They Should Make an Online Kingdom Hearts RPG

Discussion in 'Archives' started by EmazingKeyBlader, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. EmazingKeyBlader Moogle Assistant

    Jun 26, 2007
    They Should Make an Online Kingdom Hearts RPG.

    My Idea

    Title: The Keyblade War Online

    Either Play a set Story or go online and play, like a spin off to the keyblade war.
    Create a Character,Choose one of five starting keyblades unlock some in story mode or buy with coins,or gil you earn,start of with 5 different peices of clothing for pants,shoes,gloves,shirts,over shirts like jackets or ORG XII cloaks,wristbands(items like this will only start with 2),necklaces,rings,bracelets,hats,obviously a male or female gender choice,with 3 different voice types for story mode and use a headset for online play to talk.(oh and you have to be in a certain distance to here a person say if you talk quietly close distance,and loud they can here you farther away its possible) and the leveling up system will give you more hp,and mana when you level up thats all and maybe some gils for buying other weapon same goes for keyblade some have there disadvantages and advantages,speed,strength,mana and health bonuses.

    How To Level Up: Killing monsters give you certain amount of xp points,and the amount you need won't go up so you can still level up easy not being a noobish like forever trying to level up. oh and Player vs Player which Id say you would deserve alot of Xp for but you would have to agree to dual.

    It will feature online events placing large scale players against players action. (Simulating Wars)

    The Fighting Style Will Basically Be the same as in KH1 and 2,but you don't start off with a special attack that you will gain at level 3.
    (with one of six choices with disadvantages and advantages)
    You will have a max of 3 specials. With your standard Magics from the games KH1 and 2.

    Max level will be Lvl99

    And Thats All I got on it right now. Ill wright the story up later when I get more info on how to keyblade war started.

    Post You Alternate Ideas Plz. :)
  2. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    This is sort of a great idea, except instead of a storyline, just make the players have the choice to go and get quests from different NPCs and the max level should be higher than that like 120 or so. But I'm not sure this is the right section for this.
  3. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    I agree, it should be online. Yeah, and it should be free.
  4. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    (This sounded interesting, so I'm throwing my 2cents in)

    Story: I agree with yours but would add in more details like the beginning would be something revolving around recruitment, training and then war. After the mandatory introduction (safe) level, probably a focus on some missions (middle risk) and then all out exploration/destruction (pretty much a battle royale option).

    OverView: There are three sides (Light, Dark and middle) and three main classes of Attacker, Defender and Balance (Attacker/Defender, knows both but does not master either). The three classes shoulder be self-explanitory.

    Attacker - Masters most destructive skills but needs some amount of planning if they plan to last long due to lack of recovery/stamina/consistancy. They also require a lot of training (read that as skill growth). Can be a destructive caster or warrior obviously.

    Defender - Has the most stamina, counterattacks and recooperative skills (as well as the most item-related skills and mastery). Patience and planning is a must if they plan to win. Can be a shield or medic obviously.

    Balancce - Utilizes both beforementioned classes main signitures but not in the same degree of mastery. (Think jack of all trades but master of none). Can have a focus of attacks over defense or vice-versa but still the flexibility of the other class.

    Level Up: There are level ups but they are not as significant as say, customizing your weapon. (Its called keyblade wars, not keyblade warrior) So the only way to see a significant difference in ability is, 1.) Using skills repeatedly 2.) Seeking ways to upgrade your weapon. Weapon upgrades are done via MOOGLE WORKSHOP. And specific items (consistantly) added onto your weapon will have various effects. IE: Twilight Shard + Twilight Gem would have a greater effect then say Twilight Shard + Lucid Gem. Doing so will also trigger your weapon to have greater proficiency.

    GamePlay: Beginning/Tutorial levels are not mandatory but they will be the "safe zone" where you can't be attacked by others. Mission/Skirmish levels (25-50) would be the ones you would party with people or you could try to solo with difficulty. Exploration levels (35+) would be after completing a couple missions you can unlock other worlds to visit as well as possibly encounter PVPers. War levels (70+) would be all-out mayhem.

    GamePlay2: Another aspect of this would be what determines Light, Dark and Neutral. Some upgrades/level-ups can only be accomplished by slaughtering others (they would drop preordained items based on the level difference) or bartering (inventory) with them. Killing will get you Dark points, Bartering or revenge PVP will get you Light points. Neutral would actually be the title for those who avoid the Explore/War Zones completely.

    GamePlay3: The skills available to Light/Dark/Neutral, I dunno. But they would exist. c_c

    ......Uhm yeah that's all I can think of at this moment. :P
  5. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I agree with the whole concept of having an online rpg...
  6. EmazingKeyBlader Moogle Assistant

    Jun 26, 2007
    I agree it should be free to play maybe if we can make this into some sort of dicent
    actual game we can right it up and send it to them square enix or disney. :)

    And BrainStorm NOW!!

    EDIT: What about being able to make your own keyblade?


    To make intense battle scenes like this happen in the game online lets say we could have something called OverDrive for player vs player battles, which you need to gain from fighting ,hitting,dodging,and such,but its would be like you start off by pressing a certain key and it will kinda be like rock,paper,scissors,
    except dodge,attack,and magic, and counterattack. But its like guessing what the person's on other end of the world is going to press,so you are never 100% sure a full 5 hit combo, it's possible but unlikely, and it just hit me what if the press the same thing like attack, easy if the both attack they'll do a push
    of kinda like Sora and ROxas did when Roxas attacked Sora in the video. but to win the push off you need to hit a good strand of random button that show up on the screen probly on the botton part of the screen.

    Double Defense: Both characters will put there weapon in a defense pose but nothing will happen and they look all stupid :)

    Double Magic: It depends what magic they use double cures theyl'l both heal,
    double fire they'll just hitting each other fire ball and thats it right they,same for ice,magnit power will just draw them closer,shield they just cast shields.

    Now About element conflicts, ice beats fire so ice ball will shoot through the fire ball the fire ball will flicker out, lightning beats water (ice) because it can travel in water, uhhh and fire will beat lightning just to even it out. But shield can block all these. But some people might be continues blockers some might be attackers who knows thats why its gonna be fun. trying to read the other persons thoughts or trying to judge what they'll use by looking at they're clothing choices.

    But We Need To Think Of something that will make this game addictive to play.
    Good Music?Actual Clothing Brands? Choice to Play light,or dark, or in the middle?Or Maybe Webcam use?
  7. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    I think it would be beyond cool, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, if it happens at all.
  8. Twilight_Wish Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    A KH RP would be beyond cool. I'd definatly play it if it ever came on...
  9. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Yeah it would be cool

    You could buy armour like the Knights and Get org XIII weapons
  10. EmazingKeyBlader Moogle Assistant

    Jun 26, 2007
    It would be on the Sony Systems only since the series started on the PS2 that's for sure.

    And not just that I really hate microsoft. They make good computes that's all
    Xbox 360(and Elite) like the ball sack in my opinion.

    EDIT: We should seriously make a script up for this and send it to Square Enix,
    with details and stuff.

    We Need More Brain Storming People :D

    If Anyone plays Second Life There is a sim in there that is dedicated to online Rp of Kingdom Hearts I play a Dusk but I don't exactly look like one although you can get and AV to look like one. I can't upload a pic the file size limit is to small. I Have a keyblade :D
  11. Starboy Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 5, 2006
    I think a great aspect would be if you throw whatever synth items into the mix and each one makes a different part of the keyblade look different and give different stats. The best synth items would only come from big quests and the easy ones drop from normal enemies. I think if it was for Wii, that would bring in a lot of people. (I think Wii has mike on wiimote there was an article on stuff that is unused so far in Wii, it would be great for voice chat)
  12. rikurep Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 21, 2007
    Aurora, CO
    what if they allowed people to make little groups and organizations
  13. Luxord93 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 14, 2007