There Are No Sins?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Aug 14, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I've heard alot of people in different disscussions talk about sins send you to Hell.
    But Jesus repents your sins for whatever you have done.

    So you can get away with Sins?

    You can have sinned throughout your life on puepose knowing the consequences and disobeying Jesus, but still go to Heaven?

    Why are their sins then?
  2. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Sins are our actions that drive us away from God. But maybe, I believe atheists think of that more of along the line of sanity. But I'm not sure.

    Sins are always there because we are here. Like I said, they are nothing more than actions.

    Can you get away with sin? Now that again depends on the action (one of the few things I truly like about church). Hitler killed millions but yet a small child steals a pen from his friend at class. You dont have to think which sin is worse.

    If a man went through his entire life sinning and hardly ever doing a good deed, he deserves hell (I dont think the church is right on this one. You can sin all your life but on the last second you are forgiven? Heck no.) I believe you pay the consequences of life during your life, not in some purgatory
  3. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    This question always bugs me. If repentence through Jesus (who I don't believe exists) truly brings salvation, then is Hitler saved? He WAS Christian afterall*.

    Disoberying Jesus =/=sin, IMO.
    Disregarding morals and common sense to fit your own needs and harm others = sin.

    *NOTE: Yes, he was. He may have disagreed with the church a few times, but he DID believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I believe Jesus was real, I mean christianity had to start from somewhere, but I don't believe he was a god, just a man who believed his views would keep peace.

    It's just that I am confue
    sed on what christianity is thinking? I mean sins were made so people wouldn't do anything bad, but if someone does them they can be forgiven? What message are they trying to show?

    I respect Hitler in a way, not his dream, but his determination to fulfill his dream, then he started murdering Jews and went over the line.
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Its just not asking for repentance on your deathbed, its living through him and preaching his word. Personally I don't think the whole pray while you die thing is legit, or atleast when I studied theology. From exerpts I have read its doing his work, and bringing people to christ. There are sins according to christianity because we are alive and have had your eyes opened because of what happened in Genesis.
  6. FUZZY SWEATER Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 27, 2007
    always in your not really
    i believe there is a heaven
    and a god
    although nobody really isnt sure yet
    i mean
    once someones dead
    we dont know where they go really
  7. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Why can't we just try to bring peace and prosperity to humanity? That deserves something, even if the person doing it is Christian, atheist, Muslim, or whatever.
  8. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    You raise a good point. Sins are foregiven but it's the devil who's trying to get you down there. God and Jesus are trying to save you- help you get to Heaven but when you have done some really bad things then the devil shall try all he can to drag you down to hell.

    Thats the way I see it but frankly- I don't even believe in Heaven and hell, but I beelieve in God and Jesus.
  9. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    So, Satan gave me the critical thinking ability to reject God?
  10. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    No, God gave you the ability question life and see it as a whole, not a part.

    I'm saying this because you wish for peace. You look at the whole situation and you've deduced from it. I didn't believe in any God or anything before, but now that I am Catholic I have the views of an atheist and a religious person. All together. I'm stronger in my faith.

    What I believe in is totally different. The bible seems to be a bunch of stories people have told over the years, it's no more than words on paper teaching us MORALS. And Pope Benedict XVI said a bunch of bullcrap that 'Rock music is music from hell.' Thats a bunch of BS!
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Sinning is fun. We all know it's a thrill if we get away with it. Hell, even my Catholic mom agrees with me on that one.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    I do not believe in sins. Of course, this is because I do not believe in God and that is the implied meaning of sinning - to do something against God. There are crimes against nature, people, animals etc. However, if I know I did them, I can fix them. If I am taught ahead of time, or figure it out ahead of time, then good. I won't do the thing in the first place.

    And yes, according to the bible, as long as you are repentant about the sin and sincere, you can be on your deathbed and go to Heaven, regardless of the crimes you committed in life. This is the reason in the Spanish Inquisition and witch trials all around that people were beaten on, humiliated and tortured. They were forced to repent and convert to Jesus, but at the same time, die afterwards. The people believed that though they were brutal, they had done the 'good deed' because their works were for God and sending the person on so that he or she could not backslide into a life of sin again. It was a horrible excuse to condone murder. People still use other's sins as an excuse to harm others.

    I do not think people need to use the word 'sin' as much as they do. If I do something bad to someone else, I feel guilty because I have a 'conscience' and know it was a rotten thing to do. If I don't, I am ignorant and haven't learned that this deed I have performed is one that makes people feel miserable. That's not a sin to me. That is a mistake. If I do something hideous, I am punished by it within myself and of course, I'd go to jail/prison. I pay the penalty. For those with little to no conscience, they won't feel the same way. Maybe these people need fear of the afterlife sucking, but most people who want to live positively do not.

    Another example: Should I feel guilty if I went into a burning building and someone was within that I knew would panic if I told him or her there was a fire, so I lied instead and told the person 'let's go out for a bit for a movie', and that moved the person out without harm? Heck no, but 'thou shalt not lie' is one of the 10 Commandments. Oops, I sinned to save a life. I don't feel I owe any deity an apology to have done a good deed. Stealing is another such thing that can come under debate. Is it 'always' wrong to steal? I've stolen a friend's medication because she had such a horrible reaction to it and was suicidal, and I dumped it down the toilet. She thanks me to this day because she did not really notice how bad she was, but later confided she was suicidal. Should I feel guilty? No.

    The last point I bring up is I feel it is really not the right thing to teach people that they are sinners from the beginning because of sins they did not even commit, but because of biblical incidents. We suffer enough with some of the bad choices we make in our lives and others do to us. People don't need to hurt for Adam and Eve or because people were so bad reportedly Noah had to have an ark made so God could wash them all away. I'm not sure how anyone can tell these tales to kids and watch the children's colored up cutesy versions that make sure to block out the morbidity. I was 12 and read the bible through and through and was horrified and disgusted. I've read it many times over since then and am still not down with God. Guess we have our differences that are inconsolable for the time being.

    Jesus, whether he lived or died, represents (to me) that he was a good man that tried to teach tolerance for others. He's a positive example to live by if you take out the stuff he condoned because of the set time he was from, such as slavery. He seemed to be genuine and have a warm heart. To me, he was the Mediterranean biblical version of Sidhartha or Ghandi: An enlightened man that toned down the Bible for future generations. I can respect the image of him, but I do not need to believe in sin, and I don't think kids do either, to learn right from wrong. Do you think Jesus believed that he was a sinner?
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    PJesus was probably a sinner, but I am not sure to what degree, i mean he once lost his temper when he was struggling to visit somewhere and on the way saw a fruit bearing tree but with no fruit, so he said 'Thou sall not bear thy fruit, again.' So that might be caleed a sin.
  14. he's-got-a-heart Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2007
    Cloud 9
    No no no. At least I doubt it.

    You've got to be genuienly sorry and repentence is an act for the future not just the present (i.e. you have to change your ways)

    If you try and use God like that well no, you wont get forgiven I'm afraid because deep down in your heary you'll know, I'm trying to trick God.

    Oh BTW when I say 'you' I'm referring to peeps in general ^^

    Yeah but the only reason he got mad was because those people were blashemping (sp?) by ripping people off in the temple. If you say Jesus was sinning then you are implying that all forms of justice are sin.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Priests forgive you for any sin. They do because you say you are sorry for what you did. They wouldn't know if you meant it or not, you are forgiven for any sin because you asled to be forgiven. So their are no sins that you can have if you ask for them not to be their.

    What does that have to do with him making a tree bear no fruit?
  16. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Christian magic is among us! =D
  17. Repliku Chaser

    God didn't give us the ability if you think about it. The devil did. After all, we've only been punished for being 'intelligent' with the whole Adam and Eve skit. Those two weren't supposed to eat off the tree. So God has nothing to do with people's wills to think and question things apparently if you take that tale to have any credence, and we are all punished because of it.
  18. he's-got-a-heart Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2007
    Cloud 9
    Yes, if you are Catholic you may believe this.

    But I am Christian and I do not believe a priest is needed as a medium to God since God loves us all equally and we are all worthy to confront God directly there is no need for a middle man. In fact when you approach God directly it comes from the heart as opposed to walking up to a priest and him uttering some automated phrase or chant to say God has pardoned you. In other words, what I am trying to say I think only God himself can forgive you not the priest. You have to take responsibility for yourself. The priest/pastor/minsiter or whoever is not a ticket nor a shortcut to Heaven, and if does one believes this then they are not a Christian as Christians believe that Jesus is the only way into Heaven and have rejected God's sarcrifice (sp?). Only if you are truely sorry, with all your heart and soul will God forgive you. Anyone can go and see the priest and reoffend: It happens all the time. 'Sunday Christians' is what I call 'em. True remorse comes from within, not from the words you speak. Just like a true relationship with God is from within not how loud you sing your hymns or how many times you go to church or recite 'Our Father' robotically. And when it comes from inside that when you actually change your ways and turn away from whatever it was. No matter how many times you confess you will do it again and again and again unless you are sorry within. You need God's help to turn away from it and to ask him to be a part of your life. You can't do it alone.

    Yes, I agree with this totally, so long as you ask God though.

    But that's just my opinion (please don't take offense anyone ^^).

    Yes, I was talking about the temple incident because it happened a little while before he cursed the fig-tree (and it explains why). They're linked it's a bit like a mirrored situation. After he saw the mishap in the temple he cursed the fig tree because (like the temple) it was made for God yet it beared no fruit (like those in the temple were not being fruitful in the eyes of God but rather in the eyes of man and instead were turing it into some sort of business, hmmm.... reminds me of some churches nowadays) so he struck it down. This was a warning: Remember how when Jesus died the temple was destroyed, too? OK I hope that cleared up what I was trying to say the last post was a little rushed.

    Woah. I typed a lot then.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Uh, I haven't read the Bible much, I just know the quotes and stories from R.E lessons.So I did not know exactly the story.

    If I do get judged in heaven for my sins, I won't ask for forgiveness.I will take the punishment I deserve, I will not cower behind forgiveness, that is what people should be teaching. How you should know you've done wrong and accept it.
  20. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    First off, I don't believe in Sins. I don't believe in God, Jesus or that other crap. (I kinda do question God's existence, but I still say I'm more of an Athiest.) So I don't think there's such things as Sins anyway.

    I do believe in Karma to some extent though. I do have a feeling that if you do something bad, it'll eventually come back to kick you in the asz.
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