This is about R4 s

Discussion in 'Technology' started by codebreakeronly1234, Nov 6, 2008.

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  1. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    ok so i ordered this R4 of of a site

    it is 14.99 for a bundle thing with all the stuff you need

    but i looked aruond more and some of them are 50$ for just the R4 itself


    so i heard that some of them dont work and some even blow your ds master fuse!!!

    im preety confident that its real but i just wanna make sure!!

    so if anybody knows or can give me advice

    ive outlined some focal points that may or may reveal if its real or fake...

    ill post it in the art section since its too big to be attached

    look for

    "R4 Real or Fake'

    itll be gone from the forums as soon as i get ANY info

    so thanx!!!
  2. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    well, I wouldn't really get the R4 right now. It's recently been banned. Which means, the software you have to update once in a while, isn't there anymore. So if you get the R4, you won't be able to play the new games that come out.
  3. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    thats funny cuz i ordered it and its on its way cuz i got the tracking # and stuff

    why is it banned?!?!?!

    but still check in the pic place because the site is being mean and sayin its too big of a pic!!!
  4. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    It's banned because it's illegal. It's not following the copy rights. Why don't you just send a link? You're still allowed to get it.. just that it would let you play new games... such as when KH 358/2 or whatever the title is.
  5. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    oh i see.

    well i dont want to get it for the new games i just want it for cool stuff like

    legend of zelda phantom hourglass and whatnot

    but the real reason is that my stupid computer is too slow to run a good game on a GBA emulator, let alone a Ds emulator so, yeah

    thats cool, but i still need to know if it's real or fake because i dont wanna screw myself over.
  6. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Chances are, you got it for 14.99 because its

    A) Used and possibly no good
    B) A discontinued item, that will have no software updates thats needed
    C) A scam

    Now, don't get me wrong, good deals do come once in a while that are perfectly legit, I just wouldnt hold my breath for it. If the site itself says their product may damage your ds, not work, or whatever, I would NOT be using them....
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