Kingdom Hearts II This heartless trouble im having

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by axel_respect, Jul 28, 2009.

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  1. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    But he wasn't exactly stealing Riku's body so he could have a physical form (after all, we saw him in the beginning of the game, and right before he possessed Riku). He was using Riku's body so he could obtain the Keyblade and release Kairi's heart so the Keyhole would be complete. He couldn't have done that without him, since Heartless can't use a genuine Keyblade (I don't think it ever says this upfront, but Xehanort's Heartless says "The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade.", and since the Heartless don't have hearts, then they can''t use it) . If Mickey didn't say that "Ansem" was actually a Heartless, I probably wouldn't be debating this with so much confidence XD I just can't see the writers of this game have Mickey say in a later game that "Oh yeah, I told ya that 'Ansem' was a Heartless, but I was sorta lying. Ya see, he's actually a ---". It's too much of a weird thing for them to change after saying straight up it was something else. And at that point, nobody would really care, since it would have no bearing on the plot. The holy s*** factor in KH2 was that since he was a Heartless, then there was also a Nobody; but now both of them are dead.

    I don't remember what he said in the GBA version, but it was probably more or less the same as what he said in the PS2 version. This is the exact quote: "He held on to his feelings even as a Heartless. And there's only one other man who's been able to do just that."
  2. WilliamTheWise Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 21, 2009
    With my Pack
    But if you look at him, he's hunched over and looks weakened. He needed a better body.

    And yes he did steal Riku's body. When Xehanhort's heartless took over Riku's body he kicked out Riku's heart and sent it behind the door at the end of Kingdom hearts 1. There Riku was a walking heart as well and found Mickey. Then once Xehanhort's heartless is defeated Riku recovers his body and is able to

    That wasn't a real keyblade, but yes a heartless can't use the keyblade.
    The heartless do have hearts. They are the hearts, just covered with darkness. That's why a heart floats from one when it's defeated

    Mickey was short on time and just called him a heartless to save time. It is a complex matter and as we all know Sora isn't the brightest kid so he simplified it and called him one. Or he was flat out wrong
    Might happen, because he really isn't a heartless

    Unless this is a factor in Xehanhort's return as a full being, then it is possible
    I could have sworn, oh well

    But one fact remains. Sora himself is a walking heart since he stabbed himself in KH1 up until Roxas and him fuse back in KH2, so this is possible.
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