this has gotten really serious

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by riku lover, Feb 8, 2009.

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  1. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wouldn't mind being enlightened as well.

    Anyway, no offense or anything, regardless of the context, killing yourself over what some internet tough guy (no offense Haseo) said to you on an internet kindgom hearts forum is very, very, very sad. I'm sorry, but it's true. I realize you're trying to help your friend, but seriously.

    If your friend is really serious (and if she isn't, like Wanda speculates, and is merely trying to get Haseo banned with her empty threat, then you should consider getting better friends, I'm sorry to say), she needs help dude. Really, really badly.
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Honestly, just get your friend some help. If a memeber of this site is causing them trouble, then don't come on this site anymore. Go talk to a professional about what's going on.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'm not patronizing or insulting anyone when I say this, but no. Just no.

    This is the internet, not a school. There's no point in banning someone who has not harmed the site in any way. She needs space from this website and a computer in general if that is the problem. Get authority to help, something tangible that can directly assist your problem.

    If the problem is as psychological as banning a member, I'm sorry, but doing something on here to meet those needs is ridiculous.

    Again, I'm sorry, Haseo is not going to be banned, as Misty even said before.
  4. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    Misty has made it clear again that Haseo will not be banned. Stop with it now.
    It's only in the spamzone, where if I'm not mistaken it supposed to be taken lightly. If people can't seem to understand that then they should stay out of it.

    If this sites actually got her to where she wants to commit suicide, then she needs to leave or take a long break. Nothings forcing her to come on anyways.
  5. ~Ragnarok~ Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 28, 2008
    Why hasn't Haseo or Emma posted yet? Lol.
  6. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    neither of them are online right now.
  7. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    This is absolutley pathetic of any human being. I don't even know what joke was pulled but I don't think it has gotten out of hand, I think it has gotten stupid. Emma, just stop it. You think he should be banned when he has done nothing wrong but be a jerk? WAKE UP IT'S THE INTERNET! WE ARE ALL JERKS IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER! It's pretty sad when go lower than a 5 year old to try and get what you want. ")))): he wer meen 2 emma, he shood /b/ bannered ))): what? no? kkk ill jst keeep tryin to kill myshelf til i git my wai =D!" I honestly wish the topic poster didn't take stuff away from you, you wouldn't have gone through with it and you would have looked like an idiot.

    As for the cold truth Haseo will not be banned as Msity and Darky have said, you need to grow up.
  8. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008

    Thats mean, just leave them alone and i dont care if i get more bad reps you guys are really mean, people have feelings ...
  9. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    It's in the spamzones rules, which you probably didn't read =/ .
  10. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    well people who are joking around dont sound like they are, they dont give any hints and they are plain mean... they have no concerns for others feelings and all they care about is themselves, they dont even apologize, if they hurt someones feelings, its not harmless play, its cruel and can no longer be tolerated...i dont care if its just the internet...go ahead and give me a bad rep....
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    If i were to type the following two lines, what would your reaction be?

    -That is so stupid.
    -That is so stupid!

    You could say that the first line is me being cold hard and true, while the second would make me seem like i'm making fun of whoever is reading this. When in reality, I could say that the first sounds sarcastic while I could be agreeing with you in the second.

    My point?

    You are reading words on a screen that you are giving a personality to that you think would act this way or that. It's all down to your personal reaction to what you interact with. Do I know all the details, no. Can i agree that Haseo was mean, No. Can I say that you are overreacting, no, but maybe.

    It's the internet. It's not your best friend from two houses down. People have the same reaction to people online then they do in real life. It's the facts. Once you realize this, to whoever the hell is trying to commit suicide campaign to have haseo banned, you will realize that this is childish and that you need to either see a shrink, get out of elementary school, or only use the internet for homework research.
  12. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    Now wait just a god damn minute, back the hell up.

    How the hell do you HEAR the internet? You think you can add emotion to what someone says? Everyone keeps telling you "IT'S THE INTERNET" and IT IS! Stop taking it seriously, if you can't take a joke then get off the internet period untill you grow up. No one came to tell you "LOLNOOB. U STUPID. STFU AND GTFO MAH INTERNETZ GAWDAMMIT." and to be serious about it. It's a friggin joke.

    If you're going try suicide then, you're even dumber than you're sounding now. Why are you taking this seriously anyway? We all just wish to have fun without hurting feelings. I don't know Haseo and he seems like a awesome person. Relax a little, and laugh at/in the Spam Zone. If it's outside then okay, maybe you're a little offended. Brush it off and move on, the staff will do something about it.


    This is probably going to get locked too >_> I'm sorry but I've had it.
  13. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Well you've heard the answer, no.

    I will just go ahead and close this now. I don't want to hear a word about this again.
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