I really shouldn't be trying to make my job as a salesman challenging by staying up twenty-four hours prior to a shift. What are your "I really shouldn't, but I'm going to anyway"s?
Man, if I don't get at least 8 hours sleep I'm a wreck. How do you crazy kids do it? I really shouldn't eat so much chocolate, but it tastes so good!
I shouldn't have fallen for a taken man. HAR HAR HAR But then I think I don't even really like him, and it's all in my head. Because I mess around with so many people and whenever I see them with another girl it makes me jealous to no end. I DUNNO
I really shouldn't have a crush on Tifa and Lightning, but no women that perfect exist. Though believe me, I find a lot of girls very pretty, they just aren't Tifa and Lightning pretty. Uh, Nevermind. T_T I really shouldn't play so many video games, but it helps me drown out my loneliness.
This... and this go hand in hand. Also, I really shouldn't search for "The Avengers" tags on tumblr... 70% Loki posts. ಠ_ಠ But alas, RDJ is there too...