7-8 shots rang out on an otherwise unevetful night. I can hear someone screaming in pain. Walking outside I saw a car with a puddle of blood around it. I tried to escort my mom back in, as she gets squimish with blood. Idk if she noticed it yet. Suddenly debating doesn't seem important. The police are there, wemade sure that was priority #1. Discuss.
umm, I guess the biggest question I have is.... Why the heck didn't you go help the person who was beeding!!!
Because the cops and ambulance were there and had him completly surrounded within a minute after the incident happened... like before we went outside. *facepalm* if you want a timeline. I was watching tv, shots ring out, we call 911, emergency services has us on like for a couple minutes, police show up and surround the car (I assume rendering first aide), we get off the line with emergency services, we walk outside, I consoul one of my crying neighbors, mom does not see the puddle of blood and I escourt her back in. Ambulance shows up, as they are handling it the dude screams in agony. I get on my phone and post this thread, police stay there about an hourish. I go to sleep. I wake up.
ah, I see. Now, that's why you state that the police showed up before you went outside. But when you say pool of blood, do you mean like a ton, like shown in movies? That's interesting.
no, I was saying see if you could help the person who was bleeding. No matter what, you can't just let a person lay there bleeding to death
Actually if you don't know what you are doing you can actually end up doing more harm than good in some of these situations. 911 operators will usually tell you not to do anything, or only to do something very basic exactly how they tell you, until help arives.
too bad my friend wasn't there. He's studying to become an EMT right now, and he always carries around a slingpack with all kinds of medical supplies. Kinda rediculous really. But whatever, it's his choice, and he claims he's doing it because no one else will. At least you've got someone there that has stuff with him if it's needed
Oh my , this must have been a really scary situation to be in , especially at night. Did you sleep okay that night? Cause I sure wouldn't have..it seems really scary. :C and how is the person or people who were injured?
If that's the case, then call the police, be vigilant keeping an eye on your surroundings, whilst staying dsicreet. When you are sure of the gunmen leaving the premisis check for any victims, and attempt to comfort them until the emergency services arrive. Then again, depenging on the type of person you are, that sequence may not happen at all.
I did not lose sleep over it. I was tense at that moment, but was not scared after the guy was taken to the hospital. I think he was ok. He was cussing at the cops over his arm hurting. Thanks for the concern. This is exactly what happened. I talked to one of my neighbors till she left. The police showed pretty darn fast.
Wow, it's seriously bad. This already happened to me. I didn't heard, I just saw a huge helicopter around and start to wonder what happened. Then, I realize that helicopter is next to my friend's house and worry I called to her. She said it's shooting! A policeman was hurt and someone is jumped into the river, trying to run away. I never heard about them again... But hopefully just one policeman was hurt.
Something similar happened behind my house when I was in 6th grade I think... we all heard a gun shot and we ran down the block and saw an old man that had killed himself because of an argument with his son...