Ok, so I asked out a girl (long time friend, etc.) and she said she would call me about it later. This was yesterday and I still haven't recieved a call back. ...DOes this mean no?
It means that she hasn't called you. A potential reason for not calling you could be that she doesn't want to go out with you, yes. However, at this stage, it's far from being the only possibility. She could be occupied, could have misunderstood you, could be thinking it over, could be dead, could be kidnapped by a rainbow elephant, etcetera. I'd hold off from making conclusions about it just yet. It'll be more likely to be a rejection if she hasn't contacted you in a week's time. At that point you can start drawing conclusions.
Dang man well if a girl has to think about it that is never good. U should probably keep your options open just saying.
It may just mean that's she's just not able to make a call at the moment. There have been many times where I need to talk to someone about something important and ended up unable to for a number of reasons (out with family, phone issues, etc). I would just say to not expect the worst and give her time.
Lol @ guy logic. I'd be more worried if the girl had immediately jumped on his back and announced "holy **** yeah I will! herp derp." Thinking it over certainly isn't always a bad thing. If she wasn't interested at all, she would have most likely have declined in the first place. It could mean she's talking it over with a parent, or judging if she's ready for a relationship, or if she's been in a relationship before, she's figuring out if she's ready to be in another one. Just don't be so quick to assume. Be patient, and she'll get back to you.
:D Okay but anyway, it's true. She might be doing stuff, give her some time. I posted late here and I feel I have nothing more to say.
If she hasn't called you back immediately, that's not a good reason to freak out. She probably just wants to think about it. Waiting is never a man's strong suit. XD
Here are some things that could've happened. 1. She's thinking about it. 2. No 3. She's probably been busy
Trust me, as everyone has said, it may be a good thing- if I was her then thinking it over may be quite important. Since you're long time friends it could be possibly her deciding whether she wants to be more than just friends or not. Having said that, it may not be, she may be deciding how to say no in a polite manor but this I highly doubt because women can be good at this. Don't panic, update us though if she calls just don't go to her unless she still hasn't replied in a week, it will make you sound desperate and pushy meaning she'll get scared away. Just relax though.
Everything is relative, take what you know about her, or what you think applies and go with it. Don't take the advice of people who don't fully understand circumstances.
Girls advice? Never push a girl into going out with you. If you have to say you wont be pushy then. . . As I was saying. This girl probably had troubles in the past. Or maybe she just got out of a bad relationship. Just wait and one day she might say yes. :)
Well if youve been friends for really long,then she might be taking her time to think it over,incase you two would break up and ruin said friendship. Or she could have fallen asleep or got kidnapped by Peter Pan. :p
I agree with this. Except the peterpan part. LOLOL :lolface: But yea, pretty much what I would say, just didnt think about it at the time. Thnx DAXA! XD