When I look up and the sky I see the real world Not Blue with puff white clouds. I see green with gray clouds When were driving I see the real world The black smoke pumping out our cars Like the coals we burn on winter days. During the day I see the real world As we walk down the street, All the flashing lights From the tall houses, from the restaurants, and from our coolers At night I see the real world The only beautiful thing left in this world Are the stars, that shine bright. Untouched by human hands. When I look at you mommy For my good night kiss, I see the real world flash before your eyes too, With all the bills you pay, To keep our house, our water, our car You care for your family, And we care for you too, But if we don’t do anything now The world you promised me, won’t be the same anymore. _____________ I got this idea off a commercial. D: