The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc:Okay, i changed it, thanks guys...:D
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: about time someone took control of an Angelen....
  3. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: You mean that i might be the first one? i would have thought that there would have been more people, oh well, their loss...
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: I"m pretty sure you are, Pezz had plans for an Angelen later in the story but no one has made one yet

    BIC:"Let's just head west," Lanan told Becka. "We'll head to that poor excuse of a kingdom called Ilianam, I doubt the Lizards will declare war on a whole kingdom." Even as he said this, Lanan knew they'd have to walk near the Desert of Tek'leenair to get to Ilianam. The Desert....that's where most of the Lizard Clan lives...I hope it'll be a safe trip.
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: SXR did a good job for making an Angelen Class Angel. all he needs to do is make weaknesses. Now, let me show you guys haw to make a TRUE demon. A TRUE Devil.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Venuzsa
    Race- Demon (Class Devil)
    Powers - {Power that is given to all Devils/Angels} Quick Regenerative abilities.
    {Human Form/True Form} The power to enslave Humans and Fairrels; Senses nearby living creatures.
    Gender- Female
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)- Evil
    Weapon (if any)- Venuzsa needs no weapons. She is a weapon.
    {Human Form} can stretch and lash arms and legs out like whips. Each strand of hair is really a seed that can enslave people. poison tipped nails
    {True Form} Poison tipped thorns. Vines that can strike from underground. One giant mouth shaped like a Venus Flytrap along with several smaller ones. The mouths have an acidic coating (the acid is stomach acid).
    Appearance -
    {Human Form} Waist, long hair that looks like the midnight sky, and it flows towards the nearest living creature (except demons, Leechers, and Summons). On each side, above her ears, is a blue lily. Her eyes and they have an Asian look to them. There are no whites in her eyes, they are dead black, making it impossible to tell if she is looking at you. Her skin is a pale tan. Her lips and nails are painted black. She wears black, skintight clothing; A tank top and long pants.
    {True Form} A giant tangle of thin, thorny vines, with several orange/red Flowers that resemble Venus flytraps. Everything, except the flowers, is a green that is unnaturally dark color.
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Not much is know about This Demon. She was among the most fearful of demons, during the ancient war. She has kill many Angelens, two which were Angel class.
    Her Her poison tipped thorns/nails made her difficult to battle. Prolonged exposure causes dizziness and double vision. Every other race was immune.
    In her human form, she can pluck strands of her hair off and blow them into the wind. They will then find the closest living creature to latch onto. upon contact, they grow instantly. A flower forms where they landed, and its roots grow underneath the skin. more flowers will begin to bud as the roots slowly drain the victims of fluids, causing a painfully slow death. If the flowers are not killed within a few hours, victim will become forever enslaved to Venuzsa, even after death takes them. Venuzsa can only enslave Fairrels and humans, but everything takes twice as long for Fairrels, than it does for humans.
    Venuzsa hates the cold and fire. she cannot move positions while in her true form. She is still locked away in the Demonic Realm.
  6. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : I noticed my character apparently never knwos what he's doing. For some odd reason, in nearly all my posts, I changed my plans, so I'll be more coordinated now.
    Btw, nice Demon, Pezz. Although she does seem too overpowered.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: That's why we have Angelens and Summons. To counter the Demons, especially Class Devil. But your right. I'll scrap the pollen.

    BIC: Tristan frowned. "What sort of questions?"
  8. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC :
    Now I feel bad, cuz twice had I forced someone to make their character less powerful...
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: well the pollen was an over kill, besides she will have the enslaved ones to defend her true form.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Damn, I have plans for a Demon and Pezz made him look like an angry cat, I'll need to spike him up a little bit now that I see how strong Devils are. lol
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: I should have done this in the beginning. I want demon battles to play out in an interesting manner.
  12. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : About that. HOW do we battle?

    Suppose my character gets angry at another character. Sure, if it's a minor NPC (lol at using this term here), we can just do whatever we want, like we did with the Lizards.

    A major NPC would require more thinking, but overall not too complicated.

    But what about Player vs Player? I've never been part of an RP before, so I don't know anything here. Do we like, spam Visitor Messages and PMs until we've decided how the battle will go? Or do we go on MSN and discuss real-time? Or simply Post our attack and hope the other dude/dudette allows him/herself to be hit by it?
  13. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Okay, this is the updated version of my Character, thanks for the tips Pezz, StarSeeker99, and MB......:)
    Username- SXR13_92
    Name (full)- Charles the XIII
    Race- Angelen
    Powers (if any)- Can Control all six of the elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Metal, and lightning....but he only knows that he can control Water, for now but his mastery and knowledge will grow in time)
    Gender- Male
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)- Good
    Weapon (if any)-The Element of Water (For now...)
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Charles is a descendent of the Angels that gave their lives to make the seal, he has been alone all of his life but when he found out that the first crystal cracked, he set out to destroy any demon that he could find and make sure that Laifel doesn't end up in the control of the demons. He is a master of the element Water, but has the potential to master all six of the elements. He has a lot of potential but it is yet to be discovered.
    Appearance- HUMAN FORM- [​IMG] ( like this, but with white wings and no sword....and he doesn't look so evil...... )

    True Form/s- He becomes the element that he is using, the only one that he can control at the moment is Water, but he will learn to master his power of the elements in time...(ex: When he is using water, he takes on the appearence of a Crystal that is being held up to the sun,he becomes a transparent blue, his eyes turn white and start to glow, but he hasn't mastered the power of water time he will...

    it only took forever but i finished fixing him up......
  14. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: You do something clever and see how the opponent responds. It can be quite interesting.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    My own Devil:
    Username- LilBueno
    Name- Azazel
    Race- Devil-Class Demon
    Powers- He has the unique Demonic ability to sap the life out of any being by placing his palm on their head. His victim will then shrivel up and die promptly after. His prefered battle ability is his dark-red aura that surrounds him: he can lash out the Aura like a whip, cover himself for defense, or shoot it like a blast. (best way to describe it would be Naruto's fox cloak for you anime/fox fans). Flight
    Age- ???
    Gender- Male
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- A giant sword which he calls End Game. He likes to use his Aura to make the blade bigger/sharper and more dangerous.
    Background- Azazel fought during The War of Angelens and Demons. He killed many Angelens, but was overpowered during by the group of Angels who sealed the Demons. In the Demonic Realm, Azazel took out his rage on many Demons, destroying them without a second thought. Soon after, Ras'tepa took control of him. Ras'tepa had control over him for so long, that Azazel's OWN power shrunk and he was barely stronger than a regular Demon. Before Ras'tepa's influence killed him, they stumbled onto the portal that led to Demoir. The moment Ras'tepa let him loose, Azazel fled. He stumbled deep into a cave before he passed out of exhaustion due to his life force being so low because of Ras'tepa's parasitic influence. He stayed asleep for weeks, waking up recently around the time Tristan, Trenyan, and Lanan first came to Triwn.
    Appearance- Human= [​IMG]
    In both forms, his eyes glow yellow.

    BIC: Azazel kept running through the mountains, looking for his cherished blade, End Game. Damn that slug! I'm going to cook him over a fire until he's burnt within an inch of death and eat him alive! Azazel was thinking about Ras'tepa, the parasite Demon who brought him here. After landing here and fleeing from the Parasite's control, Azazel had somehow dropped his sword.
    I don't even know where I am, although...I have this strange feeling that I've been here before...
  16. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "That sounds good to me." Becka said
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Good...", Lanan replied. After a few minutes of silence, he decided now would be the best time to ask
    "Hey, Becka, how good are you in combat?"
  18. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka thought for a second. "I don't really know." she replied "I've never really fought before."
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan frowned while thinking,Great...I guess I'll have to protect her if we're attacked. I hope she has experience Molding water..., but he didn't ask. Instead, he put on a fake smile and said,
    "Alright, well, off we go then!"
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor stopped her walk when she saw a man sitting by a tree as if he were asleep. He fit the description that Nancy had given her, and figured that he must be the leader that had ordered everyone to evacuate the towns.

    Hmm, Eleanor thought, surveying the man as she cautiously approached him. He is very handsome, though he doesn't look like much... it's worth a shot!

    "Excuse me, sir?" she asked politely when she reached the tree he was sitting by. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"
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