Things you just can't get into

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Ars Nova, May 22, 2014.

  1. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    Paragon is basically equivalent to "good" but Renegade can be split into three categories, as a youube comment pointed out
    ME1- Smartass
    ME2- Badass
    ME3- Ass
  2. PirateNinjaHanyou Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 6, 2008
    Mortal Kombat
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    JRPGs - played enough to get the gist of most of them and kind of know where they're going. Nothing surprises or interests me as a result, and they're overly long for no reason but to grind, it's like playing a Charles Dickens novel without any real reward to end on it and with constant stereotypical characters. I was told Bravely Default was going to do something different for me, but nope, still lots of long tedious sections that seemed like misteps. The Persona and KH series are the few exceptions for me. I'm waiting for something else to change my mind.

    Japanese voice acting - A lot of JRPG people on the internet seem to love it. I hate it. Not only do the voices sound stereotypical, but the frickin women who play little girls sound as if their screaming a majority of the time. It's like there is no range of ability for most of the voices portrayed and I turn the volume off when they're there.

    Platinum Studios - I don't really get the hype. Their games are fun, but they all seem pretty forgetful to me. Admittedly I want to try Wonderful 101 because it seems like a bit of a departure/experiment to what they usually do, so maybe that'll grip me. But Revengance and Bayonetta were ok games that people said I was going to love. Would've widened this to most Japanese action games, but I love Ninja Gaiden and the Warriors games.

    Assassin's Creed - Feels like they're borking a great series. Revelations and Black Flag were pretty boring compared to the others, and I can't believe a game set in the French Revolution is going to change my opinions. If they focused more on gameplay change ups and altering some of the core mechanics, I could see about caring again, but so far, nope. Same problem with CoD, but I think that's become a fairly common thing that it's not just me.
  4. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    2D based fighters, I used to love them until tenkaichi and storm stole me away from them and now I just can't get back into them sadly.
  5. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    Let's see...I'm usually pretty tolerant when it comes to games. I do really dislike MMOs and playing online in general (unless with a friend(s)). I also like the game Catherine, but I absolutely despise the puzzle gameplay...not just because I was terrible at figuring out what to do (I switched to easy part-way through and still had trouble smh).​
  6. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I wouldn't say I'm open to games as much as I'm willing to grow into them. FPS games put me off for a long while because I thought I would be absolute trash and wouldn't have much fun as opposed to playing a game in third person, but then I got Borderlands 2 off of PSN and a few people I have added there can tell you I play the **** out of it, lol.

    Probably the one type of game I've tried a lot and haven't gotten into yet are MMOs. I've tried a couple browser ones, tried League, and while the interest is there for a bit, I always just end up losing interest and putting them down. It makes me feel kinda bad since FFXIV looks hella fun, but I could all too easily see myself bailing out after a few months and end up wasting money on the monthly sub for nothing.
  7. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    Tactical/SRPGs. Which is sad because developers seem to be going in that direction a lot these days.

    I can literally see a game, think "wow this looks awse", be hype for it, find out it's a tactical role-playing game then I'm like NOAP.

    First person dungeon crawlers are annoying too. Especially when battles involve static images of enemies and all of your attacks are just slashes against some portrait. Not even seeing your party members doing anything just strikes me as lazy tbh.

    I guess I'm just spoiled with Tales of... and KH games' battle set-up where freedom of movement and choice to do as you like is a big thing.
  8. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Have you tried out X-COM: Enemy Unknown? It's probably my favorite Tactical RPG, and it's hella addicting once you've learned the system. It also is very engaging, because, like Fire Emblem, your characters die permanently unless you have a Medic bring them back in time during a mission.
  9. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    I haven't played X-COM or Fire Emblem before, and honestly I'm not likely to ever play them. I've tried and failed to get into so many others in the genre before that it's honestly dissuaded me from any kind of tactical game, no matter how good it may look. It's just not for me.
  10. Splodge Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2012
    The Second Dimension
    I think that Shin Megami Tensei does a good job at making a good morality system. The games are usually very unbiased towards the different decisions and they are never labelled as "good" or "bad". It's all down to interpretation. What is also very beneficial is that the games provide pros and cons of each path, and even offers a neutral path if the player is uncertain. Heck, even the neutral paths have cons. The games have multiple endings, but the game's NG+ system makes it really easy to breeze through the game IMO.

    Now for things I cannot get into.

    Pokémon 6th gen- Don't lash out at me, there was just something about it that I didn't really like. The game felt a bit souless, and although people say that the game is just a bug love letter to pokémon fans, it was really only to a certain group, namely genwunner charizard fans. This really did more hurt then good for me, as I really don't like charizard, or the original pokémon games a whole lot. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of those either. X/Y streamlined a lot of features, and while objectively good, there as one feature that I really didn't like. That's making HMs optional, save one or two instances. This makes all of the routes seem like straight lines, and makes them lack depth or mystery as to what lies beyond a rive or rock. Even the dungeons lack HMs. People seem to like this addition, but to me it just made the games seem unnecessarily straight forward. This is not the same as linearity, often times Linear games are not straightforward to compensate. Straightforward meaning no real halts in gameplay. I haven't even finished the game. I tried to get a good nature for my Yveltal and when I didn't get a good one I reset and tried again, however, I found out I didn't really care, and I had created a wall in the game that I didn't really wish to break down. I also really don't give a **** for online features, and X/Y had a huge focus on that. For me the game, whilst to some objectively good, the shell of a game.

    Rhythm games- This isn't a genre I hate, I actually have a lot of fun playing this with friends. With friends. I just find them incredibly difficult, and not in a good way. The games just feel unfair. The are the only genre of games where I have literally felt hopeless. For me the genre is difficult to learn, impossible to master. I was playing Hatsune Miku Project Diva f and I couldn't even pass the tutorial. I oftentimes find that button presses coming from multiple directions to be disorienting, being further negative additions into an already confusing game, for me anyway. Another feature that really bugs me is the fact that many of these games have a system in place that to even pass the stage one needs to have a certain amount of points, so even completing the stage isn't enough often times. The genre's generally fast pace also means that once you mess up it is really hard to get back into the, as much as I hate the term, flow of the game. So basically, I find this genre really unfair, it's really nothing more then glorified QTEs.
  11. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Souls series. I really want to get into them but I really don't have the patience to really dig into them. As I get older I really don't have the time for a slowburn like that (though ironically I love JRPGs) I may try Dark Soul again, but I don't know.

    DOTA/LoL - I just don't get them. Tried League and just couldn't get into it, much like the souls series I really don't have the patience or time for matches that last 45 minutes. It's just one of those things which aren't for me.