The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aduial caught up to Aidou. "Weren't you the one that wanted to talk to them?"

    "I changed my mind," Aidou replied dully with a shrug.
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan walked away from the scene and glanced behind him. nobody was following him. Who were the ones that were listening to me? Tristan wondered as he glanced through the crowd. Has my father found me?
  3. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : Soon moving my character out of Triwn, because all the main characters seem to converge in that random spot :D

    BIC :
    Trenyan had been supervising the evacuation of the town. A lot of people were already on their way. The only reason Trenyan lingered to help them was because he had nothing to do, but keep searching for Cylians, or people that knew something.

    "I might never find any Cylian who knows about the past crimes commited against my people... but I'll never forgive myself if I never tried to find anyone.

    He did meet a few Cylians while supervising the evacuation, but had no time to talk with them.
    What was difficult was to enter the subject. Evne after years of practice, Trenyan had no efficient strategy of going into details. He could not just say "Excuse me, but I'm wondering if you or your ancestors tried to exterminate my people. Wanna talk about it?" More subtle methods were needed, and many smart and alert Cylians notice Trenyan's acting strange. And few Cylians aren't smart.

    "I'm done here. If the Lizards attack again, so be it, I've helped out enough already. I'm not here to be a hero.
    Now, why would he call me to Ilianam... this will take entire days of walking...
    But Trenyan soon discovered he won't need to walk. He heard rapid, light footsteps...
    "No way", he muttered to himself. "Hm. Always the same, unannounced and when I least expect it..."

    He turned around, but his pet was faster, and he was soon on the ground, his wolf on him, overjoyed to see him again.
    "Flame Burst! Hey boy! You run even faster than before!"

    Flame Burst was the son of Trenyan's first wolf. Whatever kind of wolf is, it proved very strong, and Trenyan sometimes uses him for transportation. The animal is smaller than a horse, and not as well-suited for carrying people on its back ; this meant that whatever the reasons Trenyan needed to leave, it was important. Otherwise, his friend wouldn't have sent Flame Burst.

    "Ok, Flame, I leave soon. I just have one little matter to take care of, once and for all."
    Trenyan, with his pet wolf walking beside him, finally went to speak with the Shaper, this time more seriously. After a few minutes of searching, he found him, alone, and approached him.

    OOC : I should get to sleep now... gotta leave early tomorrow.
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Aidou...?" Aduial began, but then decided not to ask her question.

    "What is it?" Aidou sighed, knowing the tone Aduial had used. She was about to ask something he'd disagree with.

    "I think we should go with these people," Aduial suggested. "Think about it. We really helped last night. They obviously can't do a good job of protecting themselves. We can help." Quickly, she added, "You're going to walk into a wall."

    Aidou stopped and turned to face Aduial. He'd made it to some shade next to a building, so he could see some shapes. "Fine. But the minute they do anything I find suspicious, we leave. Or take them down. Oh, and I'll probably eat a few of them. Okay?"

    Aduial cringed. She didn't like it when Aidou spoke of humans as fast-food. "Okay." She agreed.
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan sat down on a nearby rock. His wounds from that night were still hurting. He thought about how he could help these people survive the trip. there was only one way he could think on. Tristan began to, once again, rip Lineve from its flows.
  6. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou grumbled about the sunlight, but let Aduial lead him back towards the evacuating people.

    Aduial kept her eyes out for the two that they'd watched earlier. She wasn't sure what kind of excuse she'd have to come up with if she was brought into conversation with one of them. She watched the path carefully, leading Aidou around some holes in the ground.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Just to let you guys know, I may not be here till late Sunday.

    BIC: Tristan was all worn out. He had just Shaped Several dozen balls of Lineve by ripping out their flows. Now those who could not fight had something to protect themselves with.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    As Becka and Lanon walked down the street, Lanon was stuck in his thoughts...
    Where to go now?
    What am I going to do with this girl?
    How long is she going to follow me around for?
    Who were those people that were watching me and Tristan?
    And this scent...a wolf..a regular wolf! Here in town!

    Lanon also recognized the scent close to the wolf.
    And the wolf is with the Crossbreed I saw last night...
    Oh well, I've met all the unusual people I need to for today, I don't need to meet another.

    Lanon continued to walk down the street with Becka, smelling all the different scents and listening to all the sounds in the air.

    OOC: I'm out for tonight, good night to all
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Let's hang behind the crowd a bit," Aidou instructed.

    "What for?" Aduial asked.

    "I'm getting hungry," Aidou answered simply. "I don't think you'd like it if I made a scene now in broad daylight."

    "You're right; I wouldn't," Aduial kept her hand on Aidou's arm and slowed her pace so that they fell about 10 paces behind the rest of the people. "Is that any better?"

    "Better would be to just eat one of them," Aidou muttered.
  10. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Hello?" Eleanor asked as she entered the main room of the inn. "Anyone here?"

    The girl Nancy came out of the back room, her arms full of belongings she seemed to be packing. "What do you want? Can't you see everyone's leaving?"

    "I was looking for some food," Eleanor replied smoothly, though the girl's temper made her want to be rude in return. "I have good money."

    "Then take it somewhere where the people aren't told to leave their homes. I've no use for money right now," Nancy snapped back.

    Eleanor sighed. Her fingers itched to touch one of her blades, and she had to stop herself from stripping the objects out of the girl's hands with her mind and stream them across the room and into the fireplace-- but she stopped herself and smiled instead.

    "I was wondering if you could help me find someone," she started. "A man that stayed here last night, human, taller... I heard he's quite popular and might need some protection. I'm for hire and I need to speak with him."

    "Oh," Nancy began with a smirk. "For hire, huh? Is that what they call it nowadays?"

    "That's not what I meant!" Eleanor snarled, her frustration showing slightly now. "Just... tell me where he might be so you can get back to running away from your problems."

    Nancy smiled, apparently impressed with Eleanor's retort. "He's outside somewhere. Not a very good man from what I know, if you know what I mean, but... just look around. He seemed the sneaky type, he's bound to be there somewhere."

    "Thanks," Eleanor said ruffly, and reached into her new sac of coins to throw a peice of gold at the girl, landing it neatly on top of her pile of objects in her arms. She left the inn, looking around the edges of the town where the forest began, the day's light now well over the treetops.
  11. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka looked up at Lanan. "Are you going to make me go away now?" she asked
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Yes, you can leave now, Lanan thought, but before saying it to the girl, he decided to give her a chance.
    "I'll tell you what," he told her after he stopped walking, "If you can think of something to do or somewhere for us to go, then you can stay with me a little while longer. It seems this town has nothing left for me, and I don't know where I should go next."
  13. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "Well maybe we should go to the next town to rest then figure something else out" Becka said trying to be helpful.
  14. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : Since Pezz says he'll be absent, and my character was just about to engage in a long conversation with him, I'll change my plans a little.

    Trenyan, with his wolf next to him, could see the Shaper. He seemed to have been using his Shaper skills, because he was creating... cannonballs? Or were they shields? Or maybe he wanted to construct a machine of some sorts?
    Whatever he was doing, he took a few minutes to observe, barely hidden by the crowd. The Shaper seemed busy enough not to notice him, or at least that's what Trenyan thought. He could just as well pretend not to notice the crossbreed and his unusual pet.

    However, what Trenyan didn't know, was that anyone looking for the Shaper could also see him, and wonder why he was just standing there...
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Hm, not a good idea," Lanan promptly told her. Although he would like to go to another town and rest, maybe get some treatment for his shoulder, what he had overheard from the Townspeople discouraged that idea.
    "From what I've gathered, the Lizards are planning an unofficial war. The next town's could just as easily be their target. I don't feel like helping any more strangers for now."
  16. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "Well if you say so." Becka said "Maybe we should just get some rest then."
  17. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Hey Pezz man...mind if i join....?
    Username- SXR13_92
    Name (full)- Charles the XIII
    Race- Angelen
    Powers (if any)- Can Control all six of the elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Metal, and lightning....but his only knows that he can control Wind and Water, for now)
    Gender- Male
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)- Good
    Weapon (if any)-the elements, all six of them...
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Charles is a descendent of the Angels that gave their lives to make the seal, he has been alone all of his life but when he found out that the first crystal cracked, he set out to destroy any demon that he could find and make sure that Laifel doesn't end up in the control of the demons. He is a master of every one of the six elements. He has a lot of potential but it is yet to be discovered.
    Appearance- [​IMG] ( like this, but with white wings and no sword....and he doesn't look so evil...... )
  18. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OCC : Your character basically has the power to control the universe itself. It's just my opinion, but I think you're too strong :blink:
  19. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Oh wow, i need to be more observant.....:sweatdrop:...thanks for telling me with out the harassment...i'll change it...
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: starseeker99 is probably right... maybe you could pick just an element or two and stick with it. :D
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