The Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Duel Arena!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Apr 23, 2008.

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  1. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    You're finished, jaden!
    It's my turn, so i draw with my normal draw phase and two more thanks to Lost Paradise!

    Hamon, Attack Wroughtweilder!
    Now, his effect activates, inflicting 1000 damage to you! That's just 600 left, Jaden!
    Now, Uria, attack directly!
  2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Not so fast! Since Wroughtweiler was destroyed I get to return one Polymerization and one Elemental Hero from my graveyard to my hand!

    And now Polymerization and Bubbleman return to my hand!

    And when you attacked with Uria I activated my facedown card!

    The Flute Of Summoning Kuriboh!

    So now I summon Winged Kuriboh in Defense Position to protect myself!

    So I take no damage! And since Winged Kuriboh was sent to my graveyard The effect of Philosopher's Stone - Sabatiel Activates!
    Now then, It's my turn!


    First I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman!

    And activate his effect and Draw 2 more cards!

    Then I Play Metamorphosis!

    And choose Elemental Hero Bubbleman to summon Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman!

    Then I equip him with Bubble Blaster!

    And Now Neo Bubbleman! Attack Hamon![​IMG]
    Hamon is now destroyed!

    Then I set 1 card facedown and end my turn!
  3. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    My turn, i draw once and twice more with Lost Paradise.
    Then i use Uria to attack Bubbleman!
  4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I reveal my facedown card!

    Bubble Illusion!

    Which allows me to activate one Trap Card from my hand!

    And I choose Hero's Rule 1: Five Freedoms!
    And I remove The 5 Trap Cards in your graveyard from play! So now your once mighty Uria's Attack is now reduced to Zero! Making it utterly useless! And it is now destroyed!
  5. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    then i activate Ressurection Tribute

    (Activate only during a turn in which a monster on your side of the field was destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard in Defense Position.)

    So i re-summon Hamon in defense mode!

    Then i discard a trap card card to revive Uria in defense mode!

    and now i activate phantasmal Martyrs!

    this i the anime's version, so i only discard two cards instead of my whole hand.
    one of them was a trap card, bringing Uria's ATK and DEF up to 2000!
    So i get three phantasmyl martyr tokens!

    now, i tribute them all!

    Rise, my Fiend of destruction! Destroyer of souls! Complete the puzzle! Arise!

    Raviel, Lord of Phantasms!

    *drum roll*

    Now i end my turn! I have all three sacred beasts on my field, Jaden! You're finished next turn!

    Please, please, PLEASE make sure you know the rulings before you use those cards!
  6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Heart of The Cards...Guide Me![​IMG]


    First I Play Dark Factory of Mass Production!

    So Now I can return 2 Normal Monsters from my graveyard to my hand!

    And I choose Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix!

    And now I Play Polymerization!

    And fuse Elemental Hero Avian and Burstinatrix together from my hand to Fusion Summon...

    Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!

    Now I activate Sabatiel's Card Covet Effect! Which allows me to activate 1 Spell Card from My Deck!

    And I choose Fusion Recovery!

    To return Polymerization and Sparkman to my hand!

    And then I Play my recovered Polymerization!

    And fuse together from my side of The Field and my hand:

    Elemental Hero Sparkman!

    And Flame Wingman!

    To Fusion Summon...

    And since there are currently 7 Elemental Heroes in my graveyard his ATK and DEF become 4600/2100!

    Now Shining Flare Wingman! Attack Hamon![​IMG]

    Now Sabatiel returns to my hand and I activate the Card Covet effect again and set 1 card facedown and end my turn!
  7. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    since you summoned twice, i got two phantasm tokens! (1000/1000)
    now, my turn! i draw three times as usual!
    Then i activate Raviel's effect, tributing both tokens, making his atk and def 6000/6000!
    Now, Raviel, attack Shining Flare Wingman and end this!
  8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Not so fast! I Play De-Fusion!
    So Shining Flare Wingman returns to My Fusion Deck!

    And now Elemental Heroes Sparkman and Flame Wingman return to my field in Defense Position!
  9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Not so fast! I Play De-Fusion!
    So Shining Flare Wingman returns to My Fusion Deck!

    And now Elemental Heroes Sparkman and Flame Wingman return to my field in Defense Position!
  10. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Remember not to go overboard and use my deck theme jack.
  11. pyroKyle Banned

    Jul 3, 2009
    The land of eternal burning=fun
    Well Jaden did make it rule that more than one duel can go on at a time so here weeeeeeee go.
    I summon Cyber stein and pay 5000lp to special summon F.G.D.[​IMG] [​IMG] then I play double summon[​IMG] and tribute cyber stein to summon Cyber ogre[​IMG]and I play polymerization to fusion cyber ogre and cyber ogre to special summon Cyber ogre 2[​IMG][​IMG] now I play card of demise[​IMG] and set 2 facedowns[​IMG][​IMG] and play card of sancity[​IMG] and play polymerization to fusion summon Cyber End dragon[​IMG][​IMG]now I end my turn

    me- 11,000
    Aqua- 16,000
  12. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    This should be rather easy
    I play graceful charity and discard Dark Magcian and magician's valkryia [​IMG]then I remove them from play to special summon Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning[​IMG] now I play dimension fusion to bring them back[​IMG] and I tribute Magician's valkyria to summon Dark magician girl[​IMG]now I play card of demise[​IMG] now I tribute them to special summon Sorcerer of Drk Magic[​IMG] then I play poymerization to special summon Dark Paldin[​IMG] now I play card of sancity[​IMG] and card destruction[​IMG]now I play monster reborn to special summon Dark magician of chaos[​IMG][​IMG] now I activate Archfiend of Gilfer's effect draining F.g.D. of his attack by 1500 now I play mage power and equip it to Dark Paladin boosting his attack by 500[​IMG] I set 3 facedowns[​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]and play diffusion wave motion[​IMG] so that's a 2000 point boost bringing him to 5400 and now he attack your monsters dealing 6100 lp damage now I end my turn

    you- 4900
    me- 8000
  13. pyroKyle Banned

    Jul 3, 2009
    The land of eternal burning=fun
    Alrighty now that you've done that I play lighti9ning vortex and discard Perfect Machine king[​IMG] now I activate my facedown dna surgery[​IMG] and choose machine type and and my other facedowns call of the haunted[​IMG][​IMG] to bring back cyber end dragon and cyber ogre 2 and now I play system down to remove your monsters from play[​IMG] now I pay card of sancity[​IMG] and card destruction[​IMG]now I play overload fusion to special summon Chimeratech dragon from my fusion deck by using the machines in my grave so that's a total of 2800[​IMG][​IMG]and I play 2 limter removals to give 12,800 attack[​IMG] and cyber dragon 8000 attack Cyber ogre 2 5200 attack now I attack with cyber end dragon

    Aqua- 6000
    me- 4700 or whatever it was
    now I attack with Cyber ogre 2
    you- 800
    me- 4700
    now I attack with chimeratech overdragon 8 times-
    you- -91,600 now defend against that
  14. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    Alrighty I activate my facedown magic jammer[​IMG] and my other facedown mirror force[​IMG]and now it's my turn and I eqip Dark Paladin with twin swords of flashing light[​IMG] and I attack you directly 2x bringing you down to zero
  15. pyroKyle Banned

    Jul 3, 2009
    The land of eternal burning=fun
    Good game Aqua. Wanna go against Scarlett now?
  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    God dammit why can't you just read the card. "This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion summon" FGD can't be summoned with Cyber Stein. Therefore that whole duel was pretty much invalid.

  17. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    You do realize that almost every fusion says that so I think Cyber Stein is able to seeing how you can do it on the vg's and other fusions
  18. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    NO. STOP ARGUING WITH ME. seriously, it's getting annoying. Cyber Stein can't special summon FGD because it can't be special summoned except by fusion summon and Cyber Stein does not fusion summon. QUIT ARGUING.
  19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Uhhhhh, Xakota...We need to finish our Exhibition Duel don't we?

    And please everyone, NO. MORE. ARGUING. This is our last chance remember?

    I don't want This Arena to be closed until it's reached the 5,000 Post Limit.

    I think I should inform you guys that I will have a VERY hard time forgiving you if you cause My Arena to get Locked...

    I said it before and I'll say it again. Xakota is The Rule Moderator. He knows what he's talking about. He's not The Rule Moderator for nothing. If he says your move is invalid then redo it. Unless you can find a Link that SPECIFICALLY proves him wrong then redo your move like he told you to. No questions asked.
  20. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Sorry about that, Jaden. Kinda spaced out there xD
    you know what that means, i get two Raviel tokens, 1000/1000!

    Now, since there's a replay, i attack Flame Wingman with Raviel, and Sparkman with Uria!
    And now, once again, i end my turn for no adequately explored reason even thoughi could just attack with my tokens and end the duel right now!
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