Birth by Sleep Theory on Links between characters and the new enemy

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by AsianB, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. AsianB Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a dream
    Thx again

    Could be true, but then like Sora, Mickey could obtain different keyblades through his journey. Furthermore, could the name "star-seeker" be a symbol in the kh2fm secret movie to emblematise that Mickey is seeking for the star/hero or light from darkness because star appears at night and shines.

    Xemnas true identiy and intention (Brief overview of the theory)
    I remember I ask a question on Xemnas intention in kh2fm in my thread before, so I kind of write a very brief theory on why I asked that.
    As we can see Xemnas seems to keep alot of secret from the organisation (e.g. room of sleeping/room of awakening). I believed that Xemnas is Terra's nobody, his true intention to obtain Kingdom Hearts was to revive his 'friends' heart (e.g. Aqua). Theres a lot more on this theory but I will certainly add more to this part after my exam which finishes in early next month.

    What is Ven/Aqua/Terra keyblade (Brief overview of the theory)
    I think Eternal Session asked me this question in another thread, their keyblades are artifical keyblades created from the mechanical arm.
    You might ask since I said Ven is a true keyblader then how come he can't wield a true keyblade?
    Hehe, I clear this up the next time I write, which is properly next Thursday
  2. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    well.. yea.. i agree with you... maybe it could be king mickey who find the kingdom key.. and so it has the mickey at first i think that mickey is under training and is under Yensid.. i thought that mickey get the star-seeker from him..
    anyway.. thanks for explaining ^^
  3. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    i think its a good theory

    it sounds right just the thought of aqua being a princess isnt very clear
  4. AsianB Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a dream
    Sorry been sick for quite a while and exams, so won't post much until everything is finished

    What!? Why King Mickey = Keyblade master who trains Ven/Terra/Aqua Extension

    Further evidence show that King Mickey does have a relationship with Roxas. Closely examine the attacks of both King Mickey and Roxas. The way they swing their keyblades and Roxa's Aerial spinning attack is almost the same as Mickey's.

    This is all for this week, more to come... after my exam and well after I get well
  5. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    Yeah.. maybe king mickey is the master of Terra, Ven and Aqua..
    but about the attack of Roxas, i think it is actually same with Limit form's aerial attack
  6. AsianB Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a dream
    Of course it will be the same as Limit form's aerial attack, because when Sora turns into limit form he returns to his old self in KH1. Bascially that video is to show Mickey does have a relationship with Ven/Roxas/Sora. And if you look at Riku's attack, it resembles Knight Terra's attack.
  7. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    Oh i see... maybe they do have a relationship...esp mickey and ven, but as for Riku and Terra, i think i need to beat the knight again to see his attack *dies* Lol..i thought Sora 's attack and terra's attack are resemble
  8. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Nah,they're not.But yeah,i looked carefully and your theory might be correct.(that king mickey is terras,aquas and ven's master/tuitor)
  9. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    Lol... yeah, they are not same, now i see it...
    I was thinking that whether it is Mickey who is their master order three of them looking for the missing master, i mean master Xehanort..or else maybe it is YenSid or someone who we
  10. AsianB Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a dream
    A little bit more on my previous theory, posting alot more tomorrow

    What is Ven/Aqua/Terra keyblade Extension
    You might ask since I said Ven is a true keyblader then how come he can't wield a true keyblade?...
    Remember in one of the magazine scan, Master Xehanort ask Ven if he has lost something. What is that "something"? He also mention that "something" will not be lost eternally meaning somehow he will regain it.
    I believed is his memories. This links with the idea that its necessary for both memory and heart combine together to create a keychain.
    So why was Ven's memory erased? He was orginally chosen as a keyblader to bring chaos to the world. His real name is "Vengeance", one who seeks for revenge. Revenge for what the keyblade war has done to the keyblade world...

    Time to sleep, post more tomorrow.
  11. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Ugh,nope.His full name is ventus(wind),not vengeance.I'm 100% sure bout that coz i read it at an in interview.Your theory was really interesting though! good job! ^_^
  12. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    Good theory anyway, i think what master xehanort refer to is Ven's heart although i dunno which magazine scan..xD
    But i don't think Ven is being chosen by the keyblade, Master Xehanort and King Mickey could be... maybe Ven has something what Master Xehanort needs to complete his goal
    and as TCO and muffin man said, his name is Ventus but longer
  13. werid53 Moogle Assistant

    May 3, 2008
    3) Check out his new clothes in BBS, the colour is similar to Master Xehanort: the cuttings, patterns and colours (black and white) seems to somehow resemble each other.
    4) Not very logical evidence but Asian Kung fu master wears that kind of outfit

    ok u see how Mickey has the black and white patterns those r like xehanorts. if xehanort is the master of axel, which makes axel his apprentice then i think Mickey is the master of ven,agua,therra and so ven,agua,therra r Mickeys apprentices. xehanortl and mickey maybe have the same clothing - which could make the black / white clothing the clothing could be of a master. thats my theory

    ok well ven mean wind right and sora means air.
    agua means water and kairi mean ocean.
    terra mean land and riku means earth.

    this is just another way they are all related