which is what made it interesting. Pretty much an audio poetry with a catchy beat, which admittedly I don't mind listening too.

    But as of late, I definately can't say that what with the way rappers just talk about spanking hoes and all the stupid misogynous crap. -__-
  2. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    xDDD Quoted on msn, love it! "Spank dat anus, bish ho >:3" xP

    So yeah, this song your all talking about, I haven't actually heard it yet. It'll likely make it's way over to me in the UK pretty soon, I'm guessing :rolleyes: But that's okay, we'll have a barrier protecting us from the song charting, 'cos the UK is starting to hate R&B and Rap even more now. All of the artists who were once popular are flopping in the charts here. Minus Rihanna, of course. I think UNDA MY UMBERELLA-ELLA-ELLA AY AY AY is quite catchy, actually :3 I love how this country is now basically Rock, Indie and Trance whores<3
  3. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
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