Hah, true xDx Now that I think of it, both of my concussions have been because of something frozen... (the last time I blacked out and faceplanted onto a icy curb >.>) I think ice is conspiring against me! *removes icepack*
But that Castle episode had me change my mind about it! Eh, I wanted to be chucked into outer space anyways...
I put my fingers in a toaster once... while it was on... it burnt me ;-; That isn't the stupidest thing I've done though; I once put a sequin mirror in my ear thinking it would make my ear shiny, completely ignoring the fact that it would get stuck meaning I would have to go to hospital to get it removed.
I recently tripped over nothing, faceplanted onto my concrete patio and hit my jaw. Had to have stitches. I now have a scar the goes up to my lip, I told people I won it fighting Yoshimitsu.
Yesterday during my Soccer game at school I triped over my teammate's foot, going up the stairs of my gym and hurt my knee- bruised it and made it bleed. And now today it hurts like fuck.
Somehow I managed to kick my bedside table in the middle of the night. It's best you don't ask how I managed to do so. The part I kicked happened to be metal. The upside is that the table now knows its place.
I've still got the scars from where my teeth went through my upper lip from my faceplant. It's been nearly four years ;_;
I always run into things that are right in front of my face: light poles, walls, signs. I'm very inattentive. When I was younger, I was wearing a dress that flooffed out (yes, this is a technical term.) when I spun. So I spun around and around in a circle, then fell over and smucked my head on a coffee table. I still have the scar. I also jumped off of a sofa onto a mattress. Except, I missed the mattress and landed rather awkwardly on the arm of the sofa. And by awkwardly, I of course mean right on my pinky toe. Lastly, when I was three, I stuck a key into an electric socket. I unlocked a terrible memory and have been stuck with this ever since.
That episode contained allot of head, if you know what I mean. (love Castle~) My friend got a concussion from tripping and hitting her head on a dresser a few days ago. I myself have done many stupid things, such as: stuck my finger in an open socket whilst standing in a bucket of water(was trying to fix something..oblivious self), slapped myslef with my arm when it was asleep which caused me to fall down a staircase(which I fallen up and down many times), and once when I was 5-6 ran full speed into a side table leaving a scar next to my eyebrow I still have. Many other times running into doors and such, usual stuff.